Chapter 3~The Monster Inside

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Note from Author: I couldn't find a good picture for the character Louise so I'm putting in this one. 

Zoe sat in her seat then put her fisted hands on either side of her head. She couldn't stop thinking about the current events leading up to this very moment. They're guardians of Exworld? What the heck is Exworld and why am I quallified to protect it? Why do they need me if they've been doing this for years? How can I help when I don't even know how to transform? Can I even transform? Even after Zoe had answered all her own questions she still couldn't bring  herself to talk to the girls she could really relate too. For the rest of the day she kept her gaze on the floor and didn't speak to any of the strang magical girls that needed her help the most.

The teacher walked into the classroom the next day and wore a grim expression on her face.  She sat down at her office desk and went on her computer without doing roll call. She kept staring at the screen and avoided eye contact with any of the other students. Just then Louise walked in. She was wearing a grey hooded jacket that almost completely covered her blue skirt. She sat at her desk and started reading a letter that was written on a crumpled up folder paper that looked like it was stuffed in pocket for a while. Zoe noticed the other students were acting weird too. Some looked stressed and confused and others looked sad and angry. That's when Zoe noticed the empty desk in the corner of the room. The classroom was always full of students but today somebody was missing... And from the looks of it-someone loved by many. The bell for the end of Homeroom rang and all the students gloomily walked toward the doors. Near recess nobody had changed their grim expressions. Even Zoe was started to feel sad after a while. Finally at Lunch the girls say at their regular table and Zoe chose to join them. 

"Hey guys..." All The girls looked up and frowned- except for Louise who had her head in her hands. "I just wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. Whatever your deal is with this Exworld thing, just know that I want to help. I'll be more than willing to assist any of you when it comes to battling monsters or anything really-"

"Don't you know when someone's having a bad day? Today is not the time to try to make amends or that junk. We just need you to chill and shut up!" Emma replied.

"It's not my fault everyone's in a mood. Did I not get the memo or what? I don't understand why everybody's acting so weird-creepy-depressed?  Great now I'm sad."

"You really have no dang clue do you, new girl?"

"My name is Zoe, and in this case no..."

"Well, ZOE, I think it's about time you leave. We don't need your pity and neither does anyone else. BTW  We aren't depressed- just empathetic."

"You're lucky I'm forgiving!"

"You don't even have a heart-"

"I'm running out of responses so I'm going to go!"

Zoe walked off to her table not realizing that in a few hours she would be fighting along side 5 of those same girls she had just ditched during lunch. 

It was 3:45 after school. Marika walked with  Louise to the next class. While Marika was worried  and concerned Louise had no expression showing on her usually gleeful  face. Her brown eyes were blank and her super cute  bunny locket was covered by the grey hooded jacket. Marika had always been there when Louise needed it but today it seemed there was nothing she could do to help. Marika thought back to that night... When she saw the news... And she got a call from her best friend... And the tears kept flowing... And the call seemed to never end... And then the scream. Louise turned to cross the pathway into the classroom when Marika decided to speak up.

"I know you feel sad, and alone... But I'm here. If you need anything just call me." 


"Wait! Please-I know you're sad but, please don't give up your role as a ring wielder because of this mess... 

The monster was gaining strength. It's pink slimy surface glided across the pavement of the abandoned parking lot. It left a transparent pink trail behind it that shined in the beating sun. Zoe slammed her palms together ignoring the irrelevance of her own fear. She made a fist and imagined a shimmering bow. The bow appeared in her right hand along with a single arrow in her left. She clutched the arrow and drew it nearer to her bow. Serra's sweaty face seemed eager with anticipation. Her pale hands (still holding the bamboo staff) were shaking and trembling uncontrollably. Erika, still recovering from her injury, sat up and growled at the foe that stood before her. She felt a great aching in her side and new she couldn't do anything about it. She was just about to give up when she saw the pink glow of a ring close by. That's when she did it. Erika attacked.

Louise's ring was glowing brighter than she could bare. The rings of the guardians of Exworld only glowed when the existence of Exworld was in danger. Louise new what she had to do but she chose to stay seated in the dim classroom that once shielded the soul of a boy that was now lost. The brilliant pink light almost blinded her. She attempted to cover it with her hand and when that failed she tried to take it off. The ring was on tight and there was nothing she could do about it. She didn't have the strength or the will to force it off and what would be the point. Disappointing the friends that have backed you up for years is about as bad as losing them in fact- she wouldn't be surprised if they never spoke again. "Why am I so... Useless?" She asked herself in utter disappointment. She was still in the classroom that now had no teacher to accommodate it. Louise's head was buzzing with doubts and regrets she couldn't put into words. What do I do if I do something wrong? Louise thought as she leaned over to the window. How do I fix this?! They're struggling because of me... Why am I always the one that holds the team back? Is it even possible to save them anymore? I have to do something... Yet the only thing she could bring herself to do was fall back into her seat and cry.

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