Chapter 8~The Truth Behind Exworld

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Note from the Author: The picture above is the picture of Marika when she's not in her cat form. I was lucky I found this picture because it fits her description sooooo flipping well.

~Zoe's POV~

Everything was gone. The demon dragon destroyed nearly half the battle field in an attempt to stamp out the flame of Exworld but I made a vow I would protect that universe for the sake of my new friends and comrades. That day seemed so long ago... But it was only a week ago. Emma, Marika, Louise, and Serra told me about the tales of long lost Exwolrd. It started a long time ago- or something like that. Exworld was the first prototype of inaccurate universal (as in the UNIVERSE) life. The people of another planet made this separate universe to act as refuge for they were in the Deoxyribonucleic acid- sorry that's not right. That's for science (I'm super stressed over this science test coming up). Anyway- they were in the Exiverse wars. The people of Jequeice were fighting the creators of this artificial universe who later became known as the Exiverse inhabitants. In an effort to retreat from the war, the EI fled into the artificial universe and closed the portal behind them. Unfortunately the ship crashed and due to shortage of supplies nearly 7/10 of the crew died. With nowhere else to go the EI decided to make a life on the artificial planet. Many years later the EI were able to find a way to open the portal that brought them to the planet and hopefully return to their own Galaxy.  Only 7 EI were Alowed to board the ship. The ship successfully landed in their origionally Galaxy but almost broke down after an attack from their old enemies the Jequeice. Even after all those years the Jequeice still thought they had to kill off many of the EI. But they failed, and the 7 EI forged rings from the rest of the ship to give them super natural power to save them from the wrath of their enemy, but 2 Jequeice found a way to mimic the rings and create more powerful copies. The EI fled to a planet called earth where they hid from their enemies.  Over many years the 7 rings of ten EI were past on for generations. The 2  Jequeice that made the copies of rings also past there rings on for generations. During that time the Jequeice were able to create and send monsters meant to destroy the ring Wielders but they always failed in their pathetic attempt to kill of the EI. The ones who were given the 7 EI rings are called ring wielders and the 2 Jequeice that have the power to use the rings are called the ring users. The fact that the Jequeice and the EI are still enemies is unbelievable. Yet this sad history of Exwolrd is still unfinished. 

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