Chapter 20~Amulets

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Zoe's POV

We walked up to a strange alley way bordering the outskirts of town. Everything near that part of the city looks creepy, and secretive. One could only hope that doesn't apply to the people around here. There's not much that can be helped.

"Gni!" Emma yelled to a stone in the wall.

"What?!?!" A raspy voice replied from the over side of the bricks.

"The ring Wielders. I fear the time has come."

"Oh. You guys suck at your job that bad?"

"Shut up and give me the amulets!" Emma punched one of the bricks in the wall, opening a small gap that was large enough to show the wrinkly details of the old man's face.

"Sheesh!" He yelled. "You would think your own granddaughter would cut you some slack once in a while." I turned to Emma as well as all the other girls on the team.

"We may not seem very experienced when it comes to ring wielding but we are still the next generation of Ring Wielders." Emma replied spitefully. She's always been big on the 'next generation junk'.

"Ring wielders?!" He scoffed. "Stupidity Squad, more like it!" Emma clutched an amulet hiding under the man's vest and yanked it off his neck. Then she opened the case and placed her ring inside it. "Did your mom ever tell you you've got some really bad anger issues?" He said rubbing his neck where the amulet had once rested.

"She's been dead for two years" With this said, Emma opened her hand to the man and he quickly piled six other amulets into her palmed. "That's more like it!" She said, smiling widely.

"Now the Jequiece have been looking for a power source strong enough to duplicate these amulets for many, many years. If you screw this up the world will be done for. Now, I don't trust you dweebs with such authority and responsibility but I'm going to have to. It seems that we don't yet have any Watch Wielders. They have more power than The original EI. They have been hidden from the Jequiece for special reasons and when they are finally revealed, the world will be in much safer hands."

"Watch Wielders?!" I yelled. "You mean like Ben flipping ten?! That made me crack up but nobody else seemed to find it at all funny.

"With these amulets you can travel from galaxies that were once ruled by the EI. Jequiece territory is far out of reach. If you wish to claim an area you must successfully place a barrier around it protecting and shielding your territory from any other galactic clans. Once that is done, it will appear on your amulet scroll as accessible." He touched the rim of Emma's amulet and showed it to us, revealing many tiny symbols, some glowing, and some inactive. "Got that so far?"

"Not even close!" I replied still playing with my amulet's neck chain.

"Then we have time travel. This is actually quite tricky. You are only able to go in periods of time that didn't yet have RW in your location. For example, you could be on earth and time travel at the Triassic period but not the twenty-first century, because the EI had already established the RW by then."

"This logic is hurting my brain!" Laura complained clutching her head tightly with her hands. While the minutes ticked away so did our time for the surrender. By the time we were prepared with our amulets there were only twenty minutes left before the clock stopped ticking forever.

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