A Hero's Secrets~Part 2

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"Emma!" Owen yelled from across the boardwalk, "wait up, I'm a slow runner!" Emma turned to him with a jubilant expression showing brightly on her face.

"Are you kidding? There's suppose to be a storm coming and I don't want to get soaked! Besides, You're super fast," Emma teased, "you just don't want to run." Owen began to laugh.

"You caught me!" He said with a happy closed eyes expression. "What can I say? You are pretty fantastic!" Her eyes narrowed and she kicked Owen in the shin. "What the heck was that for?!"

She turned around pouting. "You were being annoying." She continued walking and Owen ran beside her.

"You don't have to act so aggressive, you know." Emma stopped walking and was about to punch him in the shoulder when he looked at her with his big brown eyes. "I've seen the real you!" He said grinning at her. "Not the mean and salty girl you pretend to be...I mean the kind you. The one in the blue narwhal jacket that always tries to help people. The hero that's saved the city countless times fighting off monsters..."

"How did you-"

"Emma," he said holding her hand in his, "you didn't think you could keep that secret from me forever, did you?" Emma looked down at his hands, terrified and confused.

"Owen...I-" Just then, a giant monster, the size of a boat, came out from the water. Emma let go of Owen's hand and ran across the board walk, still dialing Serra's number. Owen was running with her, still at her side.

"What's going on?!" He yelled through the loud crashing of water behind them.

"Why don't you figure it out, you idiot!" She looked at him with her phone at her ear, "Run ahead of me, Owen!"

"I can't leave you!" He said through gasps. She put her hand on his back and pushed him in front of her.

"You're going to have to if you wanna live!" She replied angrily. Then, in a brilliant blue light, Emma transformed.

"I don't want to live if it means having to do it without you." He said quietly, still running. Emma turned to face her foe. With help on the way, all she had to do was hold the monster off. Serra was the only Ring Wielder that possessed the plant element, and she was the only one who could defeat and capture the Water monster's power. Serra was obviously the better warrior, with more strength, social influence, and fighting skills. Not to mention her IQ was is high. A few minutes of stalling and Emma got a message Serra had arrived. The narwhal jumped backwards and headed to safety as Serra appeared from the roadways and gave the monster a good whack with her staff. Serra clenched her fist and pointed her ring directly at the monster, as if she was displaying it, and activated a beam of light that made the monster shrink in size.

"What the heck?!" Emma screamed from behind the tree.

"It's too big to absorb all its magical energy at once! I don't even know if my ring can hold that much power!" She said still fighting the monster. "We have to find a way to get rid of the excess water in order to capture this thi-waaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh!" Serra fell backwards onto the boardwalk.

"Oh no you don't!" Emma yelled bringing out her drill. "Take this!" She said stabbing the drill into the watery sides of the creature. Unfortunately, Emma began sinking into the mass of liquid, and with no way of escape...she was doomed...that is if Owen hadn't had come. He wrapped his hands around her and pulled her out of the water body.

"You're knight in shining armor's here!" He said to her playful. She elbowed him in the chest and got up.

"You don't know what you're getting into!" Emma screamed respawning her drill. "It's dangerous, and you shouldn't be here!" He stood up with a serious look on his face. He pulled down his long sleeve, revealing a blue watch with a picture of Polar Bear instead of a clock.

"I know very well what I'm about to do," He held up his hand and water rose around Emma and froze into a cage. He also froze the monster but this was only temporary.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She screamed punching the ice.

"Emma," he said with a smile on his face, "I need you to take good care of this watch when I'm gone. I have a feeling you're going to need it in the future." She glanced at him with anger glistening in her eyes.

"Owen!" She screamed again. He didn't listen to her though. He walked over to Serra and helped her get up, and then whispered something in her ear. Then together, they used their power to get rid of the monster. Even through the brilliant blue and green light you could see Owen's silhouette slowly fading. "Owen! Stop it! What are you doing?!" She was now crying, and for the first time in her life, Emma could swear she saw Owen crying with her. In a few seconds...the fight was over, and Owen was gone.

In reality, Owen was a watch user. His element was water, just like Emma's. Serra's watch wasn't powerful enough to store that much water magic, so the only way to defeat the monster was for some other plant element to absorb the extra water. How ever, there was nobody else who had the plant element, and this is where Owen steps in. When he tried to absorb mass amounts of water magic in his watch, it overloaded, killing Owen, and leaving Owen's watch with unspeakable power. When Owen died, the ice cage melted and left poor Emma soaking wet, and mortified that she had just seen her crush, one of the only boys in school that understood her for who she was, disappear into thin air.

"Owen?" Emma said still kneeling on the ground. She got up and walked over to all that was left of Owen...his watch. She knelt down in front of it and felt the watch. Memories came flooding back. "NO" she said to herself. "No, no, no, no, no!" Emma pounded her fists on the wooden boardwalk with great force. Then she screamed. Serra had never seen Emma cry before that day. She wanted to tell her, "Emma...It's okay to feel sad. You don't have to hide it." Finally opening her eyes to her harsh reality she cried. "Owen..." Emma said as the sky turned grey and began to weep with her, "you idiot..."

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