O N E - But Sir!

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Chapter One - But Sir!

(Picture of Ruby, Nicole and Bethany)

"A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world."

-Leo Buscaglia


There I was, tapping my pen against the desk. Five more dreadful minutes before the bell rings for lunch. The English teacher is currently on snooze mode while everyone is chatting among themselves. Unfortunately none of my friends are in this class. When I mean friends I mean my real friends. The rest of the girls on the cheerleading team are the meanest bitches on earth. Dumb, rude and only care about the next new trend to come out. You should have seen the time when the iPhone 6 came out then the iPhone 6S, just like throwing away a dirty tissue.

The clock ticks away. Forty five, forty six, forty seven...

I rest my head on the table still tapping my pen against the table. When will this stupid bell ring?


"Class dismissed," Mrs Frank mutters.

Well finally. I grab my leopard print bag, stuffing my books in. I hang it over my shoulder and proceed to walk to the cafeteria. Entering the cafeteria I sit at the table I always sit at. Bethany is already sitting there either texting or playing Color Switch. That game is so annoying.

Bethany is one of my best friends. Like me she is a cheerleader and one of the top five smartest people in the school, to be exact she's third. Emerald eyes, brown hair and tan skin. She always has her hair in a high ponytail with a bow.

"Hey! Where's Nicole?"

Nicole is my other best friend. She is also a cheerleader, in fact she's head cheerleader. She's not one of those mean ass bitches that go around school hooking up with every guy. She's actually extremely friendly unless some decides to piss her off. Every guy wants her, too bad she's got Camden Martinez the Quaterback.

"Oh funny story, she and Camden got caught making out in Chemistry," she says laughing.


"And Mrs A was so pissed," she adds.

"It's been six months since Ricky's been gone, how yah holding up?" I ask. Her face darkens as I spoke those words. Shouldn't have brought that up. Ricky was Bethany's crush. Six months ago he went missing. Poor thing she could stop crying for a week. All the ice cream tubs she ate that week could of lasted a year if it was eaten moderately. She got over it pretty quickly since she started dating Chris Rodriguez, another jock. You should have seen me when I found out he was missing. My best friends found someone that aren't players and I'm here with my pizza. Sad life.

"Eh he's a jerk for going missing. If he does come back I'd slap him," she says proudly. Chris comes over to our table with his spaghetti and kisses Bethany on the cheek before sitting down. I make puking sounds receiving two glares as I hysterically laugh my ass off. Soon after Nicole and Camden arrive, hand in hand. They sit down and start chatting away.

I miss him.

By him I mean Ricky. He was part of our group of friends and also my best friend. We made each other friendship bracelets when we were twelve. I made him a pink one that said 'RICKY LIKES THE DICKIES'. It's an inside joke when we went through he dad's clothes. Even though he hated it he wore it everyday. I still wear the one he made me which is red that said 'RUBY RED'. If I lost it I would feel like a part of my childhood died.

The bell rings dismissing lunch. I walk to my locker and grab my Chemistry book and my AP Calculus book. I take my Chemistry class until it was over.

I hate the class I have now AP Calculus aka the death of me. I'm forced to do this subject if I want to get into my dream university. I'm doing great in all my subjects, in fact I'm the second top student in the school. I was first before a kid called Lucas transferred. This damn subject will drive me straight to my grave.

I walk into the classroom with my books in hand. I sit at the back in my little corner. I put one of my ear buds in and press play on my phone. 'Wannabe' plays and I instantly skip it to the next song. It was Ricky and I's guilty pleasure song. Don't ask, it's a long story.

Mr Clarence walks in with papers in his hand. Every stops what they're doing and listens to whatever he has to say. You don't want to be one of his victims to his consequences. He made a student pick all the gum under the table. I would rather not. He sits down placing the papers on the desk. I know exactly what those papers are. The test papers he gave on the first day of school. I mean who does that? Apparently he said it told him where we were at with our work. Now we get them back a month later.

For the rest of the lesson he makes all of us work on page 46-52. When it was about ten minutes before the bell rang he calls me up. Oh boy lets see what he wants to kill me with. I walk slowly up to his desk. He hands me my test back. 23 out of 75. What. The. Fuck. I knew I would do bad, but this bad?

"Shocking results Miss Fletcher,"

"No kidding," I reply.

"I took a look at the rest of your grades from your other classes, too bad they aren't the same for this class," he says emphasising the 'this', "So I'm having Lucas Parker tutor you. I suspect some improvement Miss Fletcher,"

"But Sir!" He then tell me to go back to my seat and continue on working. I sit back in my seat and stare at the paper. Great! Just great. Spending time with Lucas will be fun! Not. If I could describe him he would be the devil in glasses with dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes. Not only is he the smartest person in our school, he's a complete asshole that's picks up girls with cheesy pick up lines and they actually work.

The bell rings dismissing fifth period. I'm glad my last period is a spare. But guess who also has a spare. Lucas fucking Parker.

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