T W O - Barbie Band Aid to the Rescue

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Chapter Two - Barbie Band Aid to the Rescue

(Picture of what Ruby thinks of AP Calculus)

"I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."

-Winston Churchill


I feel a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off and turn around and whoop whoever's ass touched me. My ginger hair whips back so fast it went straight into my face. Well that hurt. Open my eyes and see who it is. My arch nemesis, Lucas. He burst out laughing. Made a fool out of myself while trying to whoop someone's ass. Great. He manages to stop laughing then smirks.

"Polar bear," he says smirking.


"Just wanted to break the ice,"

That was so bad. I walk away and go into the library. I sit down at a table placing my books on the table and place my ear buds in my ears. 'Bitch' by Meredith Brooks plays and I start humming to it. When it got to the chorus I hear someone giggling. I look up and I see a giggling Lucas across from me reading a book.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper harshly to him.

"Oh I can't sit here?" he whispers back.

"There are other seats,"

"Oh but guess who's supposed to be tutoring you,"

I stay quiet. God damn it. He moves so he's sitting next to me. He takes out his notes and we start studying.


"I don't get this!" I exclaim while putting my head on the table and groan. "We've been at this for 45 minutes!"

"This is easy, just look again," he replies calmly. How is this easy? It looks like random numbers and signs fucked like bunnies.

"I give up," I say putting my hands up.

"Don't give up B,"

"Don't call me that," Only Ricky called me B.

"Okay then, how about we leave it for today?"

"Finally! How about we study at your house tomorrow?" What did I just say?

"Uhh... How about your house instead?" Okay that's weird. Any guy would die to have a girl at their house.

"Yeah sure,"

I take my books and put them into my bag. I exit the library and as if on cue the bell rings. I walk out to my car and see Bethany and Nicole there. They wave at me while I'm walking towards them. I see them holding their green and white pompoms in one hand. Cheer practice, my favourite part of my day.

"Hey Ruby! Ready for cheer?" Nicole says while giving me a hug. I receive another hug from Bethany before I unlock my car, chucking my bag in then grabbing my pompoms. I bring my phone, keys and water bottle in my other bag I use for cheer then lock my car. We walk off to the field together as we talk about our day.

"Can't believe you got caught again Nicole," I say laughing.

"Hey Camden insisted,"

"So like the bitch you are, you listen to his every command," Bethany says as she playfully punches Nicole in the arm.

"So what! Any ways what did you do in your spare Ruby?"

"I had to be tutor by the one and only Lucas," I say as I feel disgusted saying his name.

"I ship," Nicole says then winks.

"Team Luby!" Bethany shouts.

"Gross! It sounds too much like lube. Plus me and Lucas are just friends, like oil and water,"

"Sure, sure," Bethany and Nicole say at the same time.

"Oh shut up," I say laughing. I don't like Lucas at all. He's just an annoying asshole that has lame puns and pick up lines.


"That's was a great practice everyone!" Nicole shouts while jumping up and down, "Now get changed, y'all stank!"

I finish up practice then head to the showers and get changed. I change into a plain blue shirt and white shorts, throwing on a jacket that used to be Ricky's. My favorite jacket. So soft and warms me up on the coldest days. He gave it to me when we were having a water fight at his house and i had nothing to change into.

I get into my car and drive home.


"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I shout so my voice reaches everywhere in my house. I walk into the kitchen where my parents are making dinner. I love them so much. They are like the best parents in the world. Nothing could ever drive them apart from each other.

"I heard," My dad says while messing my ginger hair up. I got my cursed hair from my mom. It looks great on her but not so much on me. I've learnt to accept my hair since it will always be a part of me. I would never dye it or put a wig over it to hide it. It would feel too weird. My mom finishes dinner and has us all sit at the table to eat.

"How was your day princess?" my dad asks.

"Oh nothing much, just the fact I'm failing my AP Calculus class and have to have a tutor. Oh and he's coming over tomorrow,"

"Ooo you said he! Oh tell me more," My dad says while resting his head on his hands, giving me the biggest smirk.

"You focus on that dad?" I question. I finish my dinner then wash the dishes. Some how I mange to cut my thumb on a knife at the bottom of the sink. I examine the cut and realise it's bleeding a lot. I wash off the blood then get the first aid box from one of the cabinets. I sterilise the cut then try and find a band aid. Oh wow, no normal band aids are here and I'm stuck with a hot pink Barbie band-aid. I stare at it for a while, contemplating if I should find another one or use the Barbie band aid.

Fuck it.

I take off the plastic off the Barbie band aid then place it on my cut. I walk up stairs to my room then into the attached bathroom. I take out my contact lenses then proceed to take off my clothes, throwing them into the basket in the corner then step into my shower. The hot water splashes against my back soothing the pains I've had from doing too many pikes. Jeez. Nicole's been working us up harder than before because Nationals are around the corner. I turn off the tap then try my self with my red towel. I leave my hair out to air dry then change to my red pajama shorts and an oversized football jersey with my name on the back.

I literally do a round off into my bed then plug in my phone for the night.

Today's been a good one.

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