T H R E E - Damn Danny

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Chapter Three - Damn Danny

"Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you."

-Erich Fromm


I wake up feeling refreshed and ready for anything. I only feel like this when something important is happening. I unplug my phone from its charger. A reminder popped up on the screen


I jump out of my bed and squeal out of excitement. Homecoming is finally here! All weekend I went shopping with Bethany and Nicole to find dresses. Knowing that I still have no date I went along with them any ways. We only took an hour by apparently to Camden we were there for six. He kept telling us how hot his girlfriend looked in all the dresses Nicole tried on. Pretty sure he would have liked the dresses off Nicole better and in his bed.

I really wasn't one that wore dresses or cared about how I looked. So I did the most idiotic idea I would most likely regret in the near future, I let my best friends choose a dress for me. I haven't looked or touched the dress since they handed it to me. It's still in my wardrobe in the pile of clothes I never touch.

I walk over into my bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Today was day one of home coming week so we has to wear a superhero themed outfit. Like always the May and her posse take this opportunities to dress up as slutty versions of Superman or Batman. For the 'Nerds' this is just a normal day at school with everyone around them looking like them.

I change into an Iron Man T-shirt and denim skinny jeans then head downstairs. My mom and dad are already eating pancakes, discussing about something I couldn't make out. I steal a bite from my mom's plate then kiss her on the cheek. I mess up my dad's hair then head out to my car.

I drive to Bethany's where she's waiting on the verandah. She notices me and waves. She wears a Batman T-shirt paired with bright yellow shorts and a beanie. She takes shotgun and changes the radio.

We arrive at Nicole's house where she doesn't appear to be outside. I honk my horn three times before she appears at the door of my car. She wears an 'I <3 HULK' shirt with a black skater skirt. If I'm right 'Hulk' would be Camden, his muscles say it all.


The school hallways are decorated with homecoming week banners and streamers. We walk in and everyone's attention is on us. We definitely weren't the popular group or the mean group that tortures people for fun. We were very respected by almost everyone. When I mean almost, everyone except May and her posse. They hated us. They weren't getting all of the attention and fame they wanted. It's sad when you know how low they go just to be in the spotlight. May blackmailed a girl who was dating one of the guys on the football team just so she could hook up with him. That girl is Satan's child.

Speaking of her, here she comes strutting down the hall with her posse following. She stops when she's a foot in front of Nicole.

"Look who we have here," May smirks, "Man-whore, Third and Fatty Ginger,"

"Get over it May. Camden never liked you, he has told you countless times," You can see a vein popping on May's neck, "and don't talk about my best friends like that. I'm pretty sure the clothes you're wearing aren't even categorised as clothing." Everyone that heard laughs like hyenas. May turns her attention to me, glaring straight into my soul.

"Ha, Fatty Ginger. Even though you've lost a few tons, you still have no boyfriend and that red hair," Ouch that hurt like a bullet had gone through my heart.

When I heard about Ricky I decided I needed to change everything. I had to get rid of my past, only keeping important pictures and valuable items. Everyday during the summer I ran. I was running away from my past. I got thinner and started wearing contacts. I didn't dare touch my hair since it is like an important part of my life. If you saw the different between old me and present me, you'd doubt I was the same person. May still torments me to this day, never letting me forget who I used to be.

I felt like running away. This situation is getting out of plan but someone steps in.

"Go away May," His voice was deep and stern. I know exactly who it is.

"Danny?" I say surprisingly as I face him. His hair pitch black hair is slightly messed up. His emerald eyes staring right at May.

"Mhm," She turns on her heels then storms off, her little posse following behind. Phew! Thank god she's gone, now for the menace in front of me. His gaze turns to me. His face in amusement. Jackass.

"What are you doing? I can fight my own battles," I pat out. Usually you'd say 'Thanks' or some form of gratitude in this kind of situation, but you don't know Danny. We dated for a few months before I found out he was using me for his grades. He also cheated on me with the one and only May. Too bad she was cheating on him. Karma's a bitch. Now he wants me back for my looks.

"You should be thanking me," he says while smirking.

"Bye," I say while walking past him. He grabbed my wrist before I could take five steps. He pulled me close so he was inches away from my face.

"Now that Ricky's gone, I can have you now," he winks then leans in for a kiss.

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