S E V E N - They Threw Panties

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Chapter Seven - They Threw Panties

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower"

-Steve Jobs


Their performance was terrible. Like really terrible. They should probably change their band name to Danny's Castrated Cats because they really do sound like that. Unfortunately, we weren't supplied with complimentary earplugs beforehand. They 'saved' their performance by taking off their shirts revealing their abs, Thomas having a delayed reaction. A few people threw their bras and panties at them. They actually threw panties. Wow.

They walked off stage flexing their muscles and winking at the girls. Mrs Frank looked disgusted as she walked back on stage.

"Ah, very nice Danny's Daredevils. Our final act is the Mystery Act," she announces as the performer dressed like a clown carrying a guitar walks onto the stage. Everyone does the traditional 'Oooh' as they walk up stage

Let me explain this. The Mystery Act is a person performing in a costume to make them indistinguishable. They are chosen based on their unfounded talents to surprise the audience. Every year they haven't failed to disappoint me. This year appears to be no different.

Everyone laughs at the rainbow afro the performer decided to wear along with the ghostly white face paint, the giant red nose and the 'I <3 Danny's Daredevils' t-shirt that's crossed out with red Sharpie.

They sit in the chair with the microphone hanging exactly where their mouth is. They pluck a few strings then start strumming. I can already tell it's 'Wonderwall' by Oasis, it's in my guilty pleasure playlist.

They started singing. What shocked me the most is the voice. It sounded also most like Ricky's.

I'm the only one whose heard him sing, no surprise their. He hates his voice with a passion. I was waiting in his room while he was showering. And no, no nasty shit happened but I can say his voice is angelic. I could guess it right away if I heard it which is surprising since I have the memory of Dory when remembering little things.

But it can't be him, their voice is slightly deeper. He's been missing for six months. He wouldn't show up now. My ears are probably still adjusting from Danny's Castrated Cats. Hearing their voice I can tell it's a guy unless it's Melissa whose voice can go down to the bass notes if she tried. But I'm sure it isn't as I spot her a few seats away from me, nodding her head to the music.

He finishes and a few roses are thrown at him in appreciation. He walks off as Mrs Frank walks on dismissing everyone to lunch.


"Bro, how were we friends with those assholes that can't sing for shit," Camden says to Chris as they laugh hysterically.

"Bro, my dog could have sung better," Chris replies while still laughing.

"Broo," they both shout in sync. Ahh, the bromance. Nicole, Bethany and I giggle at them quietly. I take my first bite out of my Nutella, peanut butter, and banana sandwich. Don't judge, try it. Chris tries to grab my sandwich but I smack his hand in the process.

"Äta min smörgås, mig äter dig, [Eat my sandwich, I eat you]" I growl in Swedish.

"Eller vad? [Or what?]" Chris snickers back.

"Jag ska riva sönder av dina bollar, [I'll rip off your balls]"

"Great-grandmother wouldn't be happy would she?" he smirks.

Here's a little backstory. Our great-grandmother is Swedish making both Chris and I part Swedish. Yes, we are second cousins. No, we didn't know until last Summer. It's nice to have your second cousins as one of your best friends in your friends group.

"Pretty sure she would agree with me," I smirk back.

"Fuck," he curses. Everyone laughs while Chris' face reddens in embarrassment.

"Hey Ruby you still haven't told us what the May thing is, we could barely hear your mumbling last time," Bethany says. I look down at my half eaten sandwich. I suddenly lost my appetite. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about it.

"Berätta mig efter skola, [Tell me after school]" Chris addresses me. Bethany shoots him a confused glare.

"Well?" She continues. As if on cue the bell rings. The bell might be my new best friend.


I had already packed my AP Calculus books in my bag before class knowing I wouldn't be able to get them at lunch. Being late to Mr Clarence's class would be like being late to your appointment in hell.

I walk into class and slip into my usual seat. From here I can spectate the whole room. I can see Lucas being harassed by the Grace twins. Gabriella and Georgia. they are everything I'm not; jet black hair, spray-tanned skin, bright pink lipstick, extremely thick lashes and clothes that shouldn't be considered clothes. If you couldn't have guessed, they are part of May's posse. Apparently their type is geeks and nerds with glasses. Last time I checked, I saw both of them making out with Ryan and William from the basketball team.

Mr Clarence walks in with his usual books and papers in his hand.


"Alrighty guys," Nicole says. "Tomorrow night I expect our formation to be perfect. The football game tomorrow is just a trial for our qualifiers next week. Everybody must be a hundred and ten percent focus. Let's get started!"

We get into our formation. As the main flyer, I will lose my shit if these girls don't catch me.


We come out of the showers changed as we head to Chris' car since he's dropping the three of us, plus Camden, off. As we are walking we hear weird alien sucking noises. Most likely case, horny teenagers making out.

"Let's bust whoever it is this time," Bethany rolls her eyes then giggles. We sneak over behind the bleachers James Bond style. We each hide behind a wide pole and peak around to see the scene.

Clothes were scattered everywhere along the grass area. Lo and behold. Even I'm shocked at the fact two people are oblivious the cheerleading team and the football team had practice after school on the field on a Tuesday. But I'm definitely not surprised by the fact of who the two horny fucks are.

May and Danny.

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