T W E N T Y • O N E - Memories, Anagrams and Doll's Eyes Pt I

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Chapter Twenty One - Memories, Anagrams and Doll's Eyes Pt I

"Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake? "

-Leonardo da Vinci


"You're going to finally die Lucas Parker or should I say, Ricky Weston."

Say what now? That's not even possible. Ricky supposed to be dead or missing. He isn't Lucas. They don't even look similar, I've stared at Lucas' face way too often to not notice the similarity. Lucas has hazel eyes, Ricky's are cobalt blue. Lucas has dirty blonde hair, Ricky has brown. Ricky is 6'1, Lucas is 5'8 according to the school's website. But if Lucas really is Ricky, I could be easily proven wrong.

I don't even know what to think now. The guy behind me is the same one who is my best friend. The same person who I have matching bracelets with. The same person who I had my first kiss with and did the nasty on the same night. It can't be. Was this some sick trick?

No, it isn't. How could I be so blind? All the signs I've seen; Lucas' outgrown roots were brown are the exact same shade as Ricky's hair. Lucas' hazel eyes could easily be contacts, also explaining the bloodshot eyes I occasionally see. I've first-hand experience bloodshot eyes when I wear my contacts too often. Lucas is obviously 6'1. In pictures, he looks shorter than he really is like a whole five inches shorter. When I kissed Lucas, it was the same feeling I got when I kissed Ricky.

Shit, Lucas really is Ricky.

I was so full of anger. Who does this guy think he is? Injecting me with some numbing drug then tying me up to a chair. I felt the urge to lash out and hit this guy. That's just what I did.

The rope that tied my to the chair and Lucas was loose enough for me to jump out of my chair and jump this 'Kaleb' guy to the floor. He let out an 'ompf' sound. I'm guessing he didn't except my sudden attack. I mentally smirked to myself. One point to Ruby!

This 'Kaleb' guy must be really weak to fight back. He can struggle all he wants but he isn't going anywhere. It was a bit awkward straddling him but I was too focused on beating the shit out of him.


"That is for killing everyone on that boat."

Punch. Punch.

"That is for kidnapping me and drugging me."

I put all of my remaining strength into my last punch.


"And that is for fucking up Ricky's life."

I was definitely out of breath by the last punch. He wasn't dead though but I wish he was. He was more or less groaning at the pain I've just unleashed onto him. Now all I have to do is to see this bastard's face.

I ripped off the black mask that hid the jackass' face. I'm definitely shocked by who he is. Sorry, wrong pronoun. I'm definitely shocked by who she is.

Her blonde hair flawlessly flowed out of the mask as her striking sky blue eyes were swollen by the damage I've done to her face. She needed the makeover anyways. Her lip had started to bleed and her mascara had smudged. Who wears mascara when kidnapping someone?

"B-Blake?" I stuttered. She saw a chance and took it. Whilst I was too stunned by the fact she could murder two hundred plus people, she managed to flip me over so I was trapped. Damn it, she caught me off guard.

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