N I NE - De Vonte

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Chapter Nine - De Vonte

(Song // Here's to the Zeroes - Marianas Trench)

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best"

-Marilyn Monroe


De Vonte.

The name brings a bitter taste to my mouth. One, because their family only cares about wealth and themselves. Two, May fucking De Vonte. Of course, the meanest bitch of Graham Parks High school is also the richest. De Vonte's Fashion and Amethyst. Ugh, doesn't sound right at all. Can May even pronounce Amethyst? Who knows and who cares.

I see why they would need us. Our pure and delicate gems are top sellers in the entire world. People have paid millions for a black opal encrusted ring, although they are extremely pretty. The company started out as a family business then it the sales sky-rocketed. Founded in 1943 by my great-grandmother and my great-grandfather. Yes, great-grandma Tammy started the whole shah-bang. So much hard work was put into it. Now it's all going to waste.

De Vonte's Fashion is one of the major companies that are well known. My mom freaks out about having major company partnerships even though our company is a major one but that's one of the reasons I love her. De Vonte's has the top of the line clothing which I hate to admit. Dresses, suits, shirts, pants or anything you need you name it, the have it and in the best quality.

Now that our family companies are merging, I should tell you why May always torments me. Well in extreme detail.

I met May in freshman year. I've heard stories about her in middle school of how she manipulated people to be her servants. Still can't get over the fact some people look up to her. She hated me from the start since I was 'popular'. Popularity never mattered to me. She wanted to be better than me. She used my appearance against me. I wasn't super model skinny but I wasn't 'fat. To May, everyone had to be super skinny. What a judgemental bitch, this time, I'm not exaggerating.

Her relentless bullying didn't stop me from becoming more popular which made May hate me even more. Her face was priceless. No one judged me because of my ginger hair, my shortness or my apparent 'fatness' except May and her posse.

Her posse consisted of Miranda Steins, May's right hand bitch. She flirts with all the guys except Ricky who was off limits. She does this weird thing with her hair where she twirls a strand while trying to be cute. Keyword being trying. Irene Saunders is May's left hand bitch. She seems nice but she has claws like a cat. Guess what all of them have in common? Blonde hair and blue eyes. If Hitler were alive, he would be so proud.

How we met wasn't pretty at all.

I was walking with Ricky down the halls of the school, admiring the interiors. Most of the bystanders stared in awe. They wanted to be us. On the school's blog it said that we were #BFFGOALS. We laughed at it for a good five minutes when we saw it. People looked up to us (Nicole, Bethany, me, Camden, Chris and Ricky) because we were popular in a way that we weren't mean. Then we saw hell before our eyes. Whoops, I meant May and her posse. She strutted so her hair was swaying and her hips were awkwardly doing the same. She towered over me with her 3' heels she decided to wear on the first day.

"Who do you think you are?" she said crossing her arms. Miranda was behind her but a different girl with blonde hair and blue eyes was also behind her. I think her name was Kate or something. She moved schools because May threatened her with something.

"A person," I joked, "or can't you see that because you're so hypercritical of people?" Her face reddened out of embarrassment.

"Name," she commanded me to say.

"Bree Fletcher but I go by Ruby,"

"Well Fatty Ginger-"

"Excuse me?"

"Well your obnoxious hair and obviously not thin body say it all. Oh and I forgot to mention those glasses," she snickers back.

"You shouldn't disrespect people because they don't have model thin or perfectly bleached hair," I bicker back emphasizing the 'bleached'.

"May De Vonte. Remember it because-"

"I don't care," I interrupt.

"You know I'd slap you but I don't want to get bitch on my hand,"

"Why not? You already have it all over your outfit," I smirk. I swear you could see her head about to blow up any moment.

"Well, kiss my ass,"

"Not until you get one," I argue back. She stomps her foot on the ground then spins on her heel. She walks off along with Miranda and Kate. They flick their hair back. Again with the hair? I watch as May walks off and nearly falls off her heels. What an idiot.

"B, you destroyed her. Like BOOM!" Ricky says bursting out laughing.

"Dog deserved it,"

"You're not all of those things she said you know. I like how you are," he reassures me.

"I won't let her get to me," I reply back. Guess past me didn't see the future.

We saw each other again on the same day at lunch. She walked up to our table, pushing the people around our table to get a clear view of me. This was when Bethany has mixed feelings between Chris and Ricky and Nicole and Camden weren't a thing yet. I'm pretty sure they started dating a month later. May glares at me then turns to face Ricky.

"Hey, you're Ricky Weston right?" she says flirtatiously. I roll my eyes. Another girl trying to hit on Ricky today. I've been counting.

"Yeah," he says while focusing all of his attention on his vanilla ice cream aka his favourite food in the entire world. Don't mess with his ice cream or you will die a painful death.

"I don't believe we've met before I'm May Valerie De Vonte," she says in a weird cheery voice.

"We actually have," he say now looking at May, "you insulted my best friend here," he gestures to me, "earlier. I believe you owe her an apology." An even bigger crowd starts to form around the table.

"Oh hi Ruby," she says, "I'm so very sorry about earlier, but you should really dye your hair ugly hair like blonde and wear some heels. Oh, we could become the best best friends in the world!"

"That title is already taken," I say as Ricky fist bumps me.

"Look here you Fatty Ginger-"

"If I throw a stick will you go away?"


"I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass," I snorted.

That ladies and gents is how you start an uprising in the Capitol. Or should I say cafeteria? Ever since that day May has hated me and tried to get it with Ricky. All those failed rejections were so hilarious to witness. She never got to me until she recorded that. Even after she recorded that, she was still hopeless with Ricky. Bitch should earn what she deserves instead of getting it on a silver platter.

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