T E N - Daddy Sweater

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Chapter Ten - Daddy Sweater

"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayed to a God that I don't believe in
'Cause I got time while she got freedom
'Cause when a heart breaks, no, it don't break even" 

- The Script, Breakeven


I'm so hyped. It's Homecoming Game Day. It's kind of sad knowing that this will be my last high school Homecoming but great things have to come to an end, right?

I went throughout my morning as usual; get carpooled, go to my morning classes, have Danny or May pester me, then tutoring with Lucas in my spare which is right now. I feel warm when he's in my presence. Kind of like Ricky. Maybe he could be the person to replace Ricky. No, not replace. Keep it warm until he comes back from being M.I.A. God I miss him everyday.

Lucas can never replace Ricky. I don't know him well enough any ways. All I know is that his favourite thing to do is study. Pfft, Who actually studies? He doesn't tell much about himself. Whenever I ask him about himself, he either changes the subject or asks me the same question back. He has too many things I don't know about him. Maybe he's hiding something.

"Ruby?" Lucas says interrupting my thoughts.

"Sorry just spaced out. What was the question?"

"If dy / dx = (2x - 1)y , y(1) = e, find y(2)." Ugh, this stuff is too hard. What genius decided numbers and the alphabet together?

"I don't know? 3e ?" I guess

"It's actually e3 ," he corrects me, "Are you actually trying? Mr Clarence said you improved on the last test,"

"Can we like ditch the tutoring and hang out? I'm too focused on today's pep rally," I suggest. He agrees. We put our stuff away in our bags then exit the library. We had about half an hour left of our spare so we went to a nearby park.

We put our bags down, his black Nike bag on top of my leopard print bag. Ass biscuit. I have important stuff in there like my fucks I don't give to unworthy enough people.

We walk over to the playground and sit on the swing set. From here I can see the entire park. I laugh silently when I see the tree Ricky and I climbed when we were thirteen. He fell and broke his right arm. That branch did not move on it's own.

"What are you laughing at?" Lucas questions.

"You see that tree over there," I point to the said tree, "Me and my best friend climbed it and he fell, breaking his arm,"

"Ouch, wait do I know him?"

"Probably not, his name is Ricky Weston," I answer, "Enough about me, I've been dying to know more about you,"

"You should probably see a doctor then," he says smartly. When does his asshole-ness come in? "I'm a doctor," he winks. Yep, I found it. I can't help but laugh stupidly at his pick up line. God damn it, he's giving me the feels. What? No he's giving me the chills because he's so cold hearted. Yeah that!

"You should smile more," he says.

"I do smile thank you very much," I spat out.

"Smile like that," he says pointing to my smile, "You're either smiling because so your not hurting the other person's at their bad joke or smiling so your not the only one not enjoying the moment. That right there is a genuine smile," he assesses me.

"Fine. By the way, why don't you go to parties or have a social life?"

"Well-" the school bell rang. I was so close to knowing. You know bell, you're no longer my best friend.

"Fuck," we both say in unison. We grab our bags then ran.

We reach the school just in time. While I'm over here sweating, Lucas is walking like it was nothing.

"How the hell are you not sweating? Especially in that daddy sweater you wear like it's your skin,"

"Daddy sweater?" he smirks. I blush as I realise what I said.

"We're going to be late for English," I say as we reach the door.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it." Whatever it is, it must be terrible.

He twists the door handle, walking into class first. Jerk. The class and Mrs Fill all look at us.

"Ruby and Lucas. Explain why are you late," she says annoyed.

"Well you see miss, Ruby here was feeling a little sick. She has a doctor's note," Lucas replies back. Since when did I have a doctor's note? Is this Lucas trying to play 'doctor'? Ugh, this boy will be the death of me alongside AP Calculus.

"All right take a seat then,"


The whole cheerleading team is in the gym for the pep rally. It was just after lunch so the pep rally took fifth and sixth period. I finish the last cheerleader's make up with some body glitter since I'm the designated make up artist in the team. I take off my grey hoodie revealing my cheerleader uniform. It consisted of a long sleeved crop top that had purple, green and black stripes with Graham Parks Sea Lions printed on the top paired with matching a skirt.

The gym slowly fills in with students. We do one of our famous routines while everyone cheers. Every time I flipped in the air, I prayed to the catching gods that they would do their job. Adrenaline rushes through me as we finish our routine. A roar of screams and claps sounded throughout the gym.

"Good Job guys! Can't wait for tonight's football game, you guys better give me a hundred and zero percent by then," Nicole shouts. We are then dismissed to leave. I catch Lucas waiting at the door. I walk up to him and greet him.

"You do that for fun?" Lucas questions.

"You do AP Calculus for fun, you can't talk. I bet you can't do a cartwheel," I joke. He steps back then does a round off back tuck. This guy can do back tucks. What the actual fuck.

"You owe me," he smirks, "your number,"

"Are you asking for my number? Oh I can't," I say placing my hand over my heart.

"You took a bet. I did it. You owe me,"

"Technically I said a cartwheel only," I say back. He raises an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay fine. Here let me put it in your phone," I say as he gives me his phone. I put it in, saving it as 'The Best Person in the World HAHA'. I notice that he doesn't have a lot of contacts. There were two other ones; Raven and Menty. I pass the phone back to him. I watch him redo his hair by running his hand through his dirty blonde locks. How I would love to touch his hair. Oh god, Ruby. Stop.

He smiles then turns away to exit the gym. Nicole and Bethany call me over so we could get ready for the football game.

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