F O U R - I'm the One That Slays

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Chapter Four - I'm the One That Slays

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart"

-Helen Keller


His lips touched mine but I didn't kiss him back. I push him away from me.

"What the fuck?" That gross little pig. How dare he touch me with his tainted lips.

"You'll accompany me to the homecoming dance," he says demandingly.

"Uh no way," I reply. his face darkens.

"You'll be mine. Just you wait foxy," He turns around then walks away. Everyone around crowds me, Bethany and Nicole holding my arms. I receive sympathy from the people who surrounded me. I'm not that type of person who shoos everyone away. I actually like the warmth of others who care about me.

The bell rings and its time for first period.


I noticed Lucas was first in English, listening to a song on his phone with his ear buds. I sit in the seat next to him, surprising him. Lucas and I have become closer since he started tutoring me. He gave an aura Ricky did when I was around him.

"What's up Iron Man?" he says to me taking out one of his ear buds and giving it to me. He has a great taste in music. He actually likes Fall Out Boy and Marianas Trench. I put the ear bud in my ear and 'Dance, Dance' blasts into my ear.

May walks in flicking her platinum blonde hair back. She walks up to the desk I shared with Lucas.

"Ha! The cheerleader and the nerd. Cute couple, I ship," she says then winks. Something about her aggravates me. She's only popular because her dad has connections and is basically a rich.

"And?..." I reply not giving the a shit.

"Your popularity will go down. Who would like a nerd like him?" she says pointing at Lucas. Rude.

"Wait should I be caring? Hold on let me get this right," I clear my throat getting ready to blast a sick burn.

"Oh my god! I'm like so sorry Lucas but I can't," I pretend like I'm about to faint, "we are like over. Oh and May, fuck off," The whole class erupted in laughter leaving a very embarrassed May. Lucas is the one who's laughing the hardest. He relaxes then whispers into my ear.

"That was amazing,"

"Well thank you, thank you very much," I say in an Elvis impression.

The teacher comes in causing the whole room to become quite. She writes on the board 'POETRY'.

"Today class we are doing poetry. You task is to write a poem that is decently good. Try and explore the different types of poetry. I expect everyone to have at least one written down by the end of class," Mrs Fill says while some people groan. She's probably my favourite teacher, in fact she's my mom's best friend. I start to write my poem, knowing exactly what to write.

Ten minutes before the bell rang Mrs Fill asked if anyone would like to volunteer. My hand shot straight up. Mrs Fill instructs me to start.

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