T W E N T Y • F I V E - A Bag Full of Condoms and Sex Toys

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Chapter Five - A Bag Full of Condoms and Sex Toys

"It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all."

-Samuel Butler


It was colder than the Artic. I should have chosen a better outfit than my thin sweater and jeans. Fiona had texted me to come to her house at seven in the morning. Why? It's Ricky's birthday today.

I stood outside Fiona's house, ringing the doorbell. I hadn't seen the house Ricky had been staying in before now and it was amazing. The house looked modern, futuristic even. Honestly, it was like looking at a piece of art. Warm beiges and browns coated the outer walls. There was a large garage attached to the side, explaining how Ricky fits all his luxury cars in.

She opened the front door, greeting me with open arms. You could see the small baby bump forming on her stomach region. She was four months along with twins—a girl and boy—but had only told Alex she was pregnant two months ago then told him he was the father just last week because she was scared of rejection. I mean it's Alex, he's unpredictable.

After our long embrace, she led me inside to the kitchen where Alex was already cooking breakfast. A small vanilla cake sat on the counter top with chocolate icing that wrote 'Happy Birthday Ricky!'.

Alex turned off the stove, picked up the cake then walk into Ricky's room. He was sound asleep—no surprise there. His hair was messed up, his bare chest slowly rising up and down. It took so much self-control to not jump on him and kiss his gorgeous face.

We started to sing—terribly I might add. Ricky awoke and sat himself up against the headboard. He blew out the candles while Fiona was taking a picture.

I felt something cold and sweet on my face. It took me a second to process that Ricky had grabbed a chunk of cake with his hands and smeared it on my face. He sat on his bed grinning, slightly chuckling until Alex had thrown a chunk aiming for his hair to shut him up.

Bam. Pieces of cake were flying everywhere.

Well until Fiona felt sick and had ran to the bathroom with a hand covering her mouth. Alex immediately ran after her leaving me and Ricky alone.

I climbed onto the bed and straddled Ricky. He placed his hands on my hips then kissed me deeply. The cake on our faces smushed together. He started to lift up my sweater, knowing where this was going I pulled away. Ricky pouted and it was freaking adorable. It made me want to kiss him again.

"It's my birthday, I deserve some McLovin'," Ricky jokes as he pulled me closer to his chest.

"I'm saving that tonight," I playfully teased him adding a wink making his eyes light up. "But, today we're going to have so much fun and you're going to like it," I said in a demanding tone, slightly frightening Ricky.

"Yes, mam," Ricky said as he eyed something.

"I have two—hey! My eyes are up here," I grabbed Ricky's face as it was drifting towards my chest. "I've brought two of our favourite games to play for your birthday and you want to have sex instead?"

"Well, sorry that I love you so much that I show my love by sending so much pleasure throughout your body. Not to mention I want to marry you when we graduate and be the mother of my children," he said calmly, looking deeply into my eyes. I felt my face blush. Ricky wants to marry me and have children. Children, that's plural!

"U-uh, Call of Duty or Mario Kart?" I stuttered still thinking about Ricky's statement. He let out a chuckle before kissing me again. It was rushed but it sent warm fuzzies tingling throughout my body, like every single one of his kisses.

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