T W E N T Y • F O U R - Wise Pothead Thomas

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Chapter Twenty Four - Wise Pothead Thomas

"It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love."

-Miguel de Unamuno


My eyes fluttered open. I woke up with my head resting on a chiseled chest slowly rising up and down. I sat up, stretching my arms then let out a yawn. I climbed out of bed trying not to wake up Ricky.

I walked to my closet and picked out a pair of black leggings and a gray sweater. I heard a wolf whistle behind me. I turned, gave Ricky a sarcastic smile then flipped him off. His face fell then shifted back to its cheeky self as I sassily flipped my hair and entered the bathroom.

I finished showering and dressed in the clothes I picked out. I walked back into my bedroom where Ricky was sprawled out on my bed. He was sleeping like a baby but had already showered and changed his clothes. So, I decided to wake him up.

I grabbed my phone that I received back from Alex and put the volume at the maximum. Placing the speaker next to his ear, I blast out the default alarm sound from my phone. He jumped off of my bed, landing on his side. He groaned in pain, rubbing his side. What was I doing? Laughing my ass off on my bed. What can I say? What are best friends for?

I finally calmed down from my high but Ricky had already managed to stand up and was currently charging at me.

The cheerleader versus the footballer. Yeah, I couldn't stand a chance.

He pinned me down, hands trapping my arms, his broad and muscular body trapping the rest of my petite body.

"Seriously? All you could have said was 'Baby, I want to suck your—"

"I'll throw you out my window then drag you through various plants that may or may not be poison ivy or thorns."

"At least I'll know my girlfriend can scare off any guy if they wanted to flirt with her," he joked. I gave him 'the look' making his stupid smile wiped off his face. He gave me a passionate kiss before I walked over to my vanity and straightened my hair. Ricky played around with my makeup brushes, mocking how girls put on makeup. He got bored with the brushes then went to his second entertainment; me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and starting kissing my neck from behind. I resisted his kisses. As much as I wanted him to continue, breakfast was being prepared downstairs.

"Come on, I want to make sexy love to you and shit," Ricky said as his trail of kisses went lower.

"I'm hungry, not for you but for food. I can smell my dad's famous cheesy hash brown casserole," I exclaimed as I salivate from justing thinking about the six different kinds of cheese that are in this heavenly food from the gods. Ricky sighed in defeat and let me finish my makeup.

We walked down to the kitchen just as my dad was pulling the casserole out of the oven. The smell of the cheese tingles my senses. I can already feel myself salivate. I was the first to grab a plate and dig into the goodness that was my favorite cheese dish. I moan and die a little inside as a rainbow of flavors hit my taste buds.

"I can make more of those moans," Ricky whispered to me huskily. I stuffed his mouth with a spoonful of cheesy goodness in response.

"Don't ruin the moment," I separated each word as I whisper harshly back. He pouts at me which look even funnier since his has a mouthful of food. I kiss his cheek which leaves a smile on his face.

Then I heard a plate crash onto the floor.

"HOLY SHIT MY OTP HAS SAILED!" my mom shrieked. My dad's eyes had widened at the kiss but I know that inside he's fangirls twice as hard as my mom is right now. There goes waiting to tell everyone.

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