F I V E - Limbo Bimbo Champ

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Chapter Five - Limbo Bimbo Champ

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose"

-Lyndon B. Johnson


"You wouldn't!" I scream standing up. My blood is burning from the bullshit coming out of her mouth.

"Oh but I would," she says smirking. If she leaks this I can't go to any university, probably be expelled and my parents would let me touch another boy while I'm still living.

"You're so low May," Nicole says, "I guess we all know why you were nicknamed 'the Limbo Bimbo Champ'. Your evil schemes are so low only you could steep that low,"

"Ugh! Shut up Nicole. Watch your back,"

"Watch your eyebrows," Nicole retorts. May's hands move to her eyebrows. She stomps her foot on the ground then walks away. Each one of the girls in her posse glare at me then flick their hair. Jeez, what's with the hair flicking.

I sit back down in my seat, putting my head down.

"Care to explain?" Nicole says. I look up and her face tries to be angry but really is being worried.

"No," I reply. I'm not comfortable telling them about it. I've known Nicole, Bethany, Camden, Chris and Ricky since we were in the fourth Grade. We've never drifted apart. We're like this small family your can go to for anything, but not this case.

"Whatever this thing is Ruby, you can't keep it a secret forever,"

"Sorry," I apologize.

Nicole nods. I still can't tell them.

Not yet.


I walk to my locker to my locker a few minutes before the bell rings for the fifth period. I put in the combination then the locker unlocks. I grab my Chemistry and History books then slam the door shut. A figure was leaning against the locker to my right. Jet black hair, gray eyes, tan skin... Danny.

"What do you want?" I say not looking into his eyes.

"You're my homecoming date," he replies slyly. He irritates me so much.

"Uh no,"

"You will go you hear me?" He says demandingly. Not only is he annoying, he's a dickhead. He walks away while some girls stare in awe. What do they see in him? Some Greek god that will give you anything you want, uh no. He walks away leaving me alone while bystanders went back to their chatting.

I turn my back against my locker sighing. Why is my life so complicated? I have the perfect family but that's just about it. Everything else is just a wreck.


The bell rang for the end of school. Thank god. Oh, wait I have tutoring with Lucas. It's not a bad thing it's just that I would rather be somewhere else. I'm the first one to walk out of history. I went to my locker and grabbed my AP Calculus book and notes. I walk to the library, opening the doors before I spot Lucas at the usual table. God, he looks so damn cute with his ruffled hair and glasses, don't forget that superman sweater.

Wait no! Bad Ruby, he's a jerk.

An incredibly cut-

Shut the fuck up inner Ruby.

You like it.

I frown at the voice in my head. Lucas looks up slightly amused.

"Are you done having a fight with yourself about me being so irresistibly hot?" he commented. What the shit? How'd he know?

"Don't worry, I know you don't think of me that way. Should we start now?" he continues. He takes out a pen while I sit in the seat next to him. I watch him write some numbers then lines down in his notebook. He stops then looks at me.

"I've known you for a week now but I just have to ask, why are you taking AP Calculus?" he questions.

"Astronautical Engineering. I want the rest of my life to be revolved around it and apparently you need to take AP Calculus for the university I really want to go to,"

"Astronautical Engineering really? Never pictured a girl like you to be interested in that," he says shockingly.

"You learn new something everyday," I say. His face darkens then mutters something I could hear. It becomes awfully quiet for a few minutes.

"Since you asked me why I'm taking why I'm taking this ridiculous subject, why are you doing this?" I break the silence.

"It looked fun," he replies calmly.

"Fun? You call this," I gesture with my hands to the books and notes scattered on the table, "fun?"

"Yeah, I guess I just have natural talent," he bragged.

"Don't get too cocky,"

"But you want it," he winks. This boy will be the death of me.


I finish my tutoring session with Lucas. He walks with me outside to my car. Bethany and Nicole went home with their boyfriends since they knew I had 'special time' with Lucas. Ugh, they act so childishly, but who am I to judge? We reach my car then I unlock it.

"Can I just ask, why do you have a Barbie band-aid on your thumb?" He asks. I'm pretty sure my face had changed from ghostly white to bright red out of embarrassment. I look down at the pavement.

"A knife plus the kitchen sink," I hastily reply back. I look up to see a hyena laughing hysterically. Oh, wait it's just Lucas. I glare back at him as he tries to stop himself laughing. Asshole. He manages to calm down.

"So are you going to the game on Wednesday?" I ask out of the blue.

"Nah, not my scene,"

"What about homecoming?"

"Nope," he replies popping the 'p'.

"Seriously? This is your last high school homecoming, you wouldn't want to miss it. You have been to homecoming right?"

"I don't know,"

"What do you mean 'I don't know?'" I air quote.

He looks down at his watch, widening his eyes.

"Shit," he mutters under his breath.

"Sorry I gotta go," he says then rushes off to his black Toyota Camry. I watch him drive off until I couldn't see him. Weird. I unlock my door again since it locked itself because I didn't open it in time. I throw my bag into the back seat after I sit in the driver's seat. I turn on the engine then lock the doors. Don't judge me, it's basically second nature from my mom because she thinks I could get kidnapped while driving. I drive in the opposite direction Lucas was driving to whilst I turn on the radio.

Catch Me or I'll FallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ