E I G H T E E N - How To Be A Heartbreaker

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Chapter Eighteen

"To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic"

-Alphonse de Lamartine


Monday. School. I'm going to see Lucas. Why did I even get out of my bed? That asshole, leading me on and breaking my heart. I still like him. I don't why. He's perfect, well nearly perfect. He freaking kissed me then told me to fuck off. I'd say he's a very nice person. Not.

My feelings haven't changed. I still like him even though he hurt me. He has this vibe only one person in my life has given me so far—Ricky. Whenever I saw him, my body felt more energetic. He makes me laugh until I can breathe. Smart, has shitty pick up lines that are kind of clever, humorous and let's not forget that eight pack. Lucas Parker; the boyfriend I never had.

First thing I did when I arrived at school, I went straight to Mr Clarence. I told him that Lucas is a dick and I don't need his stupid ass. Well, I didn't use those exact words, it went along the lines of 'I'm just passing with a 67% and the tutor is no longer needed'. For now, I don't have to worry about Lucas and spending unnecessary time with him.

"Get a room,"Chris scoffs disgustedly. We're watching Camden and Nicole making out against the lockers in the hallway. Yeah, they got back together last night. It was pretty sweet and romantic if you were there. Nicole is one lucky girl to have Camden fall hopelessly in love with her.

Last night...

Camden had texted us all expect for Nicole to meet at his place. He wanted to do a very special thing for Nicole to win her back. No doubt he's crazy about her.

"Where's Lucas?" Chris asks sadly.

"Being a prisoner of Azkaban, slowly dying of a painful death and having every inch of his body dunked in boiling then ice cold water repeatedly," I mumble under my breath.

"Hände något mellan dig och Lucas? [Did something happen between you and Lucas?]," Chris questions in Swedish.

"Allt är fantastiskt! [Everything is fantastic!]," I answered sarcastically.

"Kan du grabbar precis stänga knullen upp? [Can you guys just shut the fuck up?]," Camden roared. We both shut our mouths before Camden turns into the hulk. Damn, two weeks in Sweden did Camden good...ish.

"I should learn Swedish," Bethany says breaking the silence.

Camden started pacing around in his room, stressing about how he was going to do the very thing that may change his love life. This dude is might seriously go insane without his soulmate. He has his hands in his hair, vigorously scratching it.

"You're going to bleed. Stop it, bro," Chris exaggerates. Camden and Chris somehow made up. All I know is it involved a football game, burritos and a lot of convincing. Apparently, Chris let in after five minutes and had a 'bro moment'. Haven't seen one of those in a while.

"What if she rejects me, bro? She is my soul purpose for living," Camden bursts out. "I'll die a virgin!"

"Exaggerating much. I'm pretty sure you have done the nasty with Nicole more times Chris has eaten a burrito," I exclaim.

"That's a lot of burritos," Chris adds. Camden gives Chris and I a death glare, obviously not feeling it.

"You know what? Bethany, call Nicole and tell her to meet at the local park. Don't mention me at all," Camden ordered sternly. The local park isn't much but a sightseeing place at night. To Camden and Nicole, it was the same place they shared their first kiss, had their first date and where Camden asked Nicole to be his girlfriend. Pretty cliche if you don't say.

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