S E V E N T E E N - Sad and the Forgotten

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Chapter Seventeen - Sad and the Forgotten 

"The praise that comes from love does not make us vain, but more humble"

-James M. Barrie


~Lucas' POV~

"I need to tell you something Ruby. I haven't told anyone this at all." My hands were trembling and started to get clammy as I gripped the steering wheel. I need to tell her this. The problem is, can I trust her?

My mouth kept opening but no words came out. Should I tell her? I care about her too much.

Ricky Weston. The name still gives me shivers since the time I found out what I did. Now I'm paying for my consequences. I don't even remember killing him. I just woke up in the hospital surrounded by government officials. I was told my name is Lucas Parker and I killed Ricky Weston. Apparently, an anonymous note said so. I don't even know a single thing about him or what he looks like. Someone is seeking revenge to kill me.

I just went with what ever they told me because I honestly had no memory. I didn't know my name, my parents, my past. To put it simple, my memories were stolen from me. The doctor said there was a slim chance that they would return but it's been five months since I've woken up. They thought the items that were clutched in my hand would help my memories come back; a bright pink bracelet with little splotches of blood that said 'Ricky likes Dickies' or some random shit and a Polaroid picture that had a picture of a girl laughing that looked like Ruby with 'Bree' written on it. No wait, the girl is Ruby. I figured that out when I saw her in her glasses. Examining the items, they concluded the items belonged to Ricky.

Hearing more and more about Ricky made my shoulders feel heavier. Ruby was probably his girlfriend. He was probably the quarterback on the football team, maybe even captain. He might of had the perfect family and was rich as fuck. Why would anyone kill him? Why did I kill him? If my normal self was in front of me right now, I would ask him that.

I'm under government protection until they can catch 'Kaleb'. He is the one that's after me. He sent hundreds then thousands of notes and text messages saying that he will find me and kill me. The first location the government sent me to, Kaleb found me. I only spent a week there and I was just getting comfortable. The second place, he found me again. Now I'm here and I'm hoping to stay here. Everything is great. But the thing is, I've never seen what Kaleb looks like. It was always a short haired, masked man dressed in black from head to toe.

In order for him not to find me again, I had to change everything about me. I had a different hair colour and different eyes. Nothing of the original me was left. My original physic was slightly built but I worked so hard to achieve my eight pack, The one girls would drool over if they saw. Ruby is a clear example. But I didn't want the eight pack for its appearance, I needed it to get stronger. Stronger so when Kaleb finds me, I won't be the one running for dear life.

I was told to not draw attention to myself when I went to school. Try not to get attached to anyone. Zero to no friends. No stupid lovey dovey shit or crushes. Well, I guess I already failed that since Camden and Chris are like brothers to me and I fell for Ruby.

How? I don't know. When I first saw her, she stood out to me. Not just because of her hair which turns to different hues of red but just her overall. She wasn't like the other girls who were stick thin and wore clothes that hookers would wear. When I found out I would be tutoring her, I thought that this was my chance to find someone to fill that void somewhere in my chest. I never knew she was the Bree in the Polaroid Ricky had. When I did find out, so much weight came upon my shoulders. In my eyes, she was almost perfect. Why almost? Because nobody is perfect. Everyone has a past, I still need to figure out hers.

My stupid pick up lines I get from pickup-line.net were just to annoy the shit out of people, never to actually get girls. Being under the government protection and being hunted like hungry teenagers to pizza has no fun at all, so I 'distracted' myself, By distracted I don't mean doing the nasty, that's just low. Of course it will piss off Fiona but I'm a teenager and need to fun. I know, I'm a rebel.

My whole life —or what's left of it— has been centred around one big giant mess to put it simple, and I don't even know what lies are in it.

"Lucas?" Ruby asks in a soft innocent voice. Ugh, she should stop talking. It's making me harder to tell her.

"You know what? I've been waiting so long to tell you this..." My words started to choke on itself. Just say the right words Lucas.

"Are you using me? No one ever pays attention to the nerd in the corner. You know what you probably are! You and your fucking little popularity can go off and away from me. Oh look! Here's your house. Bye."

Wrong words Lucas. I regret everything I said to her. The words just came out of my mouth. I was going to tell everything, well mostly everything. I was going to protect her from Kaleb. Stupid mouth. I guess pushing her out of my life is the best way of protecting the girl who didn't catch me when I fell for her.

"L-Lucas." Her voice was weak and vulnerable. She was going to start crying. Shit, what have I done?

"Just go," I deadpan.

I didn't want to look at her. I would've been washed with guilt. I knew if I took a split second at her face, I would have started bawling like a bitch. I needed to be strong, even if it means no being around Ruby.

I hear her mutter a few words under her breath. She angrily opens the car door and rushes out with her wet clothes and belongings. She slams the door shut, leaving me speechless and unable to render what just happened.

I might have just lost the only thing that mattered to me.

~Ruby's POV~

It hurts. It hurts so fucking much. At least now I know he doesn't return my feelings. I walk slowly to my porch. The door's unlocked. I'm guessing my parents are back and discussing more about the company business.

I walk inside, wiping away the liquid that ran down my cheeks. I'm so glad I'm wearing waterproof mascara or else I would be looking like a panda. I hear my parents talking in the dining room. Walking into the room, my mom looks distressed and my dad looks like his head is about to burst from frustration.

"Mom? Dad?" I say breaking the silence.

"Honey, take a seat." I do as my mom says, taking the seat across them. "You remember that partnership with De Vonte Fashion?"

"Yeah?" I say grabbing a cookie from the platter in the centre. My parents both look at each other then nod.

"Apparently, they say you have a sex tape." I felt my heart skip a beat and a sharp 'pang' going through my stomach. "They're blackmailing us."

No. They can't. All the hard work that has been passed down two generations can't go to waste. Who knows what they're gonna do? They could destroy our company and makes their's rise to the top. They could make my family go bankrupt. May has to be behind this. How could she? Wait, don't answer that.

"Mom..." I say trying to comfort her.

"Do you have one?" My dad interludes.


"Bree Annabelle Fletcher. Do you or do not have a freaking sex tape?" He says raising his voice. He never raises his voice or uses my full name. I'm in deep shit.

"You have to understand dad! May and her stupid evil plans. Think she's blackmailing p you now? She's been blackmailing me since-" I started to choke on my words. Tears that were there a ten minutes ago started to fall again.

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