T W E N T Y • T H R E E - Wait, She Was Who Now?

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Chapter Twenty Three - Wait, She Was Who Now?

"Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot."

-Charlie Chaplin


The door flew open.

I gripped onto Ricky's shirt tightly, holding him for dear life. Ricky's arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. A bright light blinded me, stinging my eyes in the process. Guess Blake was ready to kill us now.

"You are in so much shit!" A masculine voice growled. I opened my eyes to see it wasn't Blake but a man who was extremely buff with jet black hair and green eyes that held so much coldness Elsa couldn't compete with.

"Alex?" Ricky said as if he knew the man.

"This is the second time I've saved you. Let this be the last," he muttered. He moved towards us, turning off the flashlight. I loosened my grip on Ricky then rolled off him so he could breathe properly. He checked if Ricky had any bruises on his face which there were.

"You scared Fiona after you went on your little 'going out'. I didn't know your definition of 'going out' was getting yourself kidnapped. You don't scare pregnant women like that!" Alex exclaimed furiously.

"Well, I didn't mean to be kidnapped and find out I'm supposed to be missing," Ricky said annoyed. Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, let's go. My men are searching the premises for the supposed kidnapper."


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE RICKY WESTON?" Alex's voice echoed throughout the hall. We were in the secretive area of the police station where no one is allowed to go except government officials. Ricky had recounted the events that occurred during the time he was out of the house—including the part where he had gotten all of his memories back. Alex was... let's say, freaking the fuck out.

You see, Alex has had a week full of surprises—some good, some bad—which has his emotions all over the place. He's been promoted, found out he got his partner in saving crime pregnant from a drunken night and he's just found out Lucas wasn't Lucas.

"I mean I'm Ricky Weston. Why is it so hard to believe?" Ricky slumped back into his chair in frustration.

"Because it's hard to process. You've been 'missing' or 'dead' since July. It's February. That's eight months!" I added to the conversation.

"Why is my life so complicated?" Alex pressed his hand against his forehead. "What do you want?" he pointed to Ricky.

"I just want to live a normal life. None of this crazy murdering business."

"How? Everything you once had is all gone." Way to be subtle Alex.

"Firstly, get me brown hair dye."


Ricky looked at himself in the car mirror, running his hand through his newly dyed hair. We're in Alex's car driving to my house to drop the bomb. Not an actual bomb because then that would kill some people. The bomb being 'Ricky's actually alive and was living in a disguise so please don't kill me for not being home for about four days because guess what we were also kidnapped'.

Alex stopped in front my house. I was the first to get out then Ricky. Alex stayed in the car because he had gotten a call from his baby mama. I remember when I was pregnant. Too bad it was short-lived.

I walked up to the porch and opened the door. Ricky followed cautiously behind. My parents were in the living room watching the news on the television. Ricky and I stood at the archway also listening to the very interesting news. By interesting, it was about Ricky.

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