F O U R T E E N - Forgive N' Forget

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  Chapter Fourteen - Forgive N' Forget

"Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses"

-Alphonse Karr 


No hope. I've tried calling and texting Nicole, Bethany and Chris but still no hope. Why are they mad at me for talking to Camden? They surely don't know the whole story.

I sit on my bed contemplating what will happen at school tomorrow. Rumours about me or anyone in the gang spreads like wildfire; good or bad. Camden left the morning after our little meeting at Frankie's. I've checked the messages from Nicole, Bethany and Chris. All angry and upset. They found out Lucas and I went to Camden first and not them. Why are things like this so hard? I spent my long weekend watching movies and hanging out with Lucas. We've become even closer. I still need to find out more about him. He's not exactly an open book.

I fall asleep at the thoughts roaming around like loose dogs in my head. Too many difficult things are happening.


You don't know oh-oh, you don't know you're beautiful. I pick up my phone turning off the alarm.


I have twenty minutes until school starts. I threw my blanket off my body, not bothering to make my bed. I grab the first option of clothing in my wardrobe that could make me look decent. I put on Lucas' blue sweater then pair it with some black leggings. The sweat still smells of peppermint candies and mint. I finish my outfit with some white Converses. I look at my phone checking the time. I have twelve minutes left. Jeez, I take a long time to choose some clothes.

I look around for my car keys. Great, I lost them. I need to call someone. I can't call Camden since he's in Sweden. I definitely can't call Nicole, Bethany or Chris. My parents have already left. That leaves one person. I scroll through my contacts then hit call. After the first beep, they pick up.


"Lucas! Are you at school yet?"

"Nah, not yet. Why?"

"Pick me up at my house immediately." I hung up then went into my bathroom. I brush my teeth then put my hair in a messy bun. I can't be bothered with make-up this morning so I skip it, only applying lip balm. I pack my bag with my books then head down to the porch. I check the time on my phone. I have ten. Lucas waits patiently with his silver Range Rover. This is his third car I've seen and it's probably my favourite so far.

"Hop in!" he says. I walk over to his car then take shotgun. He starts to drive. Everything's so blurry. Did I put in my contacts this morning? Oh yeah, I was too busy trying to get ready. I search in my bag for a black glasses case. I never wear my glasses in front of anyone anymore since it's part of the 'new me' I created during the summer. People who have never seen me before last summer wouldn't even now I wear glasses. I take out my black rimmed glasses then put them on. Great, I look just like one of the 'nerds'.

"You wear glasses?" Lucas says as he stops at a traffic light. He looks at me with surprise. I'd admit I look completely different with glasses on. You wouldn't recognise me a mile away. "You look better with glasses."

"Oh, so you're saying I look ugly without glasses?"

"N-No, what are you talking about," he says flustered. Flustered? Lucas isn't more than a cocky smartass. Lucas can never be flustered. The traffic light turns green making Lucas focus back onto the road. We turn a corner to arrive at the school. We have about five minutes late until the first bell rings. Lucas parks the car while I hurry to the school entrance while Lucas catches up to me. He walks by my side as we walk into the entrance.

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