S I X T E E N - Exhale

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Chapter Sixteen - Exhale

"Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay? Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?"

- Elvis Presley // Can't Help Falling In Love With You


After ten minutes of annoying catcalls and verbal harassment from filthy drunk men walking past, a black and red mustang with white stripes stops in front of me. The window rolls down revealing the person I've been waiting for. His dirty blonde hair is messy as usual. He pushes his black framed glasses up further up the bridge of his nose. He turns to face me.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting," Lucas says smirking.

You should have come quicker you ass biscuit, is what I would've said but because I was freezing to death I said, "Let me in your warm ass car now!". A chuckle escapes his mouth as he unlocks the door. I climb inside as my body warms up from the heater.

"Can we go somewhere I can take my mind off things?" I ask turning the temperature higher on the heater.

"Beach?" I nod my head in agreement. He releases the parking brake then drives off. Once we were off, Lucas turned to me and asked me a question.

"How are you cold? The sun hasn't started to set yet and it's mid-October."

"Pfft, I'm not cold," I say sarcastically. "Mother Nature just decided to be a bit cold hearted now."

He laughs at my reply. "So how was your date?"

What do I say? I can't exactly tell him that my date was Pot-Head Thomas Zhang. I especially can't tell him about what he told me that has been bothering my thoughts ever since. I'm one to keep my promises no matter how stupid or serious they are.

"Like I said, shit."

"Come on, it could not have been that bad."

"He left me fifteen minutes into my date. I say that would be considered a shit date." Especially since he left me for McDonald's and drugs.

"I left a date fourteen minutes in."

"You've been on a date? Your stupid pick up lines actually work? Speaking of pick up lines, I've hadn't heard one in a while. Wait, you left your date?"

"Jeez, you ask so many questions," he says annoyingly.

"Well, soorryy." He chuckles again while his eyes are still focused on the road. We start going off road and no less than three minutes later we're at the beach. He parks his car under an oak tree. We both got out of the car. The cold weather hits me causing shivers to go down my spine. I hug my body with my arms to try and get some warmth. Next minute my teeth start chattering then goosebumps appear on my body. Still standing where I am, Lucas walks off without me. Jerk.

He abruptly stops and realises I'm still at the car slowly freezing to death on the spot. He jogs back to me.

"Jesus, why do you decide to wear that offers little to no warmth?" he questions as he gestures to my outfit.

"Well m-maybe it's b-because I w-was planning t-to be i-inside a r-restaurant for m-most of m-my n-night."

"Didn't you check the weather app?" he questions.

"W-Who does t-that?" I say in disbelief.

"Uh, I don't know maybe everyone with a phone?" I try to think of something to fire back but my mind is only focusing on how cold I am. I start shivering harder and my teeth chatter faster. Lucas notices this and grabs something from the boot of the car. He throws me a grey sweater which merely misses my face. Lucas can aim. Like shooting an arrow, hitting the apple from the pig and still hit the bull's eye on the target Katniss Everdeen style.

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