F I F T E E N - I'll Blind My Date

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Chapter Fifteen - I'll Blind My Date

  "Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love - and to put its trust in life"

-Joseph Conrad


The rest of the week went on just as usual; cheer practice, tutoring, getting harassed by Danny. Strangely May has been absent from school ever since the running away from her BS incident. She never misses a day off. She just comes to school to fuck everyone's lives up. Lucas comes over to my house for tutoring now and no nothing nasty happened unless you call 'looking dreamily at his figure' something nasty - which it isn't. I wonder what lies underneath his seven layers of sweaters.

"WHERE'S THE MASCARA?" Nicole yells while frantically trying to find the said mascara.

"MORE BLUSH!" Bethany commands as she applies more blush tot the apples of my cheeks.

"Jeez, I feel like you guys are turning me into a May lookalike," I say as Nicole and Bethany do my makeup. Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, my blind date. What a perfect way to spend your Saturday night. I'd rather be hanging with Lucas. I don't know my feelings about him yet. Should I like him? I don't know much about him even though I've known him since the start of this month. Whenever I ask him something personal he always replies with the most basic things; 'red' 'I don't watch TV' 'who would like sports?'. It's like talking to a broken record. The only reason I don't keep asking is because I keep getting lost in his hazel eyes he has. It's like looking into a forest. Bits of brown and green with tiny streaks of cobalt blue.

Bethany inspects the damage she has done to my face. "What did I do to your face?" she says shockingly. Taking a look at myself in the mirror, wanting to smash it so I don't see my face. I rummage through my drawers trying to find my makeup wipes. Where are they? I am not going on a 'date' looking like Krusty the Clown especially if it's a blind date.

"Get this shit off me!" I cry still trying to look for the makeup wipes. I find them in my bottom drawer of my vanity, grabbing a few wipes knowing that I probably have fifty layers of foundation on. Why couldn't I do my own makeup? I wipe off the makeup leaving my face nothing but it's nakedness.

"I'd blind my date if they saw me like that. I don't care who but I will do it," I say while grabbing one of the makeup brushes on the table then jabbed it in the air to insinuate the 'blinding my date'.

"Violent much," Nicole says as she places the makeup brush that was in her hand on the table.

"Ha-fucking-ha. I'm going on a date, not a beauty pageant."

"You're acting like this is a big deal. This isn't your first date you know." Technically it is. My first date will be my first one. I've missed out most of my high school experience. Like a lot. Yeah, I dated Danny but he never took me out on dates. He would occasionally kiss me on the cheek but when he got too touch, I always push him away. He never touched my lips. It was plainly obvious when he was using me. Ricky always hated his guts for not being a 'proper boyfriend'. The 'dates' Nicole and Bethany are talking about are the ones I lied about. I know, I'm a bad person for lying but I didn't want to waste my time with hormonal guys that only what the keys to the door downstairs. All sex hungry ass biscuits. During that 'date time', I usually went over to Ricky's house and binge-watch movies. Let's say we've watched a lot of movies. They still don't know to this day. Eh, They don't need to know.

Since I have nowhere to run to avoid this date, guess I just have to suck it up and do it.

"Well, this is a complete stranger. Who knows, they could be a psycho-killer." Nicole and Beth both chuckle as I wiggle my fingers to the word psycho-killer. I shoo both of them away to help me find a decent outfit since I don't want to turn into a worse version of Ronald McDonald. All I put on is eyeliner, mascara and lip balm that's tinted a burgundy red. Simple. Just how I like things to be.

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