E I G H T - A Second Cousin's Help

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Chapter Eight - A Second Cousin's Help

"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness"

-William Arthur Ward


Ohhmmaaahhgwaddddz. Holy bananas. Yes, I did indeed say bananas. Am I ashamed? I have worse things to be ashamed of. But holy cow, May and Danny make quite an evil pair if you don't say.

"Holy fuck," Nicole, Bethany and I whisper in harmony. Bethany pulls out her phone from her pocket and starts recording.

"What are you doing?" I quietly question Bethany.

"This could come in useful. So if she blackmails any of us with something she should watch her own back first," she whispers harshly back. Bethany's right. I could use this against her. That's what I'll do. If she wants to fight dirty, I won't hold back.

"Let's go before Barbie and Ken 2.0 catch us," Nicole whispers to us. We sneak out unnoticed, making to the carpark. We see Camden and Chris leaning against Chris' navy blue convertible. Camden's platinum blonde hair blows wildly in the wind. You could mistake him and Nicole for siblings if you didn't catch them sucking their faces off. Chris' golden blonde hair is in a man bun. When his hair is out he looks like Thor. We run towards them, gasping for air when we reach them. My lung capacity is not that large not matter how hard Nicole pushes us to make it bigger.

"Why do you look like crazy tributes from the Hunger Games?" Camden snickers.

"May. Danny. Make out. Video. Here," Bethany gasps out throwing her phone to her boyfriend. Chris presses play on the video. Camden watches over his shoulder, wrapping his arms around his waist like a Tumblr couple photo. The bromance is real. Their eyes widen.

"This is your Homecoming date?" Chris' eyes still on the screen but still directs the question to me.

"Hey! I didn't say yes,"

"You didn't say no,"

"He didn't give me a choice,"

"Well he's a dick,"

"No shit," I curse at him. Chris hands the phone back to his girlfriend and we all enter his car. Bethany takes shotgun so that means I'm stuck in the back seat with the star-crossed lovers.

Chris drops Camden and Nicole at Camden's house then leaves for Bethany's house. He drops her off pecking her on the lips before she waves then enters her house. I switch to the passenger seat in the front.

"What's the May thing?" Chris questions while his eyes are glued to watching the road. I sat in silent watching the trees fly by.

"Okay, I'd just ask great-grandmother." Well, I'm screwed. I guess this is payback for the time I wanted to know who Chris liked but it was worth it. I still can't get rid of the images of great-grandmother Tammy giving a seventeen-year-old Chris raspberries.

"Fine, but you must swear on burritos that you mustn't tell anyone including Bethany,"

"Fuck, it's that serious?" I nod my head.

"Okay then, I swear on my all mighty burritos. From the zesty chicken burrito, breakfast burrito, oh that one from chipotle that's some seriously good grub, mom's homemade-"

"Okay, I get it," I roll my eyes.

"Go ahead I'm all ears," Chris replies. We reach my house and park in my driveway. He turns off the ignition then turns to face me. This is the first time I'm telling some this and hell yeah I'm nervous. What if he disowns me? What if he goes and tells everyone? What if he kills me right here and now? Where is the Mafia hiding? I can see you in the bushes!

Chris coughs interrupting my thoughts.

"So I may or may not have a sexy time tape that May recorded in her bathroom,"

"That's all? Why didn't you tell any of us sooner? You could have at least told Ricky. He could have helped you,"

"I didn't have to tell him." Chris' face is confused. It takes him a few second to realize. Fuck. Where you at Mafia. Shoot me now! Chris' mouth forms an 'o' shape.

"When did this happen?" he asks.

"Last year," I inform him.

"Jeez Ruby. Took you long enough, now tell me more,"

"It was May's summer party. We were drunk, like really drunk. He took me into the bathroom, he said he liked me, I felt the same, there was a camera, May forbid us from dating each other, she blackmailed us and the rest is history," I say solemnly. I felt the weights on my shoulders lift. My stomach felt lighter. I was relieved.

"So that's why you don't go to parties anymore? Don't drink, don't date or do anything normal teenagers do nowadays? But most importantly, YOU LISTENED TO THAT WHOREBAG?" he shouts out the last part. I don't reply. He reaches into his pocket to grab his phone. He texts someone. He shows me the texts.

Thor: Hey babe, can you send me that video? x

The Girl That Loves Thor: Sure, but why? x

Thor: Reasons so I can rip Danny's dick off and ruin May's eyebrows (: x

The Girl That Loves Thor: You're hot when you're about to fuck someone up (; x

Thor: That's not the only think I'm gonna fuck (; x

I nearly choked.

"You're not going to tell anyone right?"

"May can't be the one to control you,"

"You swore on your burritos,"

"God damn it,"

"What are you going to do with the video?"

"It might come in handy," he winks. I step out of the car then wave to him. I watch him pull out of my driveway. I unlock my door and enter my house. The coconut fragrance hits my nose. Must be a good day for my mom if she's using this fragrance. I walk into the kitchen and see my mom cooking alfredo pasta. Okay, she must be extremely happy.

"Hey mom," I kiss her cheek, "why are you so happy?"

"Our business just got an offer from a major fashion company! Imagine the sales," he exclaims while jumping in excitement.

"Which company?"

"De Vonte's Fashion,"

Fuck no.

Catch Me or I'll FallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora