T W E N T Y - Déjà Vu

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Chapter Twenty - Déjà Vu

"déjà vu; (noun) a feeling of having already experienced the present situation."

-The Dictionary


Finishing move; doing a middle slip in the air on two cheerleaders' shoulder while trying to look pretty and waving pom poms in the air. It's the flyer's job isn't? The crowd reacted by screaming and clapping. I safely land in the arms of the main bases then energetically walk off the floor with my team.

Our routine was the last one on the list. For a routine we spent five months practicing for, it was worth the time and effort. This routine might just be my favourite one we've performed. I'm glad I passed the role of head cheerleader to Nicole this year. I couldn't have thought of a routine this amazing. So many dance components, stunts, tumbling. It's got to be a winning routine.

We waited anxiously by the stage waiting for the announcer to announce the top three cheer teams. One of the teams plays extremely dirty every single year. If you find your uniforms torn up, pom poms missing, music corrupted, your bus full of pink glitter, judges deducting points for no reasons blame the assholes called the East Coast Panthers. I don't even know why they keep playing dirty since they always come second every single year.

The captain from the East Coast Panther's, Reyna Valdez, glared at me intensely. I think she didn't hear I gave my position to Nicole or she's still mad at the fact her ex-boyfriend, who was on their team, was caught kissing one of the girls on our team last year. Can't believe I was 'friends' with her at the cheer camp in freshman year. She walked up to me, so we were standing face to face.

"Say goodbye to your undefeated title," Reyna said confidently. I'm confident that she's going to not be first this year. Cocky? I'd call it knowing where you stand.

"Say hello to your second place trophy again. It seems like it's calling your name and wanting it's bitches back," I pout sarcastically. She scoffs as her face turns to disgust.

"I'm sure the whipped cream in your-" she was cut off by the announcer.

"We're back and we have our top three teams!" The announcer says, walking onto the stage energetically. I swear this guy could be his own cheer team with all the energy bottled up in him. All the teams waited quietly, some crossing their fingers. Like that would work.

"I'd like to invite the following teams onto the stage. Note that the order I say them in are not the placings." The announcer pulls an envelope from his jacket. "Can the Graham Parks Sea Lions, Lakeside Bears and the East Coast Panthers come up to the stage please."

Our whole team screamed out of joy along with the other two teams. The other teams gave us evil glares. Sore losers. I followed the rest of our team onto the stage. The crowd was ecstatic.

"Should I announce the places?" The announcer shouts. I think you should since it's your job. The crowd screamed and whistled.

"Alright, third place... East Coast Panthers!" Reyna was furious. Her jaw practically fell to the ground. She's always used to second place but third? Oh, this is too good. I saw tears form in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away to claim her third place trophy. The Panthers left the stage leaving us and the Lakeside Bears.

"Drum roll please!" People in the crowds started to pat their thighs vigorously. "The winners of this year's Championships is... The Graham Parks Sea Lions!"

Our whole team jumped at each other and at the Lakeside Bears. They weren't like the other teams who glared at us every single time we walked passed. I'm glad they beat the Pink Panther rejects since the previous year they tampered with their music. Instead of their usual music play, sexual moans blasted out. They were immediately disqualified. Our team was the only team to comfort them. Shows the amazing sportsmanship the other teams have. Not.

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