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This is a new genre. Scary. Ooooooooo👻. Lol.
Hope You Enjoy

You are sitting in the living room with your boyfriend of three years, Cameron Dallas. You two were laying on the couch, cuddling and watching Insidious:Chapter Three.

Cams head was nestled in the crook of your neck. You giggled when he groaned out of fear. "Babe why are we watching this? I hate scary movies", he whined.

You chuckled and reached up to pat his head. "Awe. Is wittle Cammy scawed. Well suck it up. It's not that bad.", you teased. He huffed in your neck. He brought his head up. You looked up at him innocently. He glared at you.

You stuck your tongue at him playfully. He laughed lightly at your childish actions. He abruptly got up from the couch. You looked at him curiously. "Girl. I am just goin to the bathroom. Calm yo tatas.", he said like a ratchet girl.

You laughed as he walked away towards the hallway. You turned your attention to the horror movie in front of you. Waiting for your boyfriend.

(Ten minutes later)

Ok. This is ridiculous. The movie was over. You were very paranoid, and Cam still hasn't come back. "Cam! The movie is over! What is taking you so long!", you yelled, hoping he could hear you.

No response.

You sat up, and turned. "Cam?! Hey, you better not be blowing up that bathroom!" You yelled again. This time when he didn't respond you got off the couch.

You made your way towards the hallway. You entered, looking left, then right. No sign of your boyfriend. "But, I saw him go in here" you thought.

You kept walking down the long hallway. The walls were covered in pictures of your family. Picture of you, Cameron at the beach. He held you bridal style, both of you smiling widely at each other.

You smiled slightly as you examined the memories covering the walls. You sighed, walking in front of the bathroom door. It was pitch black. The only light was coming from your phone flashlight. "Cam? Come on. This isn't funn-", you gasped as you opened the bathroom door.

No one was in there.

You entered the barroom. You quickly flipped in the light. You looked around confused. You looked behind the door. Under the sink. "Cam! This isn't freaking funny!", you yelled out the bathroom door.


What the hell was that, you thought. You poked your head back in the bathroom. You hyperventilated. You didn't like being scared. You didn't know where he was. You would have saw him come out the hallway. The hall has a dead end.

You stared at your reflection in the mirror. You looked behind you through the mirror. The shower curtain was parity open. You suddenly could hear breathing.

Not yours.

You stood still. Not moving. You turned around. "Cam?", you asked. You slowly walked towards the curtain. The unknown breathing getting louder. You stopped. Reached out slowly, grasping the curtain in your hands.

You peeled back the curtains. Screaming as you did. There stood a tall man in a black trench coat and a skeleton mask. It screamed back at you. You stopped after it started laughing.

Cams' laugh.

"You asshole!", you exclaimed. Cam took of the mask. Laughing hysterically. You spun around. You ran out the bathroom. Through the hallway. Through the living room. Up the stairs. To your guy's bedroom.

You had an idea.

"Y/N! I'm sorry, baby", Can yelled after you. He walked in the bedroom. You sat on the edge of the bed. Facing away from Cameron. "Babe? You ok? I'm sorry", Cam pleaded.

You had put on an old Halloween mask. Cam hates this mask. It scares the crap out of him. Perfect time, is it not?

Cam made his way around the bed. He was about ten centimeters away from you. He had hadn't seen the mask yet. "Baby?", He asked scared. You looked up at him.

He screamed like a little girl. Quickly stopping as you laughed your butt off. His scared face, turned to anger, to defeat.


He growled. Then you were tackled on your bed. You squealed as the mask was ripped off of you. "Touché Y/N. Touché", Cam chuckled. You laughed once more. Pecking him on the lips.

"Shouldn't have Scared me, karma's a bitch.", you teased. He chuckled pecking your lips again.

"This is why I love you. You are so cute", Cam cooed.

You blushed. He smirked.

I love him so much......
I hope you enjoyed. I liked writing it. Goodnight ya'll. Lol.
Hope you enjoyed.

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