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Your hands gripped the steering wheel. You were so exhausted. Your feet have been running around the office you worked at, all day. You bobbed your head to Sorry by Justin Bieber. "Cause I'm, missin more than just your body", you sang along to the radio.

You just couldn't wait until you were in the arms of your amazing boyfriend, Cameron. You guys have been going strong for six years now. Today was the day before your guys' anniversary. You went out to go get his gift. Which was a gold watch, he had been eying for months now.

You pulled into your driveway, as the song came to an end. You turned down the radio. Turning the car off, smiling as you thought about the next day. You walked to your front door.

Unlocking the door, you walked in happily. "Baby! I'm home!", you shouted. It was silent for about one minute. Until you heard a thump upstairs. "Cameron! Are you ok", you asked concerned, as you descended up the stairs.

You walked into your bedroom.

Cam was sitting on the foot of the bed, sweat embedded his forehead. "Hey baby. How was your day?Anything new happen today?", Cameron asked sounding a bit off. He came up to you, taking you by the waist bringing you closer. "I'm ok. Are you ok? You look like you just got home from the gym or something", you laughed out.

He started laughing hysterically. Confused, you backed away slightly. "Awe. Babe you're so funny", he said once he calmed down. You noticed the closet door was partly open. As if someone forced it open, you started walking towards it to close it. OCD thing you had. "Y/N? What're you doing? The closet is fine. Nothing in there at all.", Cam rushed his words.

You looked back confused. Rolling your eyes you reached for the doorknob. Just as you were about to close it. You looked up. There were two electric blue eyes staring at you in fear. Screaming, you fell backwards. Landing on your butt. Cam rushed over to you. "Baby, are you ok? What happened?", Cameron asked you worriedly.

"There's someone in the closet!", you said scared. He chuckled anxiously. "N-no there's n-not", he stuttered. Yeah right, you thought. Walking over to it, you ripped the closet door open. In front of you was a half naked blonde girl. She looked at you with panic written all over her face. You scoffed at her, and turned to look at a distraught Cameron.

"Y/N. I can expla-", you cut him off, "Shut up! I can't believe you would do this! I loved you. Then you turn around, and cheat on me" you yelled. You turned to the girl. "Get out!", she jumped at your outburst, before scurrying out of the room. You looked at Cameron. "Babygirl I-", you held up your hand to stop him from saying anything else.

"How many times?", you asked. He came towards you. You stepped back, causing him to stop. "What do you mean?", he asked. "How many times have you cheated Cameron?!", you asked louder. He winced at your tone. "This was the only time, I swear", he said sincerely. "Why did you do it? Am I not enough? Huh? Do I not please you enough?", you asked tearing up.

He took your hands in his. "Don't ever say that again. I love you more than life itself. I was stupid. I am stupid. She meant nothing to me. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You are amazing. You're enough, and then some." Cam said, tears cascaded down his face. You shook your head.

"I just need some time. Please just leave. I really need some time to think about what just happened", you explained. He nodded.

"I love you Y/N" he said letting your hands go. He turned around, and walked out of the room. Once you heard the front door slam shut, you broke down. Tears ran down your face. Sobs filled your mouth. You walked over to your bed. Pulling the covers over your shaking body.

Why did he have to do that...

I hope you enjoyed it. I really am sorry about not updating sooner. I will see you weirdos next time.

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