•Always There•

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I really appreciate al the reads you guys have given me. You guys rock. Love ya 😘😘
Hope you enjoy

You have been dating Taylor Caniff for a year now. You honestly couldn't be more miserable. In the beginning, it was amazing. He was romantic, sweet, and considerate. But, now he comes home drunk in the middle of the night, he accuses you of cheating in an act of intoxication.

During this interesting relationship, You, and Cameron have gotten close. Taylor doesn't like that. As a matter a fact you were arguing about it right now...
"DON'T FUCKING LIE Y/N! I s-saw you and-*hiccup* him last w-week kissing", Taylor yelled drunkenly. You two were standing in the middle of your guys' room. Tears ran down your face.

"Taylor. I swear I never cheat-", SLAP! 

He hit you.

"I told you to stop lying. Didn't I?!", Taylor questioned. You became overwhelmed with anger. Every emotion you kept bottled up. Came out.

You balled up your fist. Raised it. And... PUNCH! You punched him square in the nose. "IM SO FREAKING DONE! I'm leaving. If you can't stop disrespecting me. I'll leave.  Bye Taylor". You said to him.

You turned, avid ran down the stairs. You grabbed your car keys. You ignored Taylor screams to come back.  You walked out the front door, slamming it behind you. You hopped in your car, and sped off.

You were pulled over on the side of the road. You had ran out of gas, and you didn't know what to do. It was very late at night. Your mom was asleep, so was your best friend. The last person that you could call was the one and only Cameron.

You pulled out your phone, and clicked on his icon. It rang for five seconds until your ears were filled with the familiar tired, friendly voice. "Hey Y/N. What's Up?", Can asked. You sniffled before saying,"Cam, my car broke down. I don't know what to do. Please pick me up", you cried out.

"I'm on the way baby girl. Just hold tight, alright?", He said, sounding more alert. You whispered an ok, then hung up.

Please Hurry Cameron...
Right now you and Cam were sitting in silence in his car. You were silently crying, while holding Cameron was holding your hand comfortingly. "So, why were you driving around at 2:30 a.m Y/N", Cameron questioned.

You looked down to your lap. "I was bored..", you mumbled. He shook his head. You guys suddenly pulled into his driveway. He let go of your hand, and got out. You followed him up to his door.

He went inside, and you followed him to his bedroom. "Now, tell me the real reason. Don't lie to me either", Can said sternly, as he sat in the foot of bed. You sat next to him, and sighed. "Taylor came home. He went into a rage. He started accusing me of cheating on him. Saying he saw us kissing last week or some bullshit like that.", you paused.

"And then..", Cameron urged you to continue. You sighed, looked into his brown eyes. "And then... Then he hit me", you said, while tears escaped your eyes. Cam suddenly stood up,"WHAT?!?! Baby girl that's not ok. What happened after that?", Cam asked. You looked up him, and wiped your eyes. "I punched him in his face", you laughed slightly.

Cameron relaxed lightly laughing with you. He sat back down next to you. The room was silent as you two stared at each other. You leaned in slightly. Him copying your actions. Your lips met, and fireworks went off.

You placed your right hand on his cheek. While his hands gripped your waist. You both pulled away, smiling widely.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that. I love you Y/N. I have loved you since you walked into that coffee shop to meet that douchebag. I'm Always There for you Y/N. I want to ask you.. If you, you know..", he paused.

"If I..", You urged him to continue. He laughed nervously. "Want to be my girlfriend", he said looking down at his lap. You laughed quietly, and lifted his head up. "I would love to be your girlfriend", you said smiling.

He smiled back, and crashed his lips into yours. You squealed as he pushed you down onto the mattress. You pulled away. Looking up into his eyes you said, "I love you too, Cameron."

Man, what a night
I love it so freaking much. I'm sorry the language. I dint like to cuss usually in my stories. But, what can you do?
I hope you enjoyed

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