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I know I haven't been updating. I'm sorry. So, here it is. I'll try to update more. I swear.
Hope you
You turned in your bed to look at the alarm clock. 12:19 a.m. You internally groaned. You couldn't sleep without Cameron there. You guys had gotten into a fight about... well, you forgot. It was so stupid. You guys were just practically screaming at each other.

You didn't understand. You guys have been together since high school....


I walked down the school hallways. The smell invaded my nose. The smell of sweaty jocks mixed with lemon scented floor cleaner. Not very appealing. I entered first period.

History. Although not the most exciting class. It's the only class where I get to see him. The beautiful brown-eyed boy that doesn't talk much. Or at all really.

Believe me. I've tried to spark up conversation, I mean he sits on the left to me. But, he just sits there quietly. With this focused look on his face. His name, I learned from the teacher when she did attendance, is Cameron Dallas.

It's so weird how he never talks. I mean, he never says a word. I have only one period  with him. He never says a thing. Now, he does get picked on. But, I don't really want to get involved.

I do feel pretty bad for it though. He is such a good guy. He doesn't interact with any human being, but I just have a feeling, you know?

Anyway, the bell rings. Everyone rushes out. I usually do too, but I decided I'd stay behind with the gorgeous mute. I grab my things, and followed him out the classroom.

I walked up next to him. "Hey. Cameron, right?", I asked him. He seemed shocked at first. But, then his face contorted back into the monotone look he had before. "Yeah", he muttered. Looking away from me. HE TALKED!

"I'm Y/N. I'm in your history class", I said to him. He grunted as if saying "OK". He suddenly stopped walking, and looked forward horrified. My eyes had not left him the entire time. Oh gosh, I'm creepy. But, I stopped with him, looking where his wide eyes were.

In front of us was a big football player. He had sandy blonde hair, and brown eyes, probably stood at 6'2. His name is Adam Watsons. He's the most popular kid in school. A.K.A. my ex-boyfriend. He's also Cameron's main bully.

He walked up to us hastily. He looked angry. He was not very nice when he was angry. He suddenly stopped in front of us. "Hey. So you just think it's ok to talk to my girlfriend now? Huh?", Adam asked Cam.



I stepped in front of Cameron. "EX-Girlfriend. For one. And for two, he can talk to me all he wants to. I'm not yours anymore, Adam", I said his name like I was spitting out something disgusting. Adam glared down at me.

"I got this Y/N", Cam said from behind me. I then felt myself being put behind him. Cameron went inches away Adam's face.

"Listen up Adam. I don't like the way you talk to me. I'm absolutely fucking over it! I don't know who think you are. But you better get out my damn face. Y/N can talk to me if she fucking wants to.", Cam said angrily.

Adam was shocked, but didn't back down. "I don't think you have a say in this nerd. Y/N is mine. Always will be. You will never find anyone who cares about you. I bet she doesn't even want to be by you right now", Adam said back.


Everyone came out of class. Wow. We've been out here that long? Damn.  Everyone gathered to see why the most popular guy in school was face to face with the most nerdiest (cutest) guy in school.

I was done. Adam has reigned long enough. I stepped forward. "He already  has. I care about him. A lot. I haven't even known him as long as I've known you. And yet, I still know he'd never be as much as an asshole as you. You have been tormenting Cam for a while now. I'm so done! Get out of here! No one wants to here your irrelevant ass anymore!", I screamed at him.

'OOO's' were heard from the surrounding people. Adam was red with embarrassment. He growled then turned, and stomped away. Cam and I sighed in relief. He smiled at me. His pearly whites glistening like stars.  "Thank you Y/N. You didn't have to do that. But you did.", Cam said.

Everyone dispersed to their own little groups to talk about what the hell just happened.

I smiled back nodding, "Of course. I can't stand Adam. He's an asshole." Cameron nodded in agreement "So. What's this I hear about you caring about me?", Cameron smirked.

I blushed. "About that. I really like you. Your cute. You don't talk much. But, I like that you're very reserved.", I was flushed when I finished my little speech.

Cam blushed slightly. "I don't talk to you because you make me nervous. Your Y/H/C hair. Beautiful Y/E/C eyes. You're absolutely mesmerizing.", Cam said, leaning in towards you face.

Our lips met. We moved in sync, as his right hand traveled to the small of my back, pulling me closer. I moaned slightly as he bit on my bottom lip while I pulled away.

Cam started to talk. "Do you wanna go out on a date with me?", Cam asked. I  smiled widely.  I pecked his lips . "Of course I would", I responded.

(End of Flashback)

From that day on. We have been inseparable. Adam got expelled a week later for bringing alcohol to school. Taking swigs of it during Geometry.

He was so stupid.

Cam is amazing.

I wish he would come home.

Where are you Cameron?....
I like it. Although it kind of sucked. Comment. Vote. I hope you enjoyed it.

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