•First Date•

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You stared at your reflection. Smoothing out the red dress to get rid of any wrinkles. You checked your makeup once more, straightening out your hair.

You sighed in satisfaction. Your nerves were going crazy. Cam called you a week after meeting him. Saying how he would love to go to dinner sometime. That "sometime" turned to tonight in a flash. You were super nervous. All the possible scenarios were going through your head.

"I could trip. I could trip and fall on my face. I could break my nose. I'll be looking like Voldemort the rest of the night", your mind pestered you as you slipped your black heels on. You cringed at your thoughts.

Your phone buzzed. You picked it up and saw a text from Cameron. Cam😻:Hey! I'm almost there. You smiled slightly. You quickly replied with an "ok" and grabbed your leather jacket. You walked downstairs, and went to the the living-room. You sat on the couch, and went on your phone.

Around five minutes later the doorbell rang. You rushed over to the wooden door, smoothed down your hair, and opened. You were greeted by the tall, tan and handsome boy you met a week ago. "Wow. Y/N....you look beautiful", he said looking up and down your body. You blushed at his comment. "Thanks. You do too", you complemented back.

He chuckled. "Thank you. Uh, you ready to go", he asked. You nodded, and slipped on the leather jacket. You two walked to his car where he opened the passenger door for you. "Why thank you", you said to him. You slipped inside the vehicle and he closed the door, jogging to his side.

He started the car and you two were on your way.


You both walked inside the fancy restaurant. You walked up to the lady at the reservation table. "Hello. One reservation for Dallas", Cam said to the lady sweetly. "Of course. Right this way sir", she replied with a smile.

She led you to a candle lit table with two chairs opposite each other. Cameron pulled your chair out and you sat down while thanking him for his nice gesture. He sat down and the waitress spoke", Good evening. Welcome to Delicieux (A/N That means Tasty in French) I'm Angelica, I'll be your server tonight. Do you guys know what you want?", she said to us. Cam nodded," I'll have the parmesan de poulet (A/N Chicken Parmesan in French) please. What about you beautiful?", Cam asked you.

You blushed and looked down. "I guess, I'll have the same?", you said more like a question only because you have no idea how to speak French. The waitress smiled, "Of course I'll be back with some water", she said as she walked away. "So, Y/N. Tell me about yourself.", Cameron said.

You gulped nervously. "W-Well...Um....." You stammered. Cam chuckled," How about we play 20 questions?", Cam asked. You nodded. "Ok. What's your favorite color?", he asked. You playfully rolled your eyes. "Well, my favorite color is (Your favorite color)", you answered. His eyes lit up,"Mine too! Your turn", he said to you.

You thought for a second. "What's your biggest fear?", You asked him. His eyes suddenly went dark. "Next question...", he grumbled. You immediately felt bad for bringing it up. "Hey.... I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to-" he cut you off, "It's fine. I just.. I used to deal with a great amount of depression. I would cut myself to feel like I had an escape from this cruel world." He said sadly.

"So... I will answer your God awful question, that I have been avoiding for my entire life, is..... Not being able to save a person I love dearly from going through the horrors I suffered through." He said while staring into my Y/E/C eyes. I knew he was serious.

You nodded understandingly. "I really, really hate uh.. So embarrassing... Mall Santas. I mean, you just sit in his sweaty, nasty lap and, he asks you what he can do for you. He's basically a cheap prostitute", you ranted. Cameron erupted into laughter, tears cascaded down his cheeks. He looked at you and laughed harder causing you to laugh at his laughing fit. "Man.. Y/N. You are truly amazing. You're beautiful, smart, and you can me laugh. You are a spectacular girl", Cam said to you as he held onto your hands.

You sat in aw as he stares into your eyes meaning every single word he had just said. "Alright. Here is your food", the waitress said as she set down your guys' plates. You looked down at the food. It resembled what looked like to be a Chicken Parmesan. "Oh ok. So that's what that means", You thought to yourself. "And your water. Please enjoy your meals. And call me over of you need anything else", the waitress said kindly before walking away. You looked back at Cameron, who was already looking at you. You blushed and looked at the delicious food in front of you.

"Well, let's eat" You said happily. He smiled at you and nodded. You two then started eating your food in comfortable silence.

You walked down the sidewalk that went up to your front porch. Cam was beside you, looking a bit nervous. You guys walked you to your door. "Well, here we are", you said awkwardly. "Yes. Here. We. Are..", Cam said still feeling a bit nervous. You raised your hand to him, "Hive five..?", you asked. He looked at you for a second, then laughed. He suddenly grabbed your hand, that stood up waiting for his contact, and pulled you to him wrapping his arms around your waist. Your bodies flushed against each others. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, you suddenly got a boost of confidence and, very slowly, started leaning in.

He noticed your actions and copied them. Soon your lips were just barely brushing together. Then, all of a sudden, Cam pushed fully. Your lips move against each other's. Moving in sync. His tongue suddenly peaked out, licking the bottom lip for entrance. You reluctantly accepted his request, as you tongues battled for dominance. His left hand ran down your waist to your bum. He slightly squeezed and, you gasped, making him win your battle. You pulled away.

You rested your forehead into his. "Wow", he breathed out. You laughed lightly, nodding in agreement. "Y/N. I really enjoyed tonight. And I was wondering, If maybe..uh.. If you know-", you cut him off with a laugh. "Yes. I would love to go out with you again", you chirped. His eyes lit up with joy as he pecked your lips quickly once more.

You walked to your door as he turned to go to his car. You smiled at him. He, of course, returned it. You unlocked your front door. You walked in and leaned your back against the door. You sighed.

What a hell of a night..

Hola, como estas? Bien? Bien!
Ok.. I'll stop. I just want to say that I'm so very, very grateful for all of the read you have given me. I really enjoy all of these imagines and I hope you do too.
Hope you enjoyed

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