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You were in a state of bliss. Your body was relaxed, and your brain blessed you with images of Channing Tatum (Or your own celeb crush). You were in complete and, utter peace.

That peace was interrupted by small whimpers coming from beside you. Your eyes shot open from the sounds of distress. You turned your body, observing the sleeping man beside you.

His eyebrows were furrowed, his fist clenched at his sides. You reached your hand over to touch his sweat embedded forehead. He flinched at your actions, but his eyes stayed closed.

You removed your hand. As soon as you did his head began to thrash around crazily. His legs kicked up as if he were trying to run on air. "Y/N!", he screamed. He then stopped abruptly. Around two minutes later sobs escaped his lips.

You quickly wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him with all your might. You pulled away and began shaking his left arm in an attempt to wake him.

"Cameron. Cam wake up baby!", you yelled. Terror coursed through your veins as his eyes stayed closed, tears running down his cheeks. "Cam! Wake up!", you yelled once more.

His body suddenly shot up. His breathing was irregular. His chest heaved up and down. "Cam?", you whispered. His head turned to you quickly. His tear stained cheeks glimmered in the moon light. "Y/N. It was horrible", he whispered back.

You nodded, opening your arms to him. He gladly leaned into them. His head rested in the crook of your neck. "It's ok. It alright, I'm here", you cooed.

He shook his head,"You left me, saying there was someone else...that you hated me", Cam whimpered. Tears weld up in your eyes. You took Cam's head in your hands, looking straight into his eyes. "Hey. I will never leave you. I will always love you, no matter how old we get or however many fights we have".

He looked into your eyes before letting his eyes flicker down to your lips. Your lips met ever so delicately, as if you both could break at any moment. They moved in sync as his hands moved to your face. Your arms wrapped around his neck. You pulled away and smiled.

"Come on. Let's go back to bed", you suggested. He smiled just as wide and nodded in agreement. With one last peck you both laid down. His arm instinctively wrapped around your waist pulling you too him. Your back was flushed against his chest.

"Goodnight Y/N", he said sleepily.

"Goodnight Cameron"...

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