Goodbye, everyone...

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Sougo rushed out of his small home. He ran past Hijikata, who, at the moment was buying bouquets of flowers. Sougo muttered out 'coward' before continuing his violent sprint. He accelerated into his sister's hospital and exhaled a shaky breath. "Not today..." He choked back a sob, "Please, God, not today..." He slowly opened the heavy hospital door. Mitsuba's doctor had his head in his hands. When he saw Sougo he apologized multiple times on his knees, his head on the floor.
"I'm so sorry, Okita-san. We failed the surgery.... She only has an hour." His voice was apologetic and horrified. Sougo didn't care. There is no excuse.
He clenched his fists. "You're all useless. Seven f*cking years of training, and you can't save one person? Go to hell. All of you. Especially you. Get the f*ck out."
The doctor shamefully walked out. The loud, Ka-chak of the door echoing about the room. Sougo sat by his sister's bed. He sobbed. "I love you, Aneue. I love you so much. And now you're going to have to leave me all alone."
Hijikata walked in casually. Sougo didn't turn around. He spoke, his voice shaky and in sobs, "One hour."
Sougo heard a feint fwoom and turned around. No one was to be seen. Just a bouquet of flowers by the door. He screamed, "B*STARD!!!!"
"I'm leaving, Sadist." Just f*cking great. I thought my life would have at least one ray of hope. One.
"Great." He turned and walked away. What the f*ck are you doing? Chase her, Sougo. Make her change her f*cking mind!
"I'll be back in four years, I promise you that! Don't die, Sadist! Your sister's funeral was... Well, It was an honour to be invited! You're forever my rival! Don't forget!" Her voice was loud and had vehemence.
Sougo chuckled. Those words are engraved in my mind, China. Don't die.
To be continued...

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