Taking a break.

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       "For a whole day?!" Kagura exclaimed in dismay.
       Chuckling at her reaction, Sougo motioned to the phone that was clasped in his hand, "Apparently, Kondo-san's wife wants our kid and theirs to socialize. Which is stupid, being as they just turned five."
      Her gaze flew to their daughter who was eyeing the television intently, clearly engulfed in whatever nonsense flashed onscreen. She pursed her lips, "I don't want to part with our child, Sadist."
      "She's not gonna die, China. And besides-" He shortened the proximity between them to which he could feel her freakishly long lashes brush his own. His nose grazed her ear, whispering: "-Don't we deserve a break?"
      The way he said the word sent an eerie chill down her spine as she averted her gaze in discomfort. "D-don't start, Sadist."
     His hands were obstinate as they wrapped themselves around her slim torso, "Don't try and act like you're not exhausted..."
     She grabbed his hands and forced them off of her, cheeks flushed a vivid pink, turning her back on him. She proceeded to wash the dishes and Sougo leaned back on the marble table, eyeing her amusedly.
     "Mami, is Kubo-chan coming over?"
Kagura flinched at the small saccharine voice behind them. Sougo smirked and gesticulated to the phone with the tilt of his head. He then leaned down and scooped Kaguya in his arms. "Actually, Kaguya, you're going to Kubuto today."
     Her large, cerulean pearls swirled quizzically, comprehending the change of events presented to her. Kubuto Kondo always came to their house. Tiny hands fisted Sougo's shirt and she asked, "Where's Kubo-chan?"
     Sougo chuckled at the slight concern in her question.
     "He's at Aneg- Auntie's house, Kaguya," Kagura assured, reluctantly silencing her inner qualms. She dried her hands and kissed her daughter on the cheek, dangerously close to her impatient husband. She almost instantaneously pulled away, as the chances of Sougo kissing her hungrily in front of their child were propitious.
Letting a low growl escape his throat, Sougo handed her the phone, mouthing, 'for Kaguya' as an extra bribe.
Sticking her tongue out at him, she took the landline out of his hand and dialled her beloved Anego, and the line was picked up after three short rings.
     "Kagura-chan! So? Does Kaguya-chan want to come over?"
     She nodded, although Otae couldn't see it. "Yes, Anego. She's looking for Kubo-chan."
     Her sister figure sounded delighted at her words. "Is that so? Well, we can pick her up if you want us to. The walk isn't very long-"
     "It's okay, Anego, we'll drop her off."
     "Well, if you get tired, I'll make you some food before you go~"
     Her face went a noticeable purple and she covered her mouth in disgust. Sougo snickered. "H-how about you pick her up?"
     Otae's voice was suddenly filled with worry, "Kagura-chan? Are you okay?"
     "Yeah, I'm fine, I've been feeling lightheaded since this morning, so maybe a walk in the boiling summer heat wouldn't be such a smart idea..."
Kagura heard her hum in an understanding of her(false)situation. With a gleeful farewell, the line cut off as she sighed in exasperation. "Now I have to seem weak, sweaty and gross..."
"You're always all of those things, so you'll be fine," Sougo stated casually, flashing her a smirk. She gently took Kaguya in one hand and slammed her husband into the tiled floors of their kitchen with the other. Writhing in pain, he hesitantly recoiled and grit his teeth in annoyance.
"Do you seriously have to do that every time I make a meaningless joke?"
She smirked and grabbed his shirt, pulling him down to her level to plant a short and sweet kiss on his nose, "I can't help it, I have a propensity for hurting you. Sorry, 'kay?"
She said the final sentence with a pert smile and the adorable tilt of her head, multiple strands of vermillion falling attractively over her shoulder; something she knew drove him mad. Her rose petal lips were so close, so...
"Pappi's staring at mami."
Feeling his heart leap out, he stood to his full height, coughing into his first to regain even the smallest iota of composure. His face lit up, "Hey, Kaguya, look at the window, there's a black cat!" Milliseconds after, he leaned down, his target being his wife's pink lips, only to be met with cool, empty air as she also turned her head in excitement.
"Where, Sadist?!?"
Groaning at her stupidity, he hopelessly muttered out, "It left..."
      Kagura bid Otae and her daughter goodbye, watching them as they disappeared down the road. Stretching out her slender fingers and arms in front of her, she slipped on her boots and reached for her umbrella, to be momentarily halted by her husband's larger hand.
"Sadist, what the f*ck. I'm visiting Gin-chan, so let me go!"
He ignored her demand and tightened his adamant hold on her wrist. With his tone irate, he said, "does Danna really need to be visited twice a day?"
Disturbed, hurt, and shocked by his remark, she tore away her arm and stormed out of the house in an angered fit. Sougo scratched his head and looked around the foyer awkwardly, to see the one essential item yato's required on such hot, summer days; an umbrella.
"That dumb*ss..."
Hurriedly shoving on his footwear, he bolted out the door in search of his wife, completely forgetting to shut the front door. Subsequently, Sadaharu padded down the stairs and yawned, stretching out his large limbs before noticing Sougo's mistake. Shaking his head half worriedly, half irritably, he pushed the door with his nose, closing it with a satisfying click.
"Kubo-chan, Kubo-chan, look!" Kaguya exclaimed, rocking the larger boy back and forth repeatedly with ease. Kuboto's eyes wondered in the direction of her pale finger, immediately spying a conspicuous black kitten. Mouth slightly hanging agape in surprise, he gently took her pale hand in his and they nodded at each other determinedly, approaching the feline with as much caution their five-year old selves can manage.
As the proximity between them and the cat shortened, the two drank in its hypnotizing orbs of emerald, it's aristocratic, obviously soft fur rustling under the warm breeze. With a sharp intake of air, he bravely but slowly picked it up, Otae voicing her disagreement with a gasp. Kaguya remained behind his small back, clutching his shirt into small fists.
"It's gonna scratch you, Kubo-chan," she laughed nervously, although was clearly uncomfortable wth how close its honed claws were to her friend.
     "It won't, don't worry..." He responded lowly.
Kondo spectated them with a proud smile, arms crossed firmly over his chest. "Look at how fearless they are!" He said to his wife.
"Isao-chan, isn't that dangerou-"
"Kubo-chan, why'd you let it scratch you?"
Beginning to grow pale, Otae rushed over to them, scanning first Kaguya for any injures before searching for her son's. Breathing a sigh of relief at the small cut in his tan cheek, she handed the bandaid to Kaguya, claiming that if she used it, she would make Kuboto's pain go away. Snatching it from her eagerly, she ripped it open.
"Kaguya-chan is gonna heal me?" Kuboto asked meekly, colour flushing his cheeks. She scooted closer to him and his hesitant stare remained on her as her pale fingers lightly grazed his skin to apply the bandaid. Grinning like mad, she tilted her head at him, "I healed you, Kubo-chan!"
He returned the warm smile and wrapped his arms around her, "Thanks, Kaguya-chan!"
She happily squeezed in response.
Otae nearly squealed until her voice wore out, and Kondo cried tears of joy, sending the certain vice-chief and third division captain millions of messages detailing the event.
Umbrella in hand, Sougo quickened his sprint to the graveyard, the multiple dings his phone created nearly driving him to the brink of insanity. He slowed as the metal gates to the graves came into view. After his uneven pants levelled, he pushed open the rusted gates, as it creaked ear-piercingly beneath his light touch. He spotted the conspicuous vermillion hair and walked over to her.
     "Oi, dumb*ss. You forgot your umbrella. You trying to die or something?" He hovered it over her head, shielding her from the rays of the sun. His eyes widened as she violently wiped her eyes with her arms, before turning to brightly smile at him. He would never guess she was contrite and lamenting if he didn't witness her rub her eyes.
     "Thanks, Sadist." Her voice was weak.
     Tentatively, crouched down next to her, and placed a firm hand on Gintoki's grave. "Hey, Danna. I had really hoped Kaguya could meet you. Her lazy grandfather. The one who's been scolding me since I was twelve, and protecting us whenever he could. The most selfishly selfless person in the world."
     Kagura buried her nose in her knees, suppressing the need to sob.
     "I really hope... That in some alternate Galaxy... You're somewhere lounging on a certain green couch... Reading JUMP and picking your nose..." Sougo sniffled, and Kagura looked up to see him. Gently, she removed the arm guarding his face and whispered, "Sougo... Are you crying...?"
     "I'm not, dumb*ss, I'm just... There's dust in my eyes."
     She chuckled and gripped his hand, "Sougo, let's go visit Mitsu-nee."
     He nodded, his head still hanging low as she dragged him across the cemetery, Gintoki's grave growing smaller in his eyes.
     'Thanks a lot, Souichirou. Take care of Kaguya and Kagura for me.'
     Sougo whimpered, and he didn't care if his wife heard it. "It's Sougo, Danna. And I will..."

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