Missed chance.

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Sougo leaned in, his breath gently grazing the crown of Kagura's ear. His face slightly red and a quirky smile on his lips. "Chi- *hic* -na... I'm- *hic* -in love with- *hic* -you. *hic*"
She let out a forced, uncomfortable chuckle, "More like you're in love with sake. You're a drunken mess, Sadist." Her heart was palpitating. It was an unwanted reaction. She laid him down on the futon and fixed his unravelled yukata, blushing at Sougo's flirtatious protests.
He fluttered his eyes shut and whispered incoherent sentences. As she dropped her head down to question him, he roughly pulled her down, flipped them and straddled her. She shrieked. Quite loudly. She already knew the questions Hinowa and Tsukuyo would ask the following day. "China- *hic* -Let's get this- *hic* -over and done- *hic* -with."
     She decided to humour him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and sat up, propping herself up on her hands. He looked stunned. She then settled in his lap and brought her dainty fingers to his lips and gently caressed his face with her other hand, inwardly smirking at his entranced expression. He leaned forward. Before their lips could come in contact she head-butted him and unwrapped her legs from around him, shuddering in disgust. (Simply ignoring how unbelievably fast her heart was beating and how hot her face and neck was. She had no cold.)
     He passed out.
     Soon after an excruciatingly long five hours of staring at him awkwardly, her tiredness overtook her and she just laid down next to him in the futon and wrapped her arms around him.
     Hinowa was nervously biting at her thumbnail as Tsukuyo entered the corridor. "Hinowa, what's... Oh."
     They were both standing in front of Kagura's room and waiting for her to exit. No sounds were heard inside the room. Tsukuyo took a drag from her pipe and chuckled, "I bet they had fun."
     Hinowa lightly slapped her arm, "Don't joke about that!"
     "Oho, I don't think I'm joking, Hinowa. Actually, I think I'm very right. Didn't you hear that yell? Or should I say... Scream? It sounded quite suggestive. Plus, there was a lot of rummaging and short shouts and mumbles." She put her hand on the handle, ready to reveal the couple, but Hinowa stopped her.
     "I feel terrible! If Gin-san was still alive and found out I sent Kagura-chan off into adulthood at the age of nineteen... He'd kill me!" She brought shaky fingers to her face.
     The blonde scoffed, "Please. If anything, you did the officer in there a pretty sizeable favour. He seemed pretty into Kagura." She slid open the door ceremoniously and smirked at the scene.
     Kagura's shoulders were bare. (her kimono was simply hidden under the covers.) and her arms were wrapped around Sougo's lean frame. His upper half was also bare, (His yukata was hidden beneath the covers as well.)and he had a protective hand around her.
     Hinowa loudly gasped in shock, which caused them to stir.
     Sougo was the first to rise. "F*ck, my head hurts."
     Kagura moaned, "Shut the f*ck up, Sadist, I'm trying to sleep."
     "You shut up, my head is pounding incessantly, b*tch." He turned to her and leaned down, his unkempt flaxen strands falling on her cheek. Her eyebrow twitched.
     She grabbed his face with one hand and pushed him down, straddling him. It revealed their disheveled clothes.
JUST HOW DESPERATE WERE THEY TO DO THIS?!?! Hinowa thought, gaping at the two.
     Tsukuyo grabbed Hinowa and wheeled her out of the room, silently sliding the door shut. They stood in silence (Well, Hinowa was sitting, but Tsukuyo was standing.)And finally, Tsukuyo casually asked, "You wanna talk about it?"
She hesitantly nodded. "Wh- who do you think I-initiated it?"
"Hinowa-san, I didn't do anything to China." They turned to the voice and noticed the flaxen-locked male leaning over them.
     "Is that.... So?"
He nodded, somewhat solemnly and walked past them. "I did have a fun time pretending i was drunk, though. I got my reward." He rubbed his forehead.

     "GUAHHHHHHHHHRRRRAUHHHH." Exclaimed Kagura despairingly, her face as red as blood. "He was faking it?! I'll kill him! Then i didn't have to do that..." Her voice trailed off. She then buried her face into her knees, and violently scratched at her already tousled vermillion tresses.
"Quiet down, Hinowa and the courtesans are sleeping... But you look miserable." Tsukuyo repressed a hearty laugh and sat down next to the frenzied teen. "Although he is a rightful lard, you must come to understand his love for you, Kagura."
She pursed her rosy lips, "he harbors feelings for someone else."
Tsukuyo raised one eyebrow, letting a cloud of smoke escape out of her pert nose, something she strongly disliked. Her expression displayed utter discomfort and snorted. This would only happen to her when she was drunk or found something so unbelievable it was funny.
"I'm not lying!" The yato shouted, petulantly stomping her foot. (Lightly, obviously) "He said so! But my stupid brother interrupted before he could tell me who!"
Tsukuyo rolled her amethyst eyes and nonchalantly stated, "He desires you. Strongly desires you. In fact, I feel bad for the guy..."
She jolted, her face reddening further as she shook her head, regaining her composure, "That's disturbing."
Tsukuyo tilted her head at her, "to me you look happy. Your eyes are smiling."
She pouted, "I'm relieved. He didn't touch me at all."
"But you touched me."
She stilled.
"Okita?" Tsukuyo looked shocked, "You did something to Okita?"
Kagura marched over to Sougo, grabbed his ear, got on the tips of her toes and sharply whispered, "I will haul your ass into the ocean if you tell her."
As she was about to lower herself again, he grabbed her waist and gently licked and bit at her neck, a loud pop came from his lips as he released her. "Okay. I'll gladly not tell her now."
The vermillion-locked girl blushed so hard, heat was resonating off of her body. Tsukuyo was blushing as well. "Wow, if what you to him was worse than tha- He left a mark..."
She shrieked and ran over to him ready to make a dent in his pretty face. But he wasn't there.
...Outside the Yoshiwara, Sougo was leaning against an alleyway building, a stupid grin permanently plastered on his face.

A/N: Ahhhhhh! It's back! Sorry for the wait, I had some matters to attend to. To get to the place we were vacationing to, we took a train, so no wifi for more than one day. But I'll update regularly again! Hope you have a great summer while reading this!

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