His embarrassment and reward.

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     Okita Sougo approached the Yorozuya with an uncontrollable feeling of utter discomfort and despair. He was wearing a suit that was so tight, he could barely move his arms and legs. In his left hand was a rose, and in the other was the brand-new Otsuu album. Why the Ostuu album, you ask? He can't have the glasses-wearing human angry with him for the entire time he and Kagura are dating. How would he feel at the wedding? He shook his head. "Can't be anxious too soon." Slowly, he clambered up the steps and mentally prepared himself, praying that his girlfriend is out walking her giant-*ss dog. He knocked on the door and Shinpachi slid it open to immediately slide it closed again.
     "Oi, I j-just want to ask you something..." He muttered out. F*ck this is humiliating. Why do I have to do this? He felt his patience wane as he knocked again. "Megane-er no, Shimura-san, please let me in. I want to- um receive your blessing."
     He heard a livid 'tch' on the other side and was more than ready to have a fight with the man. Once again, Shinpachi slid open the door and asked, "What?"
     Sougo peered inside. No sign of Kagura. He elicited a sigh of relief before uttering out, "Meg- Shimura-san. Please allow me to date your foster sister. I'll treat her with all the respect I can muster." Which is not a lot. "And here, I got you a rose and the new Otsuu album."
     The raven-locked male had a guilty look on his face. "Okita-kun, I think you two make a good couple. At least, now I do. I appreciate you stepping out of your comfort zone and doing this for me. Although, I do not listen to Otsuu anymore." His eyebrow twitched as he said it.
     Unable to control his sadistic tendencies, Sougo decided to mess with him. "Oh, I see. I guess I'll return it."
     Shinpachi had a look of horror etched on his face, "W-wait! Uh- that's money wasted! Y-you should leave it here!"
This is fun. "Nonsense, Shimura-san, why keep something you don't like?" Sougo crooned, spinning the plastic case on his forefinger.
      "I-I...... OKAY, YOU WIN, I STILL LISTEN TO HER! JUST GIVE IT TO ME!" He yelled, reaching out and grabbing it from the smug, flaxen-haired man. His face was flushed a deep red and wide smile tugged at his lips.
      "Oh, that reminds me, where's China, Megane?" Sougo asked, looking about the Yorozuya apartment.
     Sougo stilled, unable to turn to the voice that sounded all too familiar. "Megane, listen to me carefully." he could feel her mockingly cunning gaze boring into his back at his point. However, because of his propensity for being a sadistic, confident, beautiful male, he couldn't admit defeat. Not in front of China, Megane, or the world. "Grab onto your steel katanna..."
     The samurai reluctantly complied, a confused look on his face, "Um, Okita-kun, I'm not clear on what you wanted to do-"
     "Slice me."
     ".....er.... Kagura-chan, is he being serious?" Don't talk to her, traitor! Don't you understand the position I'm in?!
     "I wouldn't know. He's an idiot." Excuse me, b*tch?! I'm the one that went through all this sh*t to receive the blessings from your weird-*ss family!
Jeez, what a riot, Kagura thought.
     The girl had a troublesome morning. Her foster brother demanded she should walk her dog, convinced the large canine would pass from obesity and dissatisfaction. Which-at least to her, made no sense whatsoever. She and Sougo spent most of the night trying to find when their feelings had developed, utterly taking up precious time and happiness for both parties. To sum up, the girl was exhausted.
     "Shinpachi, I just took him out two days ago. We've been going around town trying to figure out the virus. He got quite a bit of exercise. Even he himself thinks so." She nodded her head at her pet and the man turned to look at him. He was sleeping, laying comfortably on his back, a content smile on his snout. It was already ten in the morning and her stead was still asleep. "Trying to cure a virulent disease really takes it out of you. Why do you want me to leave in the first place?"
      He flushed a deep shade of red, promptly looking away, averting his gaze from hers, "N-no special-re-re-reason... I-it's not like-Like I was going to buy the n-new O-O-Otsuu album or anything."
      She let out an incredulous breath and stood up before declaring, "I'm going to buy Sukonbu. I'll be back, bye Shinpachi."
Then, fifteen minutes later, I come back to the Sadist, in a suit, talking to Shinpachi. As soon as she heard the words: 'Shimura-san. Please allow me to date your foster sister.' She knew it'd be an amusing time.
    What she didn't expect is for him to be so worried and mortified that she was there, that he'd go so far as to volunteer his life. What a conceited *ss.
She noticed Shinpachi looking past Sougo and to her, "Er... Kagura-chan, is he being serious?"
She had to suppress the need to laugh when he flinched. Finally, she said, "I wouldn't know, he's an idiot." Another flinch.
"Jeez, Sadist, what's with you and wanting blessings from my family? First Gin-chan, now it's Shinpachi!"
He turned to her, a confused look displayed on his features, "What? How did you know I received a blessing from Danna?"
     Oh, sh*t.
     Based on how his day was going, this moment right now had to be the most satisfactory. Well, if she keeps on acting so cute and flustered like that. "Well, China? How the hell did you find out?"
     She began to wildly shake her hands in front of her face, as if it would work as a  defence mechanism of some sort. "I-I... E-Erm, he-he told me!"
     He sighed, Silly girl. I can see through that. She knows this. "I know you two aren't related," clearly, otherwise he wouldn't have ruined everything and confessed, "but somehow you injected your stuttering genetics into this girl, Megane."
     "Ah... My bad."
     "Moving on," he returned his attention to the red-faced girl, "I know Danna's not the type of guy to spill. The only way you could've found out is if you eavesdropped."
     She noticeably grew more flustered. Bereft of any reason to try to be incognizant of the obvious facts. "I-I may have overheard...." She puffed her cheeks, "but I didn't eavesdrop! I'm not that low. I-It's not like I'm gonna m-m-marry you, or I want to. C-cause if I did hear sooner, I would've cut in and stopped it... B-but I came too late, okay?! So I-I di-didn't...."
     ...oi. Is she seriously doing this to me? He balled his fists and walked closer to her, forcing her to lean over the snow-covered banister. He trapped her between his arms and planted a short, gentle kiss on her smooth forehead, trailing it down to her soft cheek, to land on her lips. "I'm going to attack and return you to Megane tomorrow if you continue to act so adorable and vulnerable."
     Her eyes were wide with shock. Shinpachi silently gasped, shooting the girl a quick 'good luck' look before sliding the front door shut. She caressed his sinewy fingers and, so quietly and softly asked: "Are you at least going to carry me home tomorrow?"
     That does it. His flaxen fringe draped over his crimson eyes, and he grabbed her hips, "You made a big mistake, China."
     Her lip quirked, "eh?"
     He slightly lifted his head to reveal slightly faded crimson irises. They were passion-filled, as if drunk with hunger.
     She elevated her gaze to meet his and felt beads of perspiration form on her forehead, "Um... Sadist? Sougo?"
     As if the ticking time-bomb was set off, he wrapped his arms around her, ignoring the loud tearing noise created by his tight wear. It ripped at the back, revealing tense, flexed and impatient muscles, "Prepare yourself, China. Tonight I'm going to satisfy my hunger," he flashed her a sadistic grin, "And I'm starving."
     "...wait, what?"

A/N: ohohohohohohohohhohohohhohohohoho....

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