Like I'd allow that.

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Why must she do this to me? He thought bitterly. The enigmatic yato shoved him away with shaking hands, her breath hitching when he marched forward, her back to the closet as it was before. A brief, bitter chuckle escaped his lips as he asked, "Why don't you love me anymore?"
     An unwrapped sword was leaning against the wall, spectating the event. It nearly fell over as Sougo abruptly pinned her to the wall, eyebrows arched downward to signify his unneeded anger. "Tell me."
     Her lips quivered, "Let me go."
     "I want an answer." His grip tightened painfully, making her wince.
     "No." She answered vehemently.
     Then, silence. He let go of her, his chestnut fringe hiding his eyes. His tone lowered into a pained whisper, "Please."
     She stared at him, cold cerulean irises hardening. "I'm getting married to another yato. If I said I loved you, but wouldn't be able to be with you, neither of us would like it."
     Pure dismay was etched on his face, "...What?" His heart wrenched painfully, convulsing within his chest. It throbbed. His eyebrows furrowed incredulously. "You're kidding. That's surreal."
     "I wish I was kidding." Now, her entire ethereal frame was trembling. The desolate ambience of the room worsened when she did. To Sougo, especially. He gently pushed her vermillion strands out of her face and lightly pressed his chapped lips to her forehead.
     "I'll never allow that." Her face grew redder than her hair. He picked up his sword and left silently, leaving her alone in the dark living room of the Yorozuya.
Gintoki let out a nonchalant sigh, his small, bloodshot orbs focused on his 'daughter'. "Kagura, what's going on?"
"I'm getting married to another yato, Gin-chan." Her voice was resolute. No emotion in her usually ebullient tone. It even confused herself, but she didn't address it. Perhaps it was that she was disappointed in her father. She had told him a million stories about Sougo up until now. She knew that Sougo loved her, and he knew that Sougo loved her. So why? It was contradicting. It was as if she was at a crossroad. One spindly path going left, and another going right with shiny signs above them in which the right said, 'please Pappi' and the left, 'please Sadist'.
       "So you are." Gintoki's face was purely upset and confused. "Why?"
       "Sixteen is the legal age to get married. I hate this too, Gin-chan. But I-"
       "What about Souchirou?" The permed samurai asked, his voice deep and frantic.
The effects of this marriage is moving at a dizzying pace. "I told him already."
      Gintoki's face paled. The room was so eerily quiet Kagura could hear his apprehension grow. "To who?"
      "I don't know. Pappi just left me with the clue, 'he's better than that damned Sadist of yours.'" She let out a bitter chuckle, "better than my damned Sadist. Yeah f*cking right."
     She jumped as Gintoki put his hands on her shoulders, "KAGURA!"
     "What?!" Her mind was spinning.
     "Smile. Jump. Laugh. Fight. Eat. Dance. Tease.... Do what Kagura would do. Unless that insane father of yours storms in here and demands you get married to whoever immediately, I don't ever want to see this expression on your face again."
      Her body was wrung with a paroxysm of happiness. She hugged her father tight, refusing to let go even after an embarrassing twenty minutes. She fell asleep on his shoulders and he gently placed her in her closet. Sadaharu ran into the door, Shinpachi following afterward.
     Gintoki stared at them, "What happened?"
     "It's Okita-kun. He's fighting Umibozu-san."
Gintoki clenched his sword and ran out, "sh*t."
"I'm not letting China marry anyone other than me," Sougo intoned icily, his new, shiny blade reflecting the sun's rays.
Umibozu remained still, "You have no say in the matter.'
Sougo growled and proceeded to accelerate toward the yato, but was stopped by a certain wooden katanna. "Danna, move out of the way."
"And let you get killed? Sorry, but I'd rather have Kagura's rival stay alive. You're too angry, Sofa-kun. You're going to get hurt. I'll handle this, Kagura's sleeping inside."
Sougo reluctantly sheathed his blade, his anger only growing. He ran into the Yorozuya, Sadaharu following afterward.
Gintoki switched his gaze to Umibozu. "Give your daughter a break, will you? She doesn't want to get married to another yato."
Umibozu let out a hostile grunt, "What's with you earthlings thinking you have all the power? I could wipe out your entire race-"
"Like father like son," Gintoki taunted.
Umibozu stilled, guilt written all over his pale face. "Don't compare me to him."
"You hate yourself for caring for him." The yato nodded, soon after thrusting his umbrella at the samurai.
     He dodged it with very little grace, spitting out curse words at the very close call. "C'mon, now that's just cheating." Gintoki smirked and lowered his hips, readying himself, his sword pointing at the yato.
     Sougo entered the Yorozuya with hesitant steps, his breaths were hard. "China." He muttered it. The name resonating in his mind. He slowly opened her closet door to reveal doll-craft features. Her breathing causing her chest to peacefully rise up and down. Her vermillion tresses fell neatly beside her, causing his heat to leap, and her long eyelashes and perfectly arched eyebrows simply beguile him. Her well shaped stomach and legs were hidden within the darkness of the shadows.
     "China." He poked her cheek, a giggle escaping her lips. He smirked, "China~"
     She opened her eyes, cerulean orbs glimmering. "Sadist? A dream?"
     Unable to contain his temptations to mess with her, he nodded his head.
     She rubbed her eyes and pulled him into the small closet with her. He held his breath. What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
     She nuzzled her head into his chest, and he swore his heart was about to rip so shreds. Her breath smelled of strawberries and her hair smelled like lavender. Okita Sougo is a man of calmness and control. But he loses it when he's simple around this girl. Lying down next to her within a tiny closet is enough to send him to space without anything and survive for generations to come.
     He got used to her and held her close, his nose in her hair. He wouldn't dare to fall asleep and miss seeing her every move. He knew it was creepy, but that's just how enraptured he is with this one girl. Because she's everything the others are not. Interesting. Smart. Funny. Gorgeous. Cute. Ridiculously strong, and so much more.
     He wanted to jump up and down when she muttered, "I know this isn't a dream. Just let me stay like this. You seem to enjoy it, judging by your heartbeat."

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