Return of the Sadists.

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     Shinpachi slid open the door of the eerily cold Yorozuya household. "It's been two years. I can't believe Gin-san and I survived two years without Kagura-chan and the Shinsengumi!"
     "Patsuan, shut up for a second... I think I can hear her thundering footsteps!" Gintoki cupped his hand over his ear and his face creased into a repulsed expression. "It's just Otae."
     "....That's still my sister, you know."
     "...Hm. Perhaps Kagura is just not gonna return. It's to be expected. She's a yato, we're humans. She's not even from this damned planet! That's right... Why would she ever even try with us?"
     The room fell into a distant monochrome time. Their thoughts slowed, every warm memory of her flashing by in a slideshow, signifying her importance to them. Her importance to the Kabuki district, to Edo, to the world-
     "You haven't changed even in the slightest bit!" The two turned toward the familiar voice. "Kagura."
     "It's been a long time, Gin-chan, Shinpachi!" She jumped on them, toppling them over as if they weighed nothing. Her voice rang with girlish mirth. As they focused their gazes on her, they nearly fainted.
     Shinpachi pointed a finger at her, his shrill voice incredulous, "Kagura-chan?!?!"
     She looked puzzled, "Yes?"
     Gintoki smiled at her, "You've grown."
     She returned the warm gesture, "Mhm!"
     Shinpachi sputtered out incoherent obscenities, "Y- what are you wearing?! So much skin is exposed! And why did your umbrella double in size?! Why are you wearing a cape?! DID YOU SUDDENLY EVOLVE LIKE A POK*MON?!"
     She shrugged, "What? You told me to get stronger, I got stronger. It's not my fault I actually aged during this long distance relationship."
Gintoki huffed, his hand on his chin, quizzically looking Kagura up and down. "....So you're now..."
"I'm sixteen, Gin-chan. My birthday has yet to come up." She released herself from her brown cloak and carelessly threw it to the side. She smirked, "Time to go visit Sadist~"
Shinpachi eyed her warily, "Umm... Kagura-chan, Okita-kun is... Let's just say... Ready for you."
Kagura raised a perfect eyebrow, "Oh? Well that's good then!"
"Kagura-chan's coming home today," Kondo announced to Sougo and Hijikata.
Sougo jolted, "What... She is?"
Hijikata let a puff of smoke escape his lips, "You didn't know that? How sad. I thought you had Imai Nobume. So I was right."
"What? Please China could kill that b*tch within a matter of- I mean, ahem, both of them are worthless." Sougo stood up, his mask hanging on his neck.
"Where are you going then?" Hijikata asked, putting out the cigarette butt on the tatami mat. "Going to meet China?"
A sword was pressed against his neck with menacing crimson pools to stare at. "China is my name for her, you hear? I'll kill you one day, Hijikata-san, but right now I have more important matters at hand. Time to meet China."
"She's already here, Sadist." His heart plummeted down to his stomach. The taunting girlish tone rang in his ears, his hands were shaking, his heart palpitating, his mind in a haze.
"Say something already." She's beautiful. Holy sh*t. Where the f*ck did she go!? She has boobs! And she's showing them off for every guy in the Kabuki district to see. She's practically wearing a f*cking bikini!!!
He coughed into his hand, his voice breaking, "I... I um... You look like rat sh*t."
She smiled, causing his stomach to flip. All of his lovesick emotions trapped behind a sadistic, monotone, calm facade. Perfect. "Mayora, Gorilla, give us some privacy."
Sougo followed the dejected men with his crimson eyes. He turned his attention back to her and smirked, "You want us to be alone that badly? How disgustingly-"
"Pfft. Quit acting like such a tsundere! I know you missed me. Gin-chan told me you would ask him everyday when I will come back. That's just repulsive," her voice rang with sarcasm and mockery.
"So? You love me." Good, Sougo, bring that up now.
Her face increasingly reddened until it was equivalent to his eyes. Her cerulean irises glimmered in the sunlight, her face creased in embarrassment. "....mhm... I loved you."
He tugged her into a tight embrace, his nose in her neck. He inhaled her scent. The summery strawberry smell that feels like his oxygen. His words were muffled, but coherent, "Repeat that."
He could hear her heartbeat quicken, her ears were burning up. She's too cute. I might die today. "It-it was p-past tense!"
"If you don't repeat it, I'll never let you go. I'll make you my slave and you'll have to do whatever I want." He sounded happy. "Oh, and make it present tense," his grip tightened, "and say it like you mean it."
"But let me leave after this!" Her breath was shaking, her ears burned the tip of his nose. "I love you, Sadist."
He sighed contentedly, "I love you too, China. That wasn't in past tense."
     She pushed him away, "But mine is!"
     "I don't think so."
     "You're wrong! I'm absolutely correct!!!" She yelled, her voice shaking.
     He grabbed her wrist, "I'll make you realize the inevitable, China. I'm not satisfied with my answer."

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