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When he saw her again, he felt empty. Her once large, youthful orbs of curious cerulean has disappeared into an opaque blue. Her body changed within the passing years; a more matured version of herself blossomed and brought the attention of many men. Did she care? Not even in the slightest. Her feelings have grown dull and grey. Her wit sharpened as well as her tongue as she whisks away anyone who disturbs her. Relationships have been broken along with hearts, and it's all because he died.
As the officer took a hesitant step closer to her, he realized how difficult it was. She has always been his love, his light, his everything, and she always will be. She's simply Kagura. A broken-hearted girl. A situation he has dealt with more than one time. It irritated him to the core. But since it's her, the hardship has doubled.
"China, I finally found you." His breath was shaking, and he couldn't decipher whether it was out of nervousness or excitement. It was a great deal to him that he finally found her. But to look at her and speak to her was something he never knew he could accomplish.
"Sadist, you're here. I thought you guys left." She turned to him, vacant eyes and straight-faced as if she wasn't alive to begin with. Her voice lost its chinese touch and deepened so that depression is quite prominent.
He sat down next to her and scanned her up and down. Her legs were still, no more swinging them like mad or aiming them at his shins. No more of that unbelievably sour morsel sticking out of her rosy lips like a cigarette. No more of her classic cheongsam and Chinese buns as she let her hair simply drape down to her hips. Her clothes were unlike anything he's ever seen, with some of it ripped off of Gintoki's Yukata. It was as if the Kagura everyone knew and loved disappeared completely. "So... You've changed."
     "Yeah. You too. You grew out your hair? Why?"
     "I just felt like it." He turned to her, his long, ponytailed hair falling over his shoulder, "I wanted to see you."
     She smiled. It looked like plastic. "How uncharacteristic of you to say that, Sadist."
     "I really want you to smile again, you know," he said quite coldly.
She faltered for a moment before she spoke, "I'm smiling right now. Your stupidity is laughable."
He looked at her worriedly through his crimson eyes, "China, I know you're upset about Danna-"
"No sh*t I'm upset. Since he died I cried myself dry. I have to get over this and I will. Just stay out of it, will you?" She stood up swiftly and began her ostentatious march in a direction far from her home.
"China, your house is that way." He pointed in the opposite direction she walked in.
"Sadaharu and I help out at the yoshiwara. With Tsukki."
He felt jealousy boil in his stomach. "The courtesan? Are you one too?" She's always been casual with sh*t like this.
"I need the money. Shinpachi and I don't have a boss anymore, so we don't get paid. We work hard. I'm starting tomorrow. My training finishes today." Sadaharu appeared out of nowhere and nuzzled his head into her chest. He grew as well, an extra coating of fur and doubling in size is enough to prove it. She mounted him and looked at Sougo intently. Soon after, she ran off into the foggy hue of the afternoon.
"Kagura, you'll be starting today. Are you ready?" Asked the blonde, Tsukuyo, who took a long drag from her pipe.
Kagura nodded vigorously, although felt sick and scared all at once. She had never done that before. Nor has she touched up on it. All she knows is the crude and vulgar parts thanks to Gintoki. "Yes, I'm ready Tsukki!"
Hinowa entered the room despondently, and Tsukuyo immediately questioned her with a worried expression etched on her face. She turned to Kagura, her eyes beginning to well up, "I'm just terrified for you, Kagura-chan. You haven't even done the deed with someone you know. To put you out there and- and let you-"
     She put a reassuring hand on Hinowa's lap, "I'll be fine. Thank you for worrying about me."
     Tsukuyo smiled and took a drag for her pipe, "You've definitely grown, Kagura."
     Kagura nodded and Hinowa helped her put on her Kimono. She then sent her into the room. "I'm still worried, Tsu-"
     "Don't be. The man in there is someone she knows very well." She couldn't help but let a mischievous smile pull at her lips.
     Kagura slid the door closed and slowly opened her eyes. Her long, extensive lashes resulted in her vision being limited, so she couldn't see her client very well. I have to pour us the drinks now, I believe. She reached for the clay bottle and began to pour the sake into the cups. Her voice didn't change, she thought that was retarded. In fact, this entire thing to her is retarded. The things I'd do for money. "What's your name, sir~?"
     "...China, you weren't kidding."
     She felt her heart plunge down into her stomach, her heartbeat quickened in every passing second. "Sadist?! What are you... Do you usually come to these places?"
     His lips curled up into a flirtatious smile, "No, but I will more often if you're here."
     She cursed herself for blushing. "Do-don't mess around with me."
     "I'm not messing around with anyone. Now, are you going to show me a good time?" He slightly tilted his head back and licked his lips, "More sake, please. And call me 'Okita-sama'. I'm going to punish you for taking this job."
     "Y-yes, Oki- Okita-sama." This piece of sh*t.
     He flashed her another flirtatious smile, this time more... Passion into it? "I'm looking forward to this." Ohoho, this'll be very fun.

A/N: don't worry, I won't be writing a smut scene because I'm not comfortable with doing that anytime soon. Let's just say, they act very childish in the next chapter.

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