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Sougo was irritably pacing the floor of the Yorozuya household. His incessant nibbling of his thumbnail getting on Gintoki's nerves. His Shinsengumi uniform was tattered with dust and grime, even rips and blood here and there.
The officer grunted, momentarily stopping just to reiterate his annoyance with a certain yato girl. "How hard is it for her to get?!"
Gintoki sighed, "Souchirou-kun, if you like Kagura-"
"I do not like that gluttonous pig, Danna. And for the final time, it's Sougo," he remarked bitterly, shaking his head as if to clear unwanted thoughts.
The samurai rolled his eyes. "She's going to be back soon, Sofa-kun. How the hell am I supposed to do what you're asking of me?! You do realize it's kinda hard to take her down, right?"
Sougo repressed the need to kill Gintoki right then and there. "Danna... All I'm asking is that you do not allow China to date anyone! It's not that difficult."
The samurai massaged his temples, "Yes, it is."
The front door slid open. And the girl herself stepped in, closing her trademark purple umbrella, and dismounting her behemoth of a dog. Not bothering to look at him, she greeted Gintoki and opened her eyes. Almost instantaneously, a scowl was plastered on her face. The balmy afternoon resulted in her porcelain skin reflecting the radiant sun. Her cerulean orbs glimmered with malice. She truly hated the summer. Her rival coming to visit is not helping her already difficult situation. "Ugh, why're you here? We had a fight already, correct? Is the little baby Sadist upset he had only beaten me ninety-nine times?"
He glared at her and burned her last box of sukonbu. As she made a frantic attempt to salvage the sour morsel, he asked, "China, do you like anyone?"
She sat down next to her foster father and the scowl on her features turned into a convoluted thinking face. "Of course I do! I like Gin-chan, Shinpachi, Anego, Sacchan, Gorrila, who, by the way stalks Anego, let's see... Mayora-"
"That's not what I meant. And Hijikata-san? I meant who do you have a romantic interest for?" The man's voice took a scary plunge. His words brief.
Kagura bit her lip, "Why do you ask? It's not your problem."
Sougo was slightly irked. "As your childhood rival, I deserve to know."
"Okay... But once I tell you, you can't say anything. It's-"
"Imouto-chan~ I've come to pick you up~" Sougo flinched. His head turned toward the high-pitched voice. "What the f*ck do you want, braid."
Kagura walked over to the man. "Listen, Bakamui, I said don't come back here."
Kamui tilted his head, his terrifying smile still plastered on his fair face. "I see the officer is still alive."
Gintoki shut his JUMP. His curls hiding his eyes. He stomped over to Kamui and grabbed the collar of his red Chinese shirt. "If you dare hurt my Kagura again, I'll murder you. Your father trusted me with her, and just because you're her biological brother, don't think you can just take her away. I raised her, and I don't give a sh*t about your 'relations' with her. You're not her real family. F*ck off, kid."
His smile stayed on his face. He turned his head to Kagura and pointed at the dangerously angry man. "Is this your boyfriend?"
"No." Sougo answered for her, forcing Gintoki to let go of the vermillion-locked intruder. "If you want a fight, I'll do it. But leave China out of this. Otherwise I'll really make your inevitable death painful."
Kagura roughly pushed Sougo away. "This doesn't concern you two. I'd rather be sure you guys are safe than the opposite. I'll just go with Bakamu-"
"You really think I can handle you leaving again?" Sougo intoned coldly, grabbing her elbow, his grip gentle but firm.
     Kagura made an effort to escape, it was futile. "Sadist, you don't really care, though-"
     "What the f*ck do you know? It's not impossible for rivals to keep each other safe." His words quelled her, and she looked at him questioningly.
Kamui clapped his hands and put his arms over Kagura's shoulders affectionately. Sougo remained still. Gintoki swung his wooden sword at the male yato. "Kid, I don't think I got my message through to you. I said f*ck off."
His grin still plastered on his face he tightened his hold on Kagura and threatened, "I'll kill her if you guys don't play nice."
Gintoki chuckled and proceeded to step closer, however Sougo blocked his path with his blade. "Danna, listen to me carefully. This guy is a f*cking monster. Don't think he's bluffing. This guy doesn't mess around."
Kamui tilted his head at the officer, "Thanks~"
Sougo dusted off his uniform and smirked at the yato. "Shall we continue where we left off?"
"I won't allow it!" Declared Kagura, tearing herself away from Kamui's stubborn grip. She balled her fists angrily, and her eyes were filled with courage and hate. But Sougo saw through her brave facade. Deep down she was a girl. A small, innocent girl who truly despises herself. Deep down, she's a monster. Only to be held back by rusty chains and feelings. Her lithe frame is almost ethereal to him. His skeptical and straightforward, hurtful words didn't get through to her. Because she was f*cking Kagura. No one can cope with her. But right now, her fists were clenched until they were white, and her cerulean irises so full of rage and disgust, it made Gintoki still.
She paused, however, when Sougo let out a chuckle. "Tell you what, Braid. Come back in two years. I promise you, no one will run away then."
They turned to him in shock, but Kamui was pondering the thought, clearly reluctant to agree. He opened his eyes and nodded, fleeing the scene almost immediately. Kagura turned to Sougo amusedly, "Why didn't you tell me it was that easy?"
     He shrugged, "Who said it was easy?"
     Gintoki harrumphed, "AHEM and...?"
     Sougo clicked his tongue, "I like someone."
     She went wide-eyed, "WHO?!"
     "The name begins with a K, and ends with an A." Don't make me say it, you b*tch.
     Silence. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but was hesitant. Did she figure it out? She blushed madly, "I-Is it..." Is it...? "OH MY GOD! IT'S ZURA!"
     Gintoki sputtered his strawberry milk all over the living room counter and laughed hysterically. Sougo slammed his head into a wall. He turned back to Kagura despondently. "I'll be going now."
     As Sougo slid the door shut, Kagura clenched her dress where her heart is. Why am I so upset?


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