World's most sadistic wedding. Pt. 1

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     Kagura awoke to the peaceful song of a million birds. The sun's golden rays sifted through the bedroom curtains as she slowly sat up, her legs extremely sore. From... what, exactly? She thought. Momentarily turning to her right, she immediately turned back, last night's events flashing in her mind. She heard a low groan in annoyance from behind her.
"China, lay back down, it's too early." The voice grumbled sleepily.
"S-Sadist, what happened last night?" She asked nervously, although, deep down she knew exactly what had happened last night.
She could hear him smirk as he casually said the crude events that did indeed happen. "Why, China? Do you want me to refresh your memory?"
She turned to him, red-faced and shocked, "Most absolutely not! You've taken my innocence! Now who'll marry me?" She gasped as he roughly grabbed her wrists and pinned her down.
"Me, obviously," he mocked, releasing her of his adamantine grip. "Don't you see the ring on your finger? You're mine now, and nobody can say anything if I do something to you."
She blushed for the umpteenth time and fiddled with the costly, diamond engagement ring. "I want a traditional Japanese wedding. I look better in kimono's than I do in a dress."
"You look ugly in anything," he remarked dryly, lazily wrapping his strong arms around her ethereal frame. "Except all the clothes in existence."
She giggled and planted a short and sweet kiss on his large, calloused hand. "How cheesy." She felt him tense and heat up.
He shifted behind her and growled, "guess we're staying in my room for the rest of the day."
"What? Wai- Sou-Sadist!"
It took many minutes of frantic ruffling and wrestling before Sougo begrudgingly agreed on leaving the bedroom and going to tell Shinpachi about the engagement.


"Oh, Okita-kun, Kagura-chan. You two vanished yesterday. Where were you?" The bispecled male asked, inviting the couple in the yorozuya.
"We were satisfying our lust- guh!"
He was violently cut off by the thrust of Kagura's elbow straight into his ribs. "Don't listen to him, Pachi, I have to tell you something."
     The man nodded, placing the newly-brewed tea on the chabudai(short-legged table usually in traditional Japanese homes)and sitting on the couch opposite of them.
     She inhaled sharply, mentally preparing herself for his reactions. "The Sadist and I are engaged."
     There was a long silence. Yet to be broken. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead. She looked to her fiancée and noticed he was dead asleep. Not standing the quietness any longer, she sputtered out, "W-we won't get m-married if you're n-not okay with I-it..."
     Instantaneously, the flaxen-locked male lifted his his head in surprise and shot Kagura a stern look of disagreement. "Don't be stupid, China, we're going to get married. I already asked for Danna's blessing, and he's your dad so, really Megane's opinion is unneeded."
     "Don't say that, damn Sadist, his opinion matters to me!" Kagura shouted vehemently, stunning the man into silence. "I've known you for a long time... And, as much as I hate to admit it, I li-like you a lot so I want b-both of my family members to allow you t-to marry me..." She muttered the last sentence.
Sougo smirked, "Okay, since you love me so much..."
"Thanks, Sadist..."
Shinpachi finally said, "I'll allow it."
"Really?! You will?!" Kagura asked, euphoria in her words.
"Kagura-chan, I said to Okita-kin that you two make a good couple. I meant marriage as well. I was just silent because I was thinking how hellish the wedding ceremony would be... My first niece or nephew could come soon... A-anyway I-" he looked up to see tears in his foster sister's eyes. "Kagura-chan-"
He was cut off by the sudden need to breath as she wrapped her arms and legs around his torso, tightly squeezing him. "I love you, Shinpachi. I love you, Shinpachi! I love you, Shinpachi! I love you!"
Shinpachi was in pure bliss until he suddenly felt... Cold? Looking up from the bright vermillion strands, he saw the menacing, hateful, disdainful crimson eyes of a certain man. "Uhhhh Kagura-chan, you should get off of me now."
She pouted and kissed his cheek before releasing her grip and standing up fully. She was the only one who thanked Shinpachi as they walked out. Sougo remained unsettlingly quiet the entire walk home. "Sadist?" She asked. He unlocked the front door to his house, "Sadi- GAH!"
He roughly slammed her against the hallway wall and equally as roughly began kissing her, fumbling with his sinewy fingers to get her dress open.
"Wai- Sadist, wh- what are you- you d-doing?!" She grabbed his head.
He looked up at her, noticing her frightened, apprehensive gaze. Her slightly-parted, rosy lips and her furrowed, vermillion eyebrows. Her hair was slightly tousled by his frantic play. He slowly released her, "Sorry, China, I'm going to go clear my head-"
"Oi, damn Sadist, don't just leave me in this state!"
He felt her approach him with ginger steps. Her soft, ivory arms were wrapped around him soon after.
"What's troubling you, fiancé?"
     He ruffled his hair and muttered, "You said, 'I love you' to Megane more times in that one sentence than you have to me altogether..."
     She had to use both hands on her mouth to suppress her laughter. "I never knew you could be so cute, Sadist!" She grabbed his shoulder and made him face her. She pecked him on the lips, "I was happy because my brother let me marry the man that I love a million times more. Is that satisfying?"
     He smirked and hoisted her on his right shoulder, making his way to his bedroom. "Yes, that is very satisfying. But I know something a lot more satisfying..."
     "Wai- Sadist, um.. I-I just wanted to have a n-normal night!" Her words had no meaning. The bedroom door already slid closed.

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