She's mine.

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     "Sadist, move," Kagura growled, clawing at the officer's cravat and jacket.
     Sougo stirred, his throat dry from humming happily in his slumber. "Hm?" His voice was hoarse. "How long were we sleeping?"
     "An hour. What's Gin-chan doing? All I hear is destruction outside." Although he couldn't see her, he felt her. Her shaky breath and sweating forehead suggest discomfort, and Sougo considered moving to give her more room. But he didn't. Because he was and still is addicted to her.
     He hesitated, then, "Your dad and Danna are fighting. I don't know what's happening, but-"
     "Let me out." Her voice was urgent, "now."
     He swept her underneath his arm, holding her closer. "F*ck no."
     "Sadist, at least let me go out so I can see..." Her voice trailed off. She could smell his fear. "Sadist, are you worried about me?"
     He scoffed, "No sh*t I am."
     She buried her face into the cravat of his uniform, "I am too. For Gin-chan, for Pappi, for you. The thought is unfathomable, I know. But I cannot stay here and wallow in self-pity. I'm Kagura. I need to fight alongside-"
     "That's right. You don't know who to fight alongside with. What a troublesome ordeal I've been dragged into." He ruffled his hair and slid open the closet door, letting the crisp moonlight shine through the small cracks of the doors and windows. They stepped out and leisurely stretched their sore muscles. With the final satisfying crack of his neck, Sougo gazed at Kagura and smirked, "Want to see the damage?"
     It had to take every iota of Gintoki's self control to keep him from obliterating the yato in front of him. Perhaps it was a fad. That's right. Just a sick joke. The silver-locked samurai faltered, his sword dropping from his tired fingers. Lacerations and bruises marked his body, and his ensanguinated yukata was being torn to shreds. But this crazy guy keeps going. Umibozu swiftly pistoned himself toward Gintoki once more, his umbrella managing to land a painful blow on his stomach.
     "This could end now, Gintoki. Just give me Kagura. She has to get married." His voice showed no inclination of this entire situation being a mere joke. Gintoki chuckled weakly, spitting out a disgusting amalgamation of blood, saliva and his tooth. "Sorry, man. Kagura's staying here, not getting married anytime soon, and you won't be coming back." He grasped onto his sword with one hand and swung it at the furious yato speeding toward him. It landed a powerful hit on his chin, making it somewhat slack.
     Umibozu grunted, but showed no signs of serious discomfort. He regarded Gintoki with cold onyx eyes, staring down at him with feelings of superiority. The samurai couldn't help but look back in the same icy way. "Okay, no more sh*t," he let a half-hearted smirk tug at the corners of his lips, "Don't hold back on me anymore."
     The man looked confused, but shook his head, "I don't hate you that much, Gintoki. I won't kill you. But if you don't give me Kagura-chan, I may have to. So far your life is on wafer thin ice."
     Gintoki looked down, his silver curls shielding his eyes from the sun. Then, he chuckled. It was forced and unsettling. Umibozu's eyes formed into mere slits when Gintoki looked up, his face unreadable. The samurai let out another maniacal cackle before trudging toward the older man. His pupils dilated. Now a crimson haze flooded his lazy irises, and a psychotic grin was plastered on his face. He looked insane.
     When directly in front of the man, he let out a low whisper in a voice that wasn't his own, "Kagura's staying here."
     Before Umibozu could blink, he was being flung, his mind in a whirlpool of  confusion. A stinging pain was throbbing in his stomach, and he looked down to see Gintoki's wooden sword plunged into his abdomen. He winced, although it was a delayed reaction. The red substance had already trickled down his leg. He landed on his back, no emotion on his pale face. As the pain subsided, he ripped out the sword and stood up, shaking off the rubble that dirtied his aged umbrella. He saw the silver-locked male again, sprinting toward him at a speed that could rival a yato's. He threw the wooden weapon aside.
     Gintoki jumped up, his fist drawn back so that it was adjacent to his ear. He rocketed his fist at Umibozu with enough strength to punch a hole in steel. He landed the fist on his face, whisking the amanto back a few feet. Gintoki clicked his tongue irately and reached for his sword, clenching onto it tightly. This b*stard's still going easy on me.
Kagura watched in horror. "Gin-chan...."
Sougo twitched, his hands aching to just grab her and run far away. He suppressed this impulse, however, and allowed her eyes to gaze upon the fight. Sougo realized that the Shinsengumi may have to get involved. He bit his lip and pulled out his phone. He dialled Hijikata, his fingers almost slipping on the numbers. "Hijikata-san. I know you've gotten complaints. Don't come. I've got this under control."
He heard a scoff at the other end of the line, "Sougo, we're coming whether you like it or not."
Kagura gestured at Sougo to allow her to talk to the vice-chief. He shook his head. The last thing I need is my China talking to someone I hate. "Hijikata-san, I'll buy you a gallon of mayo and ten packets of cigarettes if you don't come here."
Pause. "Fine." Sougo smirked as he snapped his phone shut. He turned back to the yato and smiled, "China, don't worry. Neither of them will die."
Her cerulean eyes glimmered with tears, "but-"
"Honestly... Just trust me for once okay?" He caressed her silky locks as gunfire and shouts were heard in the back.

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