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     "Happy birthday."
     Kagura's gaze snapped to the door. Letting a smile creep onto her face, she stretched out her arms in a welcoming manner, and the raven locked male walked into her arms. "That mission took too long, Shinpachi. Kaguya missed you."
He hummed into her shoulder, his tone lethargic and exhausted. "Are the divorce papers final?"
     "They are. He left this morning."
Shinpachi's face contorted into a content smile, sinewy fingers digging into Kagura's thin-fabric blouse. He pressed his lips against Kagura's gently, soon after whispering:

Kagura sprung up in shock, almost passing out from fear. After she recovered, she gave her husband a well-deserved slap on the back. "Sadist, what the f*ck was that? Are you dreaming about my brother?"
Sougo summoned a breath of relief before latching onto Kagura protectively. "Sh*t.... Holy sh*t...." He was suspiring, as if he ran a marathon without rests.
Her face paled completely. "Sadist... I'm very concerned as to what kind of dream you had..."
He pinched her cheek and recoiled, his grip on her adamant.
Kaguya remained asleep throughout the fray; much to his astonishment, as the ululating cry of a certain megane's name would've(and should've) awoken all of Edo. And although his expression stayed vacant, and his tone was the indifferent monotone he always spoke in, Kagura knew him long enough to see through such an irritating facade. He was, without a doubt, horrified.
"What did you dream about, Sadist?" Kagura questioned, propping herself on her pillow for comfort. This ought to be good.
With clenched fists, he said, "It was Megane... He- ... We had gotten divorced," cerulean eyes widened at this. "And apparently... You were okay with it... And- and he was there. He was your second choice."
"You're stupid."
Those were her final words before drifting to sleep once again.
He blinked, a faded Kagura was all he saw as her face focused and cleared. She greeted him with a disdainful glare, blatantly hurt by his dream he had three hours prior.
     "Oh... Happy Birthday Kagura."
She choked on her own breath at the sudden use of her name. And, though married, is still a rare occurrence for them.
     Refusing to let herself forget her lividness, she hissed, "I can't believe you'd think I'd let Kaguya-chan live with a broken family."
He grumbled and sat up, rubbing the few remnants of sleepiness from his eyes. "Shut up, China. It was a dream, I couldn't control it even if I wanted to."
Back to using my nickname, huh... She let out an incredulous scoff, "you were like a child when you woke up from it, though."
He momentarily faltered, his shortened, flaxen strands fraying in remembrance of the event. Shuddering profusely, he made lazy strides to their restroom, closing it firmly on her mockingly snide comments.
Chuckling in her triumph, she hopped over to their five year old, gently stoking her pink cheeks. "Guess what, Kaguya? Mami's turning twenty-five!"
     "Yeah you're a wrinkly old woman," Sougo deadpanned, reentering their bedroom. Completely incognizant of the seething woman before him.
     "Says the *sshole four years older."
She snapped, shooting him a glare. He shrugged off her words and motioned to take Kaguya out of her crib, smirking at Kagura's discomforted expression. Slowly, he relinquished the blanket that was wrapped around her, and lifted her into his arms. She wriggled in his grasp.
"Oi, Kaguya. Kaguya."
The small girl stirred, burrowing her head into his chest before staring up at him with curious orbs. "....Pappi?"
"Mm. Guess what?" He cooed, his nose grazing hers.
"What?" She asked eagerly.
"It's mami's birthday today."
Subsequently, the girl turned to her mother. "Happy birthday, mami!" She greeted with outstretched arms. Kagura thanked her and grabbed the child from her husband. Sougo yawned and entered the kitchen, Kagura and Kaguya following suit.
"Sadist, Shinpachi's coming over to see Kaguya. I'm going to work."
The cup clasped in his hand nearly shattered under his strength. Shakily setting it down, he slid over to her, staring at her incredulously. "Are you insane? You're leaving me here with him? And today is Sunday!"
"Firstly," she began, her tone curt, "no, I'm not insane. Secondly, you need to get along with him better, and thirdly," she swiftly kissed him on the head, "please don't be pissy of the fact that the yorozuya accepts jobs regardless of what day it is. Later, Sadist. Kaguya!"
Her lookalike ran over happily. "Yeah, mami?"
"Mami has to work today. Uncle Shinpachi and pappi are gonna watch you, okay?" Placing a kiss on her daughter's forehead, she stood to her full height and exited their house, waving to her dog that was seated outside.
"Selfish b*tch..." Sougo muttered bitterly, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He always acted petulantly whenever Kagura's work interrupted their daily life. It was always at the worst moments. Whenever Kaguya was acting extra adorable that day, whenever he had secretly planned something; even on their second year anniversary she got called in. He shamelessly forced the blame upon Shinpachi, who in reality had nothing to do with the matter. I said I should be the only one bringing home money... But that dumb*ss was insistent on working...
"Pappi, will mami be back soon?" Kaguya asked inquisitively, rocking him vigorously with little effort.
He scooped her into his arms, "That guy may take Kagura... But I swear he won't take you."
He turned his gaze to the door as Kaguya tilted her head in confusion. He walked forward and let Sadaharu inside, Kaguya leaping out of his arms to sit comfortably on the canine's back. Sadaharu welcomed her presence with alacrity.
     "Er... Sougo-san, it's Shinpachi."
     Sougo's ears twitched. "Uh, yeah, come in."
     The raven locked male entered awkwardly, a large pack of sukonbu in hand. "Hi, Kaguya-chan!"
     Sougo watched in bewilderment as his child ran over to Shinpachi in overwhelming excitement. He would be lying if he said he wasn't perturbed by the sight. Standing to his full height, he ruffled his flaxen strands lazily, eyeing them uncomfortably.
     "I apologize I was a little late. I was talking to Gin-san earlier," Shinpachi explained nervously, hesitant smile tugging at his lips. He averted his gaze, focusing his attention on his niece.
     Does he... Fear me? Sougo wondered to himself, a smirk splitting his face. The ill-intent was splayed deliciously over his sadistic mien. His slightly taller stature loomed menacingly over the other man's shoulder, causing said man to stiffen instantly. Sougo snickered. If his wife was here, perhaps his actions would've been modified.
    "Erm... Sougo-san...?" Shinpachi asked worriedly, heart wrung with mountainous fear, unconsciously preparing himself for the fatal event that would surely transpire. 
    "Megane. Do you still love Kagura?" Sougo demanded pointedly, clutching his shoulder with a grip that could shatter adamantine.
Repressing the chill that ached to travel up and down his rigid spine, Shinpachi carefully placed Kaguya on Sadaharu's back, and held up his hands as if asked to do so by authorities. "No."
     Amused by his careful answer, he removed his hand and dug them into his pockets, flashing a content smile. "Because if you do... Then I'm afraid I'll have to arrest you for incest."
     "...aren't you a Joui rebel now?" Shinpachi asked timidly, lips clearly quivering. "A-and... Kagura-chan and I... Aren't related."
     "Sadaharu. Take Kaguya out back," Sougo ordered, his crimson hued gems swirling enigmatically. The dog nodded and licked Shinpachi's hand before exiting the house with Kaguya.
He's giving me his regards because he knows I'm done for!!! Shinpachi thought miserably. Sheet white licked at his complexion as silence filled the room. "Sougo-san-"
     "Do you still love her?" He asked expressionlessly, intent indecipherable.
Sweat beaded and slipped down Shinpachi's forehead. With his chin low, he murmured, "...a little bit..." Within the millisecond the words left his lips, his breath was swiftly knocked out of him as sinewy fingers wrapped around his neck. A knee lodged in his stomach.
"You're kidding me."
     "S-Sougo-san... I swear... On my life-" he choked before adamantly continuing, "-that I won't do anything... T-to intrude on your life. M-my feelings will be brushed aside... I love Kaguya-chan so much!"
     Sougo vindicated him, loosening his vice grip on the man's throat and allowing him to slide to the ground with a resounding thud. "I'm sorry, Megane."
     "Do you really think 'sorry' will make up for what you just did?" His blood went cold as ice as he swivelled around to meet teary-eyed face of his wife.

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