Meeting The Pines! (Introduction)

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Hi! It's Bubbles! My new book is finally out. I promised my friend that I would do a 'Dipper X Reader' one shot so... Here we are! Now let's get into the story!

Age: 16-17

Being the new kid, at a new school, in a new town.. It's not so fun. Your (Mom/Dad/Guardian) reassures you that everything will turn out fine! You on the other hand think it will turn out the complete opposite...

Heading down the street, you start walking to school. You live pretty close so your parents thought it would be okay for you to get a bit of 'exercise'.

You could see the giant high school up ahead, kids scrambling out of buses and heading into the building. You mentally cried and thought, 'Let's just get this over with...'

You passed by many kids in the hallway, none of them seeming to notice you. You quickly made your way to the locker number you wrote on your hand. Opening the metal door and placing some things inside, you started for your first period.

Math.. Ugh...

You sat down in the very back, your (H/L) (H/C) hair falling over your face.


You lifts your head seeing a girl with light chestnut hair and braces. She was wearing a pink sweater with a rainbow on it and a light purple skirt.

"Are you new? Well. Obviously your new, but, what's your name?" She asked excitedly.

"Uh.. (Y/N). You are?" You replied smiling slightly.

"I'm Mabel! Nice to meet you! Hey, do you want to eat lunch with my brother and I? I bet he'd be happy to meet you!" Mabel laughed jumping slightly.

"Um. Alright.. I guess so." You said silently not wanting to hurt her feelings.

Anyways, it would be nice to have someone to sit with.. You'd probably have ate in the bathroom if she hadn't asked.

"Awesome! I'll see you at lunch, (Y/N)!" She smiled brightly, skipping off to the front of the class.

~Time Skip Cause Who Wants To Read About Themselves In Class?~

You walked down the hall to your locker. You've met a few people but there was only one that actually seemed to like you. Mabel. You were on your way to lunch to eat with the bright minded girl.

Placing a couple of your books in your locker, you finally started off to the lunch room. (Food.)

After grabbing a tray and getting your lunch, someone bumped into you, giving you a scare.

"O-Oh. I'm so sorry..! Are you okay?"

It was a tall brunette boy with a blue and white pine tree hat on his head. His orange-red shirt was covered by a black jacket. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows showing off his many tattoos. (I like Dipper with tattoos but if you don't then just have him without them.)

"I'm fine. Thanks.." You mumbled as he walked off.

You searched the many tables looking for Mabel. Until...

"(Y/N)!!! OVER HERE!!" You heard her yelling your name.

You turned a bright pink when you saw her standing on her chair waving to you. Everyone was staring... You smiled sheepishly and hurried off to her table, quickly sitting down.

"Why?!" You whisper-yelled at her, covering your flushed face.

"I wanted to get your attention." She giggled patting your back. "Oh wait!"

You slowly brought your hands from away from your face, looking up at her.

"This is my bro-bro, Dipper!" She pointed to the boy across from her.

It was the guy that bumped into you!

"H-Hi.. Heh heh.." He seemed flustered cause his cheeks were bright red.

"Hi.." You smiled slightly looking up at him.

"I think you two will get along nicely." Mabel smiled softly, digging into her lunch.

The three of you ate and chatted about random stuff. They asked about your life at home and what it was like in (State Name). All of you were warming up to each other and you could tell this was going to be the beginning of a bright friendship.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Dipper Singing In The Shower~

You were on your way home, smiling softly to yourself. Your first day didn't seem TOO bad. You met two awesome new friends and found your favorite subject... LUNCH.

You thought about the way Dipper and Mabel let you into their click. Greeting you nicely. Dipper.. He gave you this feeling of.. Security. He's helped you out with your math homework during your free period, and when your new bully tried to hurt you, he stepped up and took the blow.

Something about him just made you happy. What was this? Do you like him or something? No. You can't like someone that fast. Can you?

While pondering your thought you heard someone shout your name. Turning around you were plowed into by Mabel. You both laughed as you fell in the grass, everything falling from your hands. When you recovered from the tackle-hug-thing, you noticed Dipper was standing there on the sidewalk, watching you with a pink tint on his cheeks.

"H-Hey Dipper." He said between laughs, Mabel helping you up.

"Hey.." He mumbled smiling slightly.

You both stared at each other for a minute before Mabel squealed.

"OOOH! You guys would be such a good couple!!" She screamed loudly.

"W-WHAT?!" Dipper and you said simultaneously.

Your cheeks flushed red, Dipper's a soft pink. He gave Mabel the death stare making her giggle.

"I'm just kidding! God! Take a joke, Dip-Stick!" She smirked, picking up her books.

"D...Dip-Stick?" I laughed slightly, the heat slowly disappearing from my cheeks.

"Yea! I call him Dip-Stick because one time on Halloween, he ate a full pack of those Pixie Stick things and got a HUGE sugar high." Mabel crossed her arms, Dipper groaning softly.

"Aw. I think it's cute, Dip." I laughed slightly, his eyes widening.

"T-Thanks, (Y/N).." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

Yep. This is going to be a bright friendship.

Did you like it? I hope so! Anyways! I'll try posting a one-shot everyday. Maybe even three or four a day! I dunno. I get bored a lot. So anyways! Hope you like my story! Peace-kies!

Words: 1063

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