My Little Man Nurse

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Holy CRAP! I feel like I haven't updated in forever so... HERE WE GO! And a lot of you liked the previous part so.. Maybe I'll do a sequel? 🤔😏

🚨Short One-Shot Alert🚨

~Dipper's POV~

(Y/N) has been acting... Unusual lately. She used to be so perky and bright but now she's like a shy potato. I don't know what has gotten into that girl!

Hmm... Maybe somethings bothering her? IS SHE BEING BULLIED?!?! MY BABY!!

I was on my way to (Y/N)'s place right now, so I can ask her when I get there. Hopefully she's not being billed though. I know how it feels...

~Normal POV~

You were in your bedroom, laying sickly in the bed. The covers were over your whole body, not warming you up enough. You sniffled softly, coughing into the covers as you watched a movie on your flatscreen.

"(Y/N)? Hun? Dipper is here to see you.. You want me to send him up or are you strong enough to get out of bed?" (Parent/Guardian) knocked on your door.

"Send him in.." You croaked, curling up underneath the large blanket.

Dipper immediately shot through the door.

"Okay so. Let me start. Iwantedtoaskifyoywerebeingbulliedbecauseyouhavebeenactingweirdlatelyandidontlikeitareyouokay?!" He took a deep breath then began again. "Ifthereissomethingyouwanttotalkaboutiamhereforyouimeaniamyourbestfriendrightanywaysjustwantedtoknowifyouwereokay. Okay? Okay..."

He sighed taking in big loads of air as you stared at him with wide eyes.

"I have absolutely no... No.." You suddenly sneezed into your blanket. "Idea of what you just said."

Dipper stared at you, took a deep breath, but you stopped him.

"I'm sick, Dip. Don't worry. I'm not being bullied." You smiled slightly at your friends caring heart.

"Wait.. You just said you didn't..." He started pointing at you.

"I can speak gibberish too Dipper!" You laughed silently, sniffling up your red nose.

Dipper blinked than ran to the side of the bed.

"So the only reason you've been acting all weird around me this week was because you were sick?" He mumbled placing a hand on your shoulder.

Your face heated up completely, your eyes slowly moving down to his hand.

"There IS something else. But..." You sighed softly, slowly sitting up.

Dipper sat in front of you on your bed, smiling slightly.

"You can tell me. I won't judge." He smiled softly.

"I... Like... You...?" You said hesitantly.

Dipper stared at you for a minute before slamming his chapped lips on yours. You were taken aback at first but slowly leaned in, kissing back.

When you both pulled away, he smiled.

"I like you too, (Y/N)." He got off your bed and laid you back down. "Now, your going to get a lot of rest so tomorrow, when your all better, we an have our first date."

"What? You didn't even ask me." You laughed slightly, pulling the covers to you.

"Oh, so you don't wanna?" Dipper made a pouty face.

"Oh! No no no! I do.. I really do.." You smiled, your cheeks a soft tint of pink.

"Then it's settled! I'll take care of you until you feel better, then we're going out." He smiled tucking you in.

"Aww.. But Dip I don't want you getting sick!" You gasped softly.

"I literally just shared my saliva with you. If I were to get sick it would be because of that. Don't worry. I'll be fine." He laid next to you and sighed.

"If you say so.." You smirk slightly, cuddling up next to him.

Throughout your sick sneezes and coughs, Dipper helped you with everything.

He's your little man nurse.

Yep. Adorable. I know.

Words: 600

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