Mini One-Shot!

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Hiiiiiii! How r u guyssss?!

"Oh my god! (Y/N)! Look at what Dipper just posted!" Mabel showed you her phone.

On the screen was a picture of you and Dipper. You gasped, your eyes widening.

"Isn't it cute?!" Mabel squealed.

"It is, only because, I TOOK THAT PICTURE!!" You yelled grabbing her phone and commenting on the photo.

'My everything my ass! You should be ashamed! Taking your girlfriends beautiful selfie like that! God! No kisses for you for a week!'

In under a couple minutes you were an Internet sensation.

'Oooooh! Dipper don't get no ass tonight!'

'R u fr, (Y/N)?'

'Damn! Dip's gonna have to please himself for once!!' (I'm so sorry.. 😂)

"Girl blows up at boyfriend for taking credit for her selfie." The news man appeared on the tv.

"Wow (Y/N). Good job." Mabel snickered softly.

~One Week Later~

It was Friday, the last day that Dipper doesn't get any smooches. But you totally forgot and didn't expect to see him at your window at 12:00 AM.

"Dip? What the hell?" You mumbled tiredly.

He tackled you and started planting kisses all over our face.

"I will NEVER take your selfie credit again!" He whined continuing the kissing frenzy.

You laughed softly until your lips met his, the two of you making out to the sun rose.

.^. I have no regrets...


Words: 231

The One For Him (Dipper X Reader One Shots) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now