(Not Such) A First Date Disaster

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Two in one day, here we go!

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh. My. GOD!!

You can't stop thinking about your FIRST DATE WITH DIPPER!!! Half of you is excited and half of you is nervous.

You quickly got dressed in some black tights and a grey sweater that the sleeves went passed your hands. You quickly tied your black converse and brushed your hair out on your shoulders.

Dipper told you to dress warm. You have NO IDEA why but, your not going to doubt him.

You hurriedly ran downstairs to your front door, grabbing your phone before you left.

You walked all the way to the Mystery Shack where Dipper told you to meet him. When you approached the run down cabin, you knocked on the wooden door smiling.

"Coming!" You heard your delicious boyfriend call out. (Sorry, not sorry.)

Dipper suddenly opened the door, catching you off guard with a kiss on the cheek. He pulled away and smirked making you laugh silently and started down the street.

"Okay. Where are we going?" You smiled, holding his hand tightly.

"It's a surprise. Here." He handed you a blindfold.


"Dipper. I'm trusting you..." You and Dipper were walking around the streets- er... What your THOUGHT were the streets.

He suddenly stopped you abruptly, chuckling softly as he pulled the blindfold off of you.

"Here we are!" He held his hands out to an ice rink.

"Oh! Cool!" You fake smiled.

You don't know how to skate. AT ALL.

This is going to be the worst date ever!!

Dipper led you inside, not noticing the terrified look on your face. While he got the skates for the two of you, you watched how gracefully people skated.


Dipper came back with two pairs of skated in his hands. He handed you a pair and sat next to you on a bench. You both strapped on the white skates and started to the ice.

Dipper glided on to the ice like a fucking angel. Not joking at all. He's probably done this a million times!

You stared at the ice from outside the gate, Dipper slowly skating towards you.

"(Y/N?... You okay?" He asked, lifting your chin.

"U-Uh.. Heh heh.. Yeah. I-I'm totally fine!" You stuttered...something you don't do unless your scared.

And Dipper knows that.

"Are you scared..?" He asked silently, grabbing your hands.

You paused and slowly looked from the ice to his eyes, nodding.

"Aw. Hey. Cmon. I'll be here the WHOLE time. I won't let you fall." Dipper smiled, tugging on your hands slightly.

You looked at him and then back at the ice, slowly stepping on the cold surface. You wobbled, Dipper grabbing ahold of both of your forearms.

"Stand up straight, it will help you balance." He smiled, starting to slowly skate along the ice.

You slowly but steadily made your way along with him, laughing slightly when you started getting the hang of it.

Left, right.
Left, right.
Left, right.

Dipper gradually gained speed, the both of you skating together. He let go of your hands while you both glided along the ice, laughing and smiling with one another.

"I'm skating!" You giggled, clutching his hand in yours.

"Yes, you are." Dipper kissed your cheek, slowing down.

You two were in the middle of the ice, staring at one another. Dipper slowly leaned in and pressed his chapped lips on yours. You slowly started to kiss back, wrapping your arms around his neck.

When you pulled away you smiled and said, "I guess this wasn't such a bad date."

Sorry. It was kinda rushed, I know.
-Bubbles 😕

Words: 611

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