A Sky Full Of Stars

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First One Shot! Alright! Here we go! *takes such a big breath that the world's atmosphere is gone* Oops...

"Dip Stick! Cmon! We're gonna miss it!" You yelled up the stairs of the Mystery Shack.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down! I'm coming!" Dipper's low teen voice ran through your ears.

You waited impatiently by the door, tapping your foot with a large blanket it your hand. You wore a black P!ATD sweater, (Just a plain sweater if you don't like them.) light blue ripped jeans, and black converse.

Dipper came running down the stairs with a black backpack in his hands. He wore the usual orange-red shirt with the black jacket and dark blue jeans.

Confession time! Yep. You have somewhat of a massive crush on Dipper Pines. The way his chestnut hair showed neatly from under his hat. The way his beautiful brown eyes gleamed in the light.

"Uh. (Y/N)? You okay to go outside? You seem sick.. Your really red." Dipper placed a hand on your forehead, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"I'm all good! D-Don't worry! A-Anyways.. Let's go.." You mumbled softly, starting out the front door.

Tonight, the most amazing meteor shower is passing earth. This is a once in a life time event seeing as it only happens every 100 years!

You and Dipper ran through the thick forest to your 'secret spot'. It's a small cliff that overlooks the whole town and it has the most amazing view of the night sky.

~Upon Arriving At The Cliff~

"Oh my god! Dipper it's starting!" You laughed sitting up on the blanket you had laid over the grass.

The sparkly right meteors flew passed in an instant, gleaming bright stars showing off their beauty.

"Wow..." Dipper mumbled softly, sitting up beside you.

You stared in awe at the wonderful sight, not noticing the way Dipper stared too. But it wasn't at the stars..

It was at you..

He loved the way your (H/L) (H/C) hair shined in the moonlight. The way your (E/C) eyes seemed to glow with the stars. He loved.. Pretty much everything about you.

Though he loved you.. He didn't know how to say it. He doesn't think you'd love him back. His heart wants him to confess, but his mind tries to tell him no. But tonight. Tonight was the night he would tell you.

"(Y/N)...?" He asked silently making you turn your head towards him.

"Yes Dipper?" You asked in a soft and sweet tone.

He stared at your (E/C) eyes. Then his gaze slowly moved to your luscious (Lip Stick Color) lips. He quickly leaned in towards you, smashing his lips on yours. You had to take a double take before you started to slowly kiss back. His rough chapped lips rubbed in sync with your soft ones. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the sweet moment.

To Dipper it felt like time stopped..

To you. Well.. You just didn't want this moment to end..

Throughout the rest of the meteor shower, the two of you made out on the soft blanket. Dipper even asked you to be his girlfriend! You had gladly accepted and you are both in a new relationship.

"Dipper? What's that on your neck?" Mabel asked Dipper when he came home from dropping you off at your house.

"Hm?" He asked, Mabel moving closer to him.

"Is that a hickey?!?!"

Now you know that your boyfriend bruises easily. Oops!

First One Shot Completed! It was a little short but I still found it cute!

Words: 607

The One For Him (Dipper X Reader One Shots) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now