Update On End Of Book | OC Challenge

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Hi guys! It's Bubbles!

And IM BACK!!!!!

*internal screaming*

Anyways, since I'm back, I just wanted to update you on this book.

I'm going to 50 OneShots!

So once this book gets to 50 parts, I will end it, and start another one!

P.S. I was tagged for the OC Challenge!

This Thing:

You probably didn't know this, but I'm an artist! I draw A LOT and even do contests!

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You probably didn't know this, but I'm an artist! I draw A LOT and even do contests!

But that's for a different time.

Anyways. As it says above, everyday for fifteen days I have to draw one of my OC's in a different way. I already have an OC in mind and I will put her below!


That is Gunner Rowan!

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That is Gunner Rowan!

Throughout the OC Challenge, I'll reveal more facts about her.

But here's her backstory.

Gunner Rowan...

Ha! Where should I start?

Typical bad girl? Nah.

She's different. She... Has a very.. Unique? Yeah... Unique personality.

She grew up in a broken home with her drug dealing father and her other older brother. Being the only girl... Wasn't easy. Her mother died in a horrible house fire that was started by some rival gang members.

Oh. Did I mention she's in a gang?

Well.. USED to be.

When she was in said gang, a rival group robbed her house while everyone was sleeping. They set the house a blaze, and only her brother and her made it out in time.

The two siblings were forced to go live with their father.

Oh! Wait! I'm forgetting a vital fact.

Remember when I said Gunner was in a gang? Well. When she left, he fellow members were not happy.

They kidnapped her and her older brother, forcing the two to play an old game of 'Russian Roulette'.

They played as they were forced to and eventually.

It happened.

It was Gunner's brother's turn.

He cocked the gun, pointed it to his head, then pulled the trigger.

Gunner screamed at the sight of his body falling to the floor, a bloody bullet flying into the opposite wall.

The gang member's pulled Gunner away from her now dead brother while she scream and thrashed around.

She repeated, "YOU BASTARDS!" Over and over again, watching them carry him out of the building.

She seeked revenge.

And a lot of it.

She was forced to live with the memory in her head. She would cry every night, because of said memory and her father beating her every day. She eventually started cutting her silky soft arms and stopped feeling.


She became unresponsive to her classmates and teachers, her friends.

She didn't care anymore.

Nothing mattered.

She started stealing money from banks to afford food and necessities. She became the most wanted criminal in her town.

She eventually left her father alone when she turned 23, moving to a new home, and starting over.

That's when she met-


I'll tell you on one of the OC Days!!

Because she meets her crush and it's got some stuff up there with like, 'meeting her crush' and like 'talking to crush' and shit. So yeah!

Comment below who you think she likes! (He is an original CreepyPasta, not an OC.)

So that's really all I wanted to say! I was going to update tonight but I'm really tired and have a test to study for, so I'll update in the morning, along with putting the drawing in the chapter!

I hope you enjoyed my art!

Or not.

I know it's bad. 😂

So again! I hope you have an amazing day/mid-day/night!

I love you guys! ❤️

-Bubbles! :]

Words: 594

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