Time Of The Month

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Dudes... I'm so tired tho. But I can't fall asleep.. 😫 *dies*

"Hey (Y/N), whatcha do-"

You cut your boyfriend, Dipper Pines, off by groaning softly and curling into a ball on your bed.

"(Y/N)?" He asked, walking towards you.

You groaned in response, digging your face into your pillow while clutching your stomach.

"(Y/N), what's-"

You lifted your head, "I NEED DRUGS." You yelled, plummeting back into your pillow.

Dipper got the message RIGHT away. He dashed to your kitchen, then can back with painkillers, (Favorite Flavor) ice cream, a warm blanket, and a heating pad.

After you downed the pills, you smiled, "You know me so well."

The rest of the evening, the two of you stayed up all night, sharing the ice cream, cuddling in the blanket and playing video games.

Best period ever. (Jk)

*Magically comes back to life* I STILL NEED SLEEP. 😩

The One For Him (Dipper X Reader One Shots) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now