When You End Up In The ER

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That title sounds like a scenario book ^^^

"I'm the bitch? Your the one not doing your damn job!!" You yell loudly at your partner in science.

"I am doing my job! Watching you doing your job! I'm the supervisor!" Your worst enemy, (Enemy Name) happened to be picked to be your lab partner for school.

You absolutely hated her.

Right about now, you two are fighting over which one is doing the worst job. Your project is to make a scale model of an ecosystem that contains wetlands. (Couldn't think of anything) (Enemy Name) isn't doing her job and your pretty pissed about it.

"Girls! Settle down and get to work!" Your teacher yells across the class to your table.

"This isn't over." (Enemy Name) mumbled, walking to her desk.

You groan and sit in your seat, waiting for the class to end so you could leave.

~Time Skip Mah Brahs~

You were startled when the bell rang for the end of the day. You sighed and cleaned up your desk, starting out the classroom door.

You walked down the hall to your locker and stuffed your books in, grabbing your (F/C) jacket and phone. Suddenly, when you were about to close your locker, someone slammed it on your fingers.

You groaned and turned to see (Enemy Name) smirking. She crossed her arms and made a fake pouty face.

"Aww.. Is someone hurt?" She snickered, pushing you to the ground.

No WAY you were missing out on fighting her.

You quickly got back on your feet and charged at her, tackling her to the ground. You slammed your fist into her face multiple times till she kicked you off.

You noticed a lot of kids recording the dilemma, while some tried to break it up.

At this point you didn't care.

That is until you saw Dipper and Mabel emerge from the crowd.

While you were distracted, (Enemy Name) tackled you and twisted your arm behind your head. You groaned in pain while she slammed her body weight down on to it, a loud cracking noise sounding from your bones.

You screamed in pain, Mabel yanking (Enemy Name) off your back. You felt hot tears slide down your face as you stared at your bloody elbow.

"Cmon, let's get you to the nurse." Dipper mumbled, picking you up bridal style and running down the hall.

~Time Skip~
-Update: You were driven to the ER in an ambulance because of severe damage to your elbow. It was cracked completely in half and need to be stitched back together. Dipper rode with you the whole way, giving you assuring words and holding your small hands in his.

"NEVER. Do that again." Dipper laughed silently, squeezing your hand in his.

"No promises." You smiled while Mabel signed your (F/C) cast.

"Please?" Dipper got close to your face making you blush.

"Fine.." You roll your eyes and groan.

I intended for it to be short!

Words: 495

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