Depressed!Dipper X Depressed!Reader

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I was scrolling through google images and found this adorable gif so I wanted to tie it in with this one shot.

Btw, if your having trouble with depression or your feeling upset. I know how you feel, and you WILL get through it. I did. Just add a smile a day and it will keep the bad feelings away.

Ps, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. Don't be shy. :]


"Hey... Dipper?..." You whisper knocking on the door of the twins' room.

Your friend Dipper Pines had a rough day at school today. Some horrible jerks we're bringing up some incidents about how he tried to kill himself last month.


He was doing so well with his depression so far until those assholes had to come and screw it up!

"DipStick...?" You mumbled again, resting your head against the door. "It's me... (Y/N)..."

You brought up in your head how the incident went down.


"Aw! Is Little Dipper gonna cry?" The captain of the football team mocked.

Dipper grumbled and rolled his eyes, ignoring the jocks behind him.

"Cmon, take a joke man!" He was suddenly pushed against the lockers by one of the players.

"Shut up, man. Just leave me alone." Dipper groaned trying to push him off.

The jocks chuckled and surrounded him, throwing insults and rude names.

"Suicidal ass!"

"Depressed fucker!"

"If your really that upset, just end it!"

Dipper felt tears sting his eyes but he held them in. He stared at the ground, people starting to crowd around.

You were in a classroom talking to your best friend, Mabel Pines. You suddenly heard a bunch of yelling then a crowd formed down the hall. The two of you walked down there and pushed through the small crowd, gasping at the four jocks picking on Dipper.

And one was your ex.

"Hey! Quit it!" You yelled pushing past them and walking to Dipper.

Mabel looked at you as if you were some hero.

"Aw, look at this. Dipper's little friend is gonna save him. Heh heh.. How are you baby?" Your ex, (Ex Name), came up and pinned you to the lockers.

"I ain't your baby! Fuck off!" You yelled pushing I'm away.

"Heh heh. Hey guys, Dipper's got another girlfriend to protect him. How sweet!" (Ex's Name) chuckled softly.

Dipper grumbled and pushed through the crowd, running down the hall and out of the school.

"Hey pretty boy! Get back here!" The jocks chased after him.

~Back To You~

You followed the jocks until they lost Dipper. You immediately ran to the shack expecting Dip to be in his room.

And lucky enough he was.

"Dip... I'm sorry.." You whispered turning and leaning on he door.

You covered your face and slid down the door, sitting with your knees in your chest.

You somewhat feel guilty about all of this. If you would've minded your own business Dipper wouldn't be feeling this bad.

You sighed and hugged her knees, stuffing your face in your arms.

Your aren't EXACTLY Dipper's girlfriend. It's complicated.

You two exchanged your feelings and both found out you love each other...

But your parents won't allow you to date a 'Suicidal', as they called it.


It made you and him really upset..

But you two didn't give up. You kept fighting to be together! But.. It didn't work..

You hadn't noticed that you were tearing up. You tried to keep the tears in but they slowly fell down your cheeks.

But that was a year ago.

In all complete honesty, You and Dipper started to eventually drift away from one another. Your parents forbid you to hag around him and forced you to date (Ex's Name). You then became depressed.

You felt like your heart was loosing a piece of itself everyday! You felt..


You told yourself that you were worthless and no one wanted to date you. Dipper started to ignore you after a while making you feel even worse.

You felt like nothing.

Absolutely nothing..

You were crying by now. You were sniffling and sobbing into your arms, trying to make the pain in your heart leave. The last time you cried.. It's been so long..

That's what happens when you push away our feelings.

You felt the door behind you open, two arms wrapping around you. But it wasn't Dipper. It was Mabel...

You cried into her shoulder, trying to stop. But you couldn't..

You just couldn't!

You pulled away and stood up, looking into Dipper's room. He was laying face down on his bed, his arm over his face.

You took in a big breath, Mabel helping you stand.

You slowly walked into the twins' room, walking to the side of his bed. He slowly lifted his head and nodded, making you tear up again.

You crawling on the bed, lifting his arm and curling close to him. He hugged you tightly, shushing you as you cried.

If it weren't for that moment, you two wouldn't be the happiest couple in high school

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If it weren't for that moment, you two wouldn't be the happiest couple in high school.

I feel like I rushed that 😕

Words: 855

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