Switching Bodies?

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Hallo! How are you? I'm fine. I hope you fine too because i feel that this book is growing! Yey!!😂😂

I get way too excited about things...

"So... You and Mabel fought for this.. Somewhat junky... Room, and first you won, then Mabel took it, then you gave it to Soos? I'm a little confused..." You mumbled to your boyfriend, Dipper.

"Okay. Let me go into detail. Soos had found this room when he was cleaning, and Grunkle Stan said that whoever 'sucked up' to him the most, would get the room. Well... At first we were technically just fighting for it, but when I was checking out the room one day, blah, blah.. Blah blah blah.." Dipper's voice became muffled by absolutely nothing.

You were just zoning out.

"So now do you get it, (Y/N)?" His voice snapped you from your thoughts.

"Oh. Yea. Yea I do." You mumbled, smiling slightly.

"Alright... I'm going to get some snacks. Brb." Dipper chuckled running out of Soos' break room.

You looked around the weird looking place, noticing a bunch of odd things. But! What caught your eye was a blue rug rolled up in the opened closet.

You walked to the rug and ran your fingers across the soft threaded piece of fabric. You felt a slight shock when you touched it though.

Heh heh.. That kinda tickled.. You though to yourself.

You kept rubbing your hand across the rug, laughing each time it gave you a bolt of energy.

Hmm.. Maybe I could shock Dipper? You thought of a devilish idea.

"Alright, (Y/N). I'm back. I got popcorn, soda, and candy!" He laughed, setting the snacks on the floor in front of the tv.

"Oh cool. Can you come here for a sec, Dip?" You smiled innocently, scared if you walked the electric shock would leave your hands.

"Yea, what's up?" Dipper asked, raising a brow and now standing next to you.

"Shock attack!" You giggled touching him on the cheek with your finger.

A bright light consumed you both, screams escaping your mouth. When you were able to see again, you thought you were looking in a mirror.

The hell was that..?

"Uh... (Y/N)?... Why did you shock me, and WHERE DID YOU GET THE ENERGY?" Your body had Dipper's voice coming out of its mouth.

"Uh. Cause it was funny, and I got it from the rug." You turn and point to it, your eyes meeting a mirror.

You freeze.

Dipper is in the mirror, you behind him. You move your hands and arms your eyes widening.


"Uh.. That's the thing. This rug is a science experiment. It switches bodies with whomever may touch it. I thought I told you about it earlier!" Dipper er.. You? Dipper?? Ugh! Your body flailed it's arms around.

"Um. Funny story there. I might've zoned out..?" You laughed slightly, turning towards him.

"Oh my god. Okay. Okay. It's fine.. Except... It's going to take a minute for a big enough electric charge to shock both of us, so we can switch back. In the mean time..." He looked down at himself, a smirk slowly spreading on his face. "I'll be right back!"

When he turned and ran out of the room, you finally noticed how (Short/Tall) you were.

After minutes of Dipper not coming back, you decided to search for him. You walked into his and Mabel's room only to find him looking at himself NAKED?!

"DIPPER!" You scream your eyes wide.

"What? I have a right to look at my girlfriend boobs, right?" He jiggled your jugs around. (I am so sorry right now...😂)

"NO! I MEAN... EH! I-I don't know but just put them away! Please!" You groan shutting the door behind you.

"Aww... Don't be such a party pooper, baby.." He smirked grabbing your bra from his bed.

Before he clipped the back on, Mabel opened the door her eyes growing wide.

"Uhh..! It's not what it looks like!" I raised my hands in defense.

She slowly pulled out a camera, grinning ear to ear. She snapped a quick photo and giggled.

"SCRAPBOOKORTUNITY!!" She screamed running out of the room laughing.


You and Dipper chase after Mabel for hours until she finally got away with the photo.

You and Dipper eventually changed yourselves back to normal, Dipper having a devilish smirk as he watched you walk off. (Bubbles: Dipper.. What are you thinking? >• ~ >• Dipper: "IM THINKING IM GONNA EAT SOME BOOTY TONIGHT!")

(I'm not actually going to do a lemon in this one but comment if you want one.)


You laid in Dipper's bed, playing on your phone till you felt a hard smack on your ass.

"DIPPER!" You turn, your face a bright red.

"That took a lot of courage for me to do... But it felt good." He chuckled jumping over you and resting on his bed.

You stared at the ceiling your cheeks painted in red. You covered your face with your hands and groaned softly.

"Aw. Don't be like that. I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Dipper whispered wrapping an arm over your waste.

"Yah. Don't be like that. Show me your red face so I can get a good photo!" You heard Mabel from the other side of the room.

"Ugh. Go to sleep, Mabel." You mumbled turning out the bed side lamp.

You heard her laugh then a soft snoring. Damn she's got some lungs.

When you were half way asleep you felt a tug on your waste.

"Your boobs are nice, by the way." You heard Dipper chuckle.

Your whole face turned tomato red. He was still chuckling so you slammed a pillow on to his face.

"Good night, Dip stick." You laid on top of the pillow, technically on his chest now.

"Heh.. Night, (Cute Nick Name)." His voice was muffled but you could still hear him chuckle.

Good night..

Yea! That was a long one! Hope you liked! And like I said if you want a lemon in the future, comment!! Anyways! I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Buh bye!

Words: 1040

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